[Added 10-11-1971]
The Business C Parking District shall be that area in the Village located east of Lakeville Road, west of the Village boundary, north of Cumberland Avenue and south of the Business C District, as presently existing.
The only use which shall be permitted in the Business C Parking District shall be for off-street parking for a building or buildings located on adjacent property in the Business C District. For purposes of area coverage, setback, screening and landscaping requirements of Article X, property in the Business C Parking District and property in the Business C District to which it is adjacent shall be considered a single lot in the Business C District.
Off-street parking facilities provided in the Business C Parking District shall conform to the standards and requirements of Article XXI, Off-Street Parking, except as follows:
No parking structure other than a below ground parking structure, as defined in § 105-212, shall be permitted.
Landscape screening 20 feet in depth shall be required wherever a parking area abuts property or a street with abutting property opposite or is within 100 feet of property, which property is in a district zoned for residential use, either within or without the Village. The requirements of Article XXI and Article X, where applicable, shall also apply in respect to screening and landscaping.
No outdoor on-ground parking shall be permitted within 40 feet from Lakeville Road.
No vehicular access or egress shall be permitted from or to Cumberland Avenue.