No person being the owner or occupant of any land or premises within the Town shall use or permit the use of such premises for the parking, storage or other location of a manufactured home unless such mobile home shall conform to all of the requirements of this chapter. However, nothing in this chapter shall prevent a gratuitous guest from parking a mobile home upon any land or premises owned by the host of such gratuitous guest for a period of not to exceed 30 days in any one calendar year, provided that such mobile home is registered from an address outside of the Town of Manchester, sanitary conditions are maintained and no direct or indirect charge is paid.
No person being the owner or occupant of any land or premises within the Town shall use or permit the use of such premises for a campground except for casual and temporary use by a gratuitous guest for a period of not to exceed 30 days in any one calendar year, provided that sanitary conditions are maintained and no direct or indirect charge is paid.
No person being the owner or occupant of any land or premises within the Town shall use or permit the use of said land or premises as a manufactured home park or campground without obtaining a license therefor as hereinafter provided.
The Town Clerk, upon written application and upon the receipt of the license fee therefor, may, with the written approval of the Health Officer and the Zoning Officer, issue a license, to become effective from the date thereof and to continue in force for the term specified therein but in no event longer than through the 31st day of December next succeeding, for the use of premises therein specified as a manufactured home. Such license shall not be transferable or assignable.
Application for license.
Application for license for each manufactured home park or campground shall be in writing, signed and attested to by the applicant, who shall be the owner, agent or authorized officer of the firm or corporation entitled to occupation of the premises, stating:
Full name and address of each partner, if the applicant is a partnership; the name and address of each officer and director, if the applicant is a corporation.
Full name and address of the owner of the premises, and if under lease or other nonowner use, the name and address of the occupant and the terms and periods of occupation.
A complete description of the premises upon which the proposed park or campground is to be located.
The number of manufactured home lots or campsites to be provided by the proposed manufactured home park or campground.
A complete plan to scale showing the layout of the park or campground; the location, size and arrangement of each manufactured home lot or camping site; location and number of community buildings and structures, with a detailed description of the facilities contained therein and the use for which each is intended; location of water service and garbage receptacles.
The water facilities and sanitary disposal plant as approved by the New York State Department of Health and/or Department of Environmental Conservation, if required for such proposed development.
Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of $25, which fee shall be retained by the Town to cover the investigation regardless of what disposition is made of the application. Such application fee shall also apply on any application for additional mobile home lots or campsites to a licensed park or campground during the license term.
Filing of application. Each application shall be filed in triplicate with the Town Clerk, who shall thereupon transmit one copy to the Town Health Officer and one copy to the Zoning Officer. The Health Officer and the Zoning Officer, after investigation, shall transmit their copy of the application to the Town Board, together with their written approval, recommendations or disapproval. All applications shall then be approved or rejected by the Town Board, and if approved, one copy of the approved application shall be filed with the Town Clerk, one with the Health Officer and one with the Zoning Officer. The Town Clerk shall then notify the applicant in writing of the action of the Town Board. If said application is rejected, the applicant shall have the right to appear before the Town Board for a hearing.
Issuance of license. The Town Clerk, upon written application and upon approval of such application as hereinbefore provided and upon the receipt of the fee as hereinafter provided, shall issue a license, to become effective from the date thereof and to continue in force through the 31st day of December next succeeding, for the use of the premises therein specified as a manufactured home park or campground. The said license shall specify the number of manufactured home lots or campsites which may be used in said park or campground. Such license may not be transferable or assignable.
Fees. The applicant for a manufactured home park or campground license shall, at the time of issuance of any such license, pay to the Town Clerk a license fee, which shall be established by the Town Board pursuant to Chapter 175, Fees, Article I, Establishment of Fees, for each manufactured home lot or campsite on the approved application plan.
Application for renewal of a manufactured home park or campground license must be filed with the Town Clerk on or before the first day of December next preceding the expiration of said license. The application for renewal shall be in writing, signed and attested by the applicant, and it shall contain the same information as required by § 217-64A of this chapter, except that such renewal application need not be accompanied by the items required by § 217-64A(1)(c), (d), (e) and (f) unless the stated facts of the manufactured home park or campground with which such items are concerned are altered or proposed to be changed from the stated facts existing under the then-current license.
Upon the approval of said application for the renewal of license by the Town Health Officer and the Zoning Officer, the Town Clerk shall issue a renewal license, to become effective upon the expiration of the current license and to continue in force for a period of one year upon payment of the license fee as provided by § 217-64D of this chapter. The application fee as provided in § 217-624(2) of this chapter shall be required for a renewal license, and such renewal license shall not be transferred or assigned.
The owner or operator of each manufactured home park or campground shall keep a permanent record in writing of all manufactured home or campground occupants using the facilities of such manufactured home park or campground, which record shall include the following with reference to each such manufactured home or campsite:
Name and address of each occupant.
Date of arrival.
Name of owner of manufactured home, recreational vehicle or tent.
Make of manufactured home or recreational vehicle.
State in which manufactured home or recreational vehicle is registered.
Registration number of manufactured home or recreational vehicle.
Year of issuance of registration of manufactured home or recreational vehicle, and, in addition, for each such manufactured home or recreational vehicle being propelled by another vehicle to which it may be attached, the following:
Name of owner of vehicle.
State in which vehicle is registered.
Registration number of vehicle.
Year of issuance of registration.
Make of vehicle.
All manufactured home parks and campgrounds shall comply with all other provisions of the Town of Manchester Municipal Code, the State Sanitary Code and all other applicable provisions of law.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions relating to application fee and license fee, any person making application for a license to operate a manufactured home park or campground subsequent to the first half of any year shall be required to pay at a rate of 1/2 of those fees heretofore set forth.