The Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Zoning Officer of the Town of Manchester shall enforce all the provisions of this chapter. In addition to the specific duties authorized by § 217-32, Inspection and enforcement; right of entry, of this chapter, such enforcement officers shall have the right to enter upon such manufactured home parks, other premises used for parking or location of a manufactured home or campgrounds at all reasonable times and the right to inspect all records required under the provisions of this chapter. The Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Zoning Officer may also use the assistance of the Health Officer or any other appropriate agent or authority to assist him in enforcing this chapter.
If the Zoning Officer finds that any manufactured home park or campground is not being maintained in a clean and sanitary condition or is not being operated or maintained in accordance with this chapter, such facts shall thereupon be reported to the Town Board in writing and the Town Board may direct the Zoning Officer to serve or cause to be served an order in writing upon the holder of the license or the person in charge of said manufactured home park or campground, directing that the conditions therein specified be remedied within five days, the Town Board may cause a notice to be served in writing upon the holder of said license to appear before the Town Board at a time to be specified in such notice and to show cause why such manufactured home park or campground license should not be revoked. The Town Board may, after a hearing at which testimony of witnesses may be taken and the holder of the license shall be given an opportunity to be heard, revoke such license if the Town Board shall find that the manufactured home park or campground is not being maintained in a clean and sanitary condition or if it finds that any provision of this chapter has been violated. Upon revocation of such license, the premises shall forthwith cease to be used for the purpose of a manufactured home park or campground and all manufactured homes, tents or recreational vehicles shall be removed forthwith therefrom. At any such hearing, the holder of the license may be represented by counsel.
In case of emergency which is dangerous to or threatens the health or safety of any of the occupants of the manufactured park or campground or of the public, the Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Zoning Officer may suspend the license until a hearing can be had before the Town Board as hereinabove provided and the use of such manufactured home park or campground shall cease until otherwise ordered by the Town Board.
If no other penalty for violation of any part of this chapter or orders issued in compliance with this chapter is provided otherwise by law, a person violating such part of this chapter or such orders shall be punishable by a fine of $250 or imprisonment not to exceed 15 days, or both, and each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate violation, carrying with it a fine of $50 for each additional day the violation continues.