Number of copies. At least two copies of the sketch plan shall be delivered to the Planning Board.
Details required.
The sketch shall be at a convenient scale of no more than 100 feet to the inch and shall be submitted on uniform size sheets not larger than 36 inches by 48 inches and shall contain the date of preparation, approximate true North point, title "Sketch Plan" and the graphic scale. Where more than one sheet is required a scaled map showing the entire subdivision on one sheet shall be prepared.
The name and address of the owner or owners of the land to be subdivided, the name and address of the subdivider if other than the owner, the proposed name of the subdivision, the Town of Shandaken and Ulster County.
A map of the location of the tract with respect to surrounding properties and community facilities such as roads, parks and schools. Such map shall be at a scale of either 2,000 or 800 feet to the inch and shall identify all property in the vicinity of the subdivision held by the subdivider.
All existing restrictions on the use of land, including easements, covenants, zoning lines or street lines.
A sketch plan on a topographic survey of the proposed area to be subdivided and of all contiguous property owned or optioned by the subdivider, showing in simple form the proposed layout of roads, lots and other features.
Number of copies. At least three copies shall be delivered to the Planning Board.
Details required. The preliminary plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information, except where requirements have been waived through sketch plan review:
All data required in § 105-22B, except it shall be clearly labeled "Preliminary Plat."
The location, bearings and distances of the tract's boundaries, prepared by a licensed surveyor, including seal and number.
If topographic conditions are significant, as determined by the Planning Board, contours shall be indicated at intervals of five feet or as required by the Planning Board.
The names of all adjoining property owners of record and the names of adjacent developments.
The location and dimensions of all public properties, street lines, easements, zoning boundaries or restrictions on the property.
Location of existing and proposed sewers, water mains, leaching fields, culverts and storm drains, including pipe size and type, grades, direction of flow and ownership.
The location, width and approximate grade of all proposed streets, with the approximate elevations shown at the beginning and end of each street, at street intersections and all points where there is a decided change in slope or direction.
The area of the land included in the subdivision and the approximate location, dimensions and area of all proposed or existing lots and land to be set aside for recreation and public purposes. The suggested location of buildings on lots will also be shown. All lots shall be numbered.
Proposed provision of water supply, fire protection, sanitary waste disposal, stormwater drainage, street trees, streetlighting, fixtures, signs, sidewalks and easements.
The location of all existing structures such as buildings and the stone walls and all pertinent natural features that may influence the design of the subdivision, such as watercourses, swamps, rock outcropping, wooded areas and single large trees eight or more inches in diameter as measured three feet above the base of the trunk, within the subdivision and within 50 feet thereof. Where large trees occur in groupings or clusters, only the general outlines of said groups need be shown.
The location, dimensions and status of all covenants, deed restrictions or easements proposed by the applicant.
Soil characteristics as determined by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, through the Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District where available.
Other data which may influence the design of the proposed subdivision and the health, safety and welfare of future residents.
General specifications. All subdivision plats shall be clearly drawn on a transparent stable material such as Mylar or Chronoflex, suitable for reproduction using black waterproof ink. Such plat shall be at a convenient scale of no more than 100 feet to the inch and shall be submitted on uniform sheets not larger than thirty-six by forty-eight (36 x 48) inches. Where more than one sheet is required, a scale map showing the entire subdivision on one sheet shall be submitted.
Copies required. The subdivider shall submit to the Planning Board one transparency as required in Subsection A, which will be filed with the County Clerk, one transparent sepia-type copy for the records of the Planning Board and three prints.
Application fee. An application fee of $10 per lot shall be paid.
Details required. The subdivision plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information except where requirements have been waived by the Planning Board:
Name of the subdivision; name, address and signature of the owner, subdivider; seal and number of the licensed professional engineer or land surveyor who prepared the plat; the Town of Shandaken and Ulster County.
A map of the location of the tract with respect to surrounding properties and community facilities such as roads, parks and schools, at a scale of either 800 or 2,000 feet to the inch.
Date of preparation, graphic scale, approximate true North point, bearings and distances of tract's boundaries.
To the extent possible, the current names of all adjoining property owners of record shall be indicated on the plat. Stamped envelopes, addressed to each of the owners of record of property abutting or across the street from the tract, shall be submitted to the Planning Board.
The location and dimensions of all public properties, streets, easements, building lines or restrictions on the tract.
The location of existing and proposed sewers, water mains, culverts and storm drains, including pipe size and type, grades, direction of flow, ownership.
The location, width, grade and names of all proposed streets, with elevations shown at the beginning and the end of each street, at street intersections and at all points where there is a decided change in slope or direction shown on the plat.
Statement from subdivider's engineer giving estimated cost of construction of roads and other improvements to meet the requirements of these regulations, together with quantities and unit costs used in making the estimate.
Radii of all curves and lengths of arcs.
Profiles showing existing and proposed elevations along the center lines of all streets. Where a proposed street intersects an existing street or streets, the elevation along the center line of the existing street or streets within 100 feet of the intersection shall be shown.
The Planning Board may require a cross section where steep slopes exist, showing present elevations of all proposed streets every 100 feet at five points on a line at right angles to the center line of the street, and said elevation points shall be at the center line of the street, each property line and points 30 feet inside each property line.
Plans and profiles showing the location and a typical cross section of street pavements, including curbs and gutters, sidewalks, manholes and catch basins; the location of street trees, streetlighting standards and street signs; the location, size and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, stormwater drains and fire hydrants; and the exact location and size of all water, gas or other underground utilities or structures.
The area of the land included in the subdivision and the location, dimensions and area (in square feet) of all existing or proposed lots and land to be set aside for recreation or public purposes. All lots shall be numbered for identification.
The location of all existing water bodies, swamps or streams that will be retained or relocated or intended to be developed. Existing buildings which shall be retained or removed shall be so identified.
Sufficient data, acceptable to the Town Engineer, to readily determine the location, bearing and length of all lines and to reproduce such lines on the ground.
The location of all existing and proposed monuments and markers.
Offers of cession, in a form satisfactory to the Town Board, of all land offered or to be offered for dedication for streets, highways, easements, parks or other public facilities.
Proposed covenants, deed restrictions, easements proposed by the applicant.
The following notations shall be shown on the plat:
Endorsement by the Ulster County Health Department and any stipulations of that Department (only tentative written endorsement is necessary before the public hearing, but final endorsement on the plat is needed before filing with the County Clerk).
Explanation of drainage easements as follows: "The drainage easements (or the drainage discharge points) shown hereon establish the perpetual right to discharge stormwater runoff from the highway and from the surrounding area onto and over the affected premises by means of pipes, culverts or ditches, or a combination thereof, together with the right of the holder of fee title to the highway, or his authorized representatives, to enter said premises for purposes of making such installations and doing such maintenance work as said holder of fee title may deem necessary to adequately drain the highway and surrounding area."
Explanation of sight easements as follows: "The sight easements shown hereon establish the perpetual right of the holder of fee title of the highway, or his authorized representatives, to clear, regrade and maintain the area within these easements at such elevation that there is a clear line of sight anywhere across the area between an observer's eye at an elevation of 3.5 feet above the surface at the nearest edge of the road and an object one foot above the nearest edge of pavement on the intersecting road."
Explanation of reservations as follows: "Reserved for highway purposes (or recreation purposes, or other approved purpose)."
Explanation of slope easements as follows: "The slope easements shown hereon convey to the (insert here 'Town of Shandaken' or 'holder of fee title of the highway' or other phrase as directed by the Planning Board) the right to enter said premises for the purpose of cutting and maintaining a stable earth slope."
Endorsement of owner as follows: "I hereby grant my approval to this plat and consent to the filing of it in the office of the County Clerk."