The drainage plan shall consist of two parts, a plan showing the stormwater facilities construction and a design narrative including the design calculations.
The drainage plan submission shall contain the following:
Plans shall be submitted on sheet sizes of 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches, blueprints or black line prints or photo copies. Reproducible Mylars may be submitted for Township approval and signature upon final plan approval.
Project name, sheet titles and drawing numbers and index.
Names and addresses of landowner, land developer/subdivider, existing topographic surveyor and the plan designer.
Names of landowners adjacent to the property.
Plan date and date of the latest plan revision.
Certificate signature blocks for:
The Township Engineer; and
A certification of design signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer, a registered landscape architect or a registered professional land surveyor. The certification shall state:
"I, _________________________, a registered professional engineer/landscape architect/professional land surveyor, hereby certify that the drainage plan meets all the requirements of the Greene Township Stormwater Management Ordinance."
Developer and landowner.
Project location map at a minimum of one inch equals 2,000 feet showing the project site property line, limits of development, streets, street names and bodies of water within 1,000 feet of the project boundary and the downstream drainage path from the proposed site to the nearest stream or the Greene Township boundary (whichever occurs first).
North arrow, graphic scale and written scale. Plans shall be to a scale of one inch equal to 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 feet. General site layout plans which will not be used for construction detail may be at one inch equal to 100 feet.
The total tract boundary and size with distances marked to the nearest foot and bearings to the nearest degree.
Other physical features including flood hazard boundaries, sinkholes, streams, existing drainage courses, areas of natural vegetation to be preserved, and the total extent of the upstream area draining through the site.
The locations of all existing and proposed utilities, sanitary sewers, and waterlines within 50 feet of property lines.
Proposed changes to the land surface and vegetative cover, including the type and amount of impervious area that would be added.
Proposed structures, roads, paved areas, and buildings.
Clearly show existing and proposed drainage patterns, overland drainage paths, outlines of existing and proposed drainage areas and subareas and the paths for calculating the times of concentration (as an alternative, information regarding existing and proposed drainage areas, subareas and paths may be included in the design narrative), existing and proposed elevation contours at intervals of at least one foot for plans at scale of one inch equal to 10 or 20 feet, at least two feet for all other scales. Where land is sloped more than 15%, contour intervals may be every five feet. Show spot elevations at high points and low points and critical areas which cannot be interpolated between contours. Indicate the location and elevation of the benchmark. Provide the date the existing topography was surveyed and the method of survey (aerial or field).
Existing and proposed land use(s).
A key map showing all existing man-made features beyond the property boundary that would be affected by the project.
Horizontal and vertical profiles of all open channels, including hydraulic capacity.
A fifteen-foot-wide access easement around all stormwater management facilities that would provide ingress to and egress from a public right-of-way.
A note on the plan indicating the location and responsibility for maintenance of stormwater management facilities that would be located off site. All off-site facilities shall meet the performance standards and design criteria specified in this chapter.
A construction detail of any improvements made to sinkholes and the location of all notes to be posted, as specified in this chapter.
A statement, signed by the landowner, acknowledging the stormwater management system to be a permanent fixture that can be altered or removed only after approval of a revised plan by the Greene Township Board of Supervisors.
Provide an outline of soil type limits and list soil types as shown in the Soil Survey of Franklin County. Provide a table listing the soil map symbol and soil name abbreviations for applicable on-site soil types.
Existing features and proposed improvements, existing and final land covers, existing and proposed storm drainage facilities. Provide a drawing legend of the unidentified or undesignated existing and proposed features.
Profiles of stormwater piping systems using a horizontal scale the same scale as the plan and a vertical scale 1/10th of the horizontal scale. Identify pipe sizes, types, lengths, slopes and inverts. Identify pertinent elevations for inlets, manholes and all other profiled facilities.
Construction details, sections and specifications of facilities with sufficient information and dimensions for construction interpretation which will provide the constructor with sufficient information to meet the requirements of this chapter. Provide a note which states the materials and details specified shall not be altered during construction without written approval by the Township Board of Supervisors.
When groundwater recharge methods such as seepage pits, beds or trenches are used, the locations of existing and proposed septic tank infiltration areas and wells must be shown.
All stormwater management facilities must be located on a plan and described in detail.
Describe maintenance responsibilities and the responsible party(ies). Provide a note prohibiting drainage easement areas from being obstructed with trees, shrubbery and structures. Provide a plan note allowing Township officials access to easement areas for inspection or correction of stormwater facilities.
Existing and proposed one-hundred-year stormwater elevation and finished floor elevations for lots adjacent to the one-hundred-year stormwater elevation in areas with streams, intermittent channels, water impounding areas and low or slow drainage areas. Show FEMA information where applicable.
The location of all erosion and sedimentation control facilities required by PaDEP Chapter 102.
Limits of construction phases and a narrative describing the construction sequence.
An introductory section describing the existing site and drainage area features, the existing points of discharge from the site, proposed site improvements, description of major drainage improvements and how they impact downstream areas. Identify and describe any unusual existing conditions at the site that affect the existing stormwater drainage. Provide a statement with the name of the individual who visited the site and the date or dates of the site visit of both on-site and downstream facilities.
A summary table listing existing and proposed discharge points' identification, acreage, storm event frequency and runoff flows/discharges.
Drainage area maps with outlines of existing and proposed drainage areas and subareas and the paths for calculating the times of concentration (alternate is to show this information on the plan). Off-site drainage areas may be shown on USGS maps at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet or less.
Existing and proposed stormwater detailed calculations of runoff, facility designs and erosion and sedimentation control designs meeting the requirements of § 80-14. All calculations, assumptions and criteria used in the design of stormwater management facilities must be provided.
Areas which are subject to flooding shall have a floodplain study provided in the narrative which meets the requirements of § 80-29 of this chapter and the floodplain management regulations of Chapter 85, Subdivision and Land Development.
The design narrative shall be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer, a registered landscape architect or a registered professional land surveyor.
A written description containing the following information shall be included:
The overall stormwater management concept for the project.
Stormwater runoff computations as specified in this chapter.
Stormwater management techniques to be applied both during and after development.
Expected project time schedule.
A geologic assessment of the effects of runoff on sinkholes as specified in this chapter.
The effect of the project (in terms of runoff volumes and peak flows) on adjacent properties and on any existing municipal stormwater collection system that may receive runoff from the project site.
A declaration of adequacy and highway occupancy permit from the PennDOT District Office when utilization of a PennDOT storm drainage system is proposed.