The SWM site plan shall consist of a narrative and all applicable calculations, maps, plans and supplemental information necessary to demonstrate compliance with this chapter.
All landowners of land included in the SWM site plan shall be required to execute all applications and final documents.
All SWM site plans and calculations shall be prepared and sealed by a qualified person. All stormwater designs, assumptions, methods and data must be presented in a manner acceptable to the Borough Engineer.
Where the regulated activity constitutes subdivision or land development as hereinabove defined, the SWM site plan shall be submitted with and form an integral part of the plans required under the Chapter 325, Subdivision and Land Development.
All stormwater management materials shall be submitted in a format that is clear, concise, legible, neat and well organized.
All coordinates as depicted on the plan shall be based on the following:
Horizontal datum shall be referenced to the Pennsylvania South Zone State Plane Coordinate System (NAD83).
Vertical datum shall be referenced to NAVD 88.
The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn.
If the plan is prepared in two or more drawing sheets, a key map showing the location of the sheets and a match line shall be placed on each sheet.
Each sheet shall be numbered to show the relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan (e.g., Sheet 1 of 5).
Drawings or maps of the project area shall be drawn at one inch equals 50 feet or larger scale (i.e, one inch equals 40 feet, one inch equals 30 feet, etc.) and shall be submitted on twenty-four-inch-by-thirty-six-inch sheets. The drainage area maps can be submitted at any scale, provided the maps are legible.
SWM site plans shall be prepared in a form that meets the requirements for recording for the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lancaster County.
The total development site boundary and size with distances marked to the nearest foot and bearings to the nearest degree shall be clearly indicated on the plan.
The following items shall be included in the SWM site plan:
The date of the SWM site plan and latest revision, graphic scale, written scale and North arrow.
The name of the development, the name and address of the owner of the property, and the name of the individual or firm preparing the plan.
The file or project number assigned by the firm that prepared the plan.
Certificate for approval by the Borough Council or designee. See Appendix A, Certificate for Approval By Borough Council or designee.[1]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Certificate, signature and seal of a qualified professional preparing the stormwater management site plan. See Appendix A, Storm Water Management Designer Certification.[2]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The following signature block for the landowner, acknowledging that the SWM facilities are fixtures that cannot be altered or removed without prior approval by the Borough. "I _____, hereby represent that no person shall modify, remove, fill, landscape, or alter any stormwater management BMPs, facilities, areas, or structures without the written approval of Borough Council."
A note on the plan referencing a recorded stormwater operation and maintenance (O&M) agreement that indicates the location and responsibility for maintenance of the on-site and off-site facilities.
A note informing the owner that the Borough shall have the right of entry for the purposes of inspecting all stormwater conveyance, treatment, or storage facilities.
A location map, drawn to a scale of a minimum of one inch equals 2,000 feet, relating the plan to municipal boundaries, at least two intersections of road center line or other identifiable landmarks.
Existing features. The following features shall be shown on all stormwater management site plans and shall be shown on a separate sheet titled "Existing Conditions." No proposed features shall be included on this sheet.
In areas of disturbance, contours at intervals of one or two feet. In areas of steep slopes (greater than 15%) and areas undisturbed, five-foot contour intervals may be used.
The locations of all existing utilities (including on-lot disposal systems and wells), sanitary sewers, and waterlines and associated easements.
An overlay showing soil names and boundaries.
Names of all adjacent landowners, property boundaries and locations and dimensions of easements as indicated by a boundary survey.
Physical features including railroads, streets, flood hazard boundaries, wetlands, sinkholes, streams, lakes, ponds and other water bodies, existing drainage courses, karst features, areas of native vegetation including trees greater than six inches diameter at breast height, woodlands, other environmentally sensitive areas and the total extent of the upstream area draining through the development site.
Proposed features.
Changes to the land surface and vegetative cover, including final proposed contours at intervals of one or two feet in areas of disturbance. In areas of steep slopes (greater than 15%) and areas undisturbed, five-foot contour intervals may be used.
Proposed structures, roads, paved areas, buildings and other impervious and semi-impervious areas.
The location of any proposed on-lot disposal systems, replacement drainfield easements, and water supply wells.
A note indicating existing and proposed land use(s).
Plan and profile drawings of all proposed SWM facilities, including BMPs, drainage structures, pipes, open channels, and swales. This information shall be of the quality required for the construction of all facilities.
Where pervious pavement is to be installed, pavement material and construction specifications shall be included.
The location of all existing and proposed easements, including drainage easements, access easements and riparian corridor easements.
A planting plan shall be provided for all vegetated BMPs in accordance with § 315-31L.
The type and location of all E&S control facilities.
SWM facilities located within or affecting the floodplain of any watercourse shall comply with the requirements of the floodplain regulations provided in Chapter 380, Zoning, or any future ordinances regulating construction or development within areas of the Borough subject to flooding.
The minimum floor elevations for all structures that would be affected by a basin, other temporary impoundments, or open conveyance systems where ponding may occur shall be two feet above the one-hundred-year water surface. If basement or underground facilities are proposed, detailed calculations addressing the effects of the stormwater ponding on the structure and waterproofing and/or floodproofing design information shall be provided for review and approval.
No outlet structure from a stormwater management facility, or swale, shall discharge directly onto a Borough or state roadway.
General description of the development site, including a description of existing natural and hydrologic features and any environmentally sensitive areas.
General description of the overall SWM concept for the project, including a description of permanent SWM techniques, nonstructural BMPs to be employed and construction specifications of the materials to be used for structural SWM facilities. The narrative shall include a description of any treatment trains and how the facilities are meant to function with each other to manage stormwater runoff.
A summary narrative stating the effect of the project (in terms of runoff volumes, water quality and peak flows) on adjacent properties and on any existing municipal SWM facilities that may receive runoff from the development site.
Complete hydrologic, hydraulic, and structural computations for all SWM facilities in a format suitable to the Borough Engineer.
Project inspection schedule for all BMPs.
A justification shall be included if BMPs other than green infrastructure methods and LID practices are proposed to achieve the volume, rate, and water quality controls required by this chapter.
[Added 9-27-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
In areas of carbonate geology, a detailed geologic evaluation prepared by a registered professional geologist (PG) or other qualified person must be submitted as part of the SWM site plan. The report shall include, but not be limited to the following:
The location of the following karst features;
Closed depressions.
Lineaments in carbonate areas.
Fracture traces.
Intermittent lakes.
Ephemeral disappearing streams.
Bedrock pinnacles (surface or subsurface).
A plan for remediation of any identified karst features.
Impacts of SWM facilities on adjacent karst features, and impacts of karst features on adjacent SWM facilities.
A NPDES and E&S plan, including all approvals, as required by Chapter 102, shall be provided to the Borough prior to unconditional SWM site plan approval.
For any activities that require a DEP joint permit application and are regulated under Chapter 105 or Chapter 106, or require any other permit under applicable state or federal regulations, the permit(s) shall be part of the SWM site plan and must be obtained prior to unconditional SWM site plan approval.
For any activities that require a Penn DOT Highway Occupancy Permit, the permit(s) shall be part of the SWM site plan and must be obtained prior to unconditional SWM site plan approval. If PennDOT requires that the Borough be the permittee for such drainage facilities, the applicant shall enter into an agreement, in recordable form, assuming all of the obligations which PennDOT may place upon the Borough as permittee, including, but not limited to, long-term maintenance of any such facilities, compliance with all conditions contained in the permit, and indemnification of the Borough for any costs or penalties which PennDOT may seek to impose on the Borough. The Borough shall have no obligation to make any applications to PennDOT.
An operation and maintenance (O&M) plan shall be included that addresses the requirements of § 315-63.
All SWM facilities must be located on a map and described in detail. The content of the map(s) and computations shall include, but not be limited to:
All calculations, assumptions and criteria used for the design of the SWM facilities must be included for both predevelopment and post-development conditions. If multiple facilities are used in conjunction with each other, such as infiltration BMPs with vegetation-based management practices, a summary narrative shall be included which describes the construction sequence and how the facilities are meant to function with each other to manage stormwater runoff.
When groundwater recharge methods such as seepage pits, beds or trenches are used, the locations of existing and proposed septic tank infiltration areas and wells must be shown. A minimum fifty-foot separation from on-lot disposal system (OLDS) infiltration areas is required. Infiltration rates shall be based upon perk and probe tests conducted at the site of the proposed facility.
A description of how each permanent stormwater BMP will be operated and maintained, and the identity of the person(s) responsible for operations and maintenance.