A Police Department is hereby established in the Borough of Palmyra, in the County of Burlington, State of New Jersey. The Council shall establish a Public Safety Committee and the Chairman of this Committee shall be known as the "Director of Public Safety." The members of the Police Department shall receive salaries as may be fixed by the Salary Ordinance of the Borough.[1]
Editor's Note: Said ordinance is on file in the Borough offices. See also Ch. 52, Salaries and Compensation.
Rules and regulations governing the Borough of Palmyra Police Department and dealing with the discipline, training, efficiency, use and care of equipment, personnel policies, ethics, conduct of police officers on duty, public activities, judicial and investigative actions and related matters shall, in the first instance, be prepared by the Chief of Police and reviewed by the Public Safety Committee of Council and then submitted for final approval to the governing body, which final approval shall be by resolution of the governing body. Said rules and regulations may be revoked, modified or amended by resolution of the governing body upon its own initiative without such recommendation. Nothing set forth herein shall be construed to limit the authority of the Chief of Police without approval by the governing body to issue, adopt, revoke and amend orders and procedures for the administration of the Police Department which do not constitute general rules and regulations.
The Police Department shall be under the overall supervision and control of the governing body, which constitute the appropriate authority under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118. The Chief of Police shall be the executive head of the Police Department and shall be responsible for its efficiency and its routine day-to-day operations as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118.
The officers and members of the Police Department shall consist of the following, to be appointed as set forth below by the governing body. Each position of the superior officers need not be filed continuously, and the governing body may decide, at its discretion, to leave vacant certain offices. The rank, from highest of the members of the force, is as follows:
Chief of Police.
Lieutenants of Police.
Sergeants of Police.
Special Patrolmen.
The Chief of Police of the Borough of Palmyra shall be a full-time employee of the Borough. All other officers and members of the Police Department shall be full-time employees as shall be determined by resolution of the governing body. At the discretion of the Public Safety Committee and the governing body there may be special or part-time officers as necessary.
No person shall serve as a full-time or part-time special officer or permanent member of the Police Department unless he has been psychologically evaluated to determine his fitness as a police officer, said psychological evaluation to be performed by personnel approved by the Chief of Police.
The Department members shall receive such salaries and benefits as may from time to time be provided by ordinance.
The governing body may also appoint special policemen, as set forth by statute, such numbers to be fixed by the governing body from time to time.