[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Somers Point: Art I, 7-8-1966 as Ord. No. 20-1966 (Ch. 67, Art. I, of 1967 compilation); Art. II, 5-12-1964 (Ch. 67, Art. II, of 1967 compilation); Art III, 3-13-1969 as Ord. No. 1-1969 (Ch. 67, Art. III, of 1967 compilation); Art. IV, 9-27-1990 as Ord. No. 18-1990. Sections 44-2 and 44-3A amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Civil service classifications — See Ch. 4.
Fire Department — See Ch. 29.
Officers and employees — See Ch. 34.
Personnel policies — See Ch. 38.
Salaries and compensation — See Ch. 55.
Police Department Rules and Regulations — See Ch. A267.