The dimensional requirements for all zoning districts in Tullytown Borough are summarized in the "Table of Dimensional Requirements" of § 185-21 et seq.[1] This summary is a reference for making comparisons between dimensional requirements in the various districts. Covered in this article are general dimensional requirements for special circumstances, applicable in all districts.
Editor's Note: Table 185-21, Dimensional Requirements, is included at the end of this chapter.
The regulations for each district pertaining to maximum overall density, minimum site area, minimum lot area per dwelling unit, minimum lot width, minimum front yard, minimum side yard, minimum rear yard, maximum height, and maximum building coverage shall be as specified in this article unless specifically stated for a particular use under § 185-19, Use regulations. (See Table 185-21 at the end of this chapter.)
Maximum density. The maximum number of dwelling units per acre of land shall not exceed the numbers specified in § 185-21 for the district involved.
Lot area.
Where a minimum lot area is specified, no principal building nor use shall be created or established on any lot of lesser area, except as may be permitted in § 185-21.
The lot area and yards required for any new building or use shall not include any part of a lot that is required by any other building or use to comply with the requirements of this chapter. No required lot area and yard shall include any property if the ownership was transferred subsequent to the effective date of this chapter if such property was a part of the area required for compliance with the dimensional requirements applicable to the lot from which such transfer was made.
Lot coverage shall not exceed the requirements specified in § 185-21 for the district involved.
Minimum lot width. Where a minimum lot width is specified, no principal building shall be erected on any part of a lot which has a width less than specified, except as may be permitted by Subsection D.
Exceptions to minimum lot areas and lot widths.
The provisions of § 185-21 shall not prevent the construction of a single-family dwelling, provided the yard requirements are observed, on any lot which was lawful when created and which prior to the effective date of this chapter was in separate ownership duly recorded by plan or deed.
This exception shall not apply to any two or more contiguous lots in a single ownership as of or subsequent to the effective date of this chapter in any case where a reparceling or replotting could create one or more lots which would conform to the provisions of § 185-21.
Traffic visibility across corner.
In any district, no structure, fence, nor planting shall be maintained between a plane two feet above curb level and a plane seven feet above curb level so as to interfere with traffic visibility across the corner within that part of the required front or side yard and area of the future right-of-way which is within a horizontal clear-sight triangle. The clear-sight triangle is that area bounded by the edges of the cartways and a straight line drawn by transecting points at the future right-of-way on each lot 25 feet from the intersection of the future right-of-way lines and extending the straight line from those points to the edge of the cartways.
At each point where a private accessway intersects a public street or road, a clear-sight triangle shall be maintained, within which vegetation and other visual obstructions shall be limited to a height of not more than two feet above the street grade. The clear-sight triangle for private accessways shall be that area bounded by the edges of the cartway and accessway and a straight line drawn from the points on the edge of the accessway and future right-of-way line measured 10 feet from their intersection and extending the straight line from the future right-of-way to the edge of the cartway.
Front and side yards of corner lots. On a corner lot, the yard facing each street shall equal the required front yard for lots facing that street.
Where a minimum depth of front yard is specified in § 185-21, an open space of at least the specified depth shall be provided between the legal right-of-way, or the future right-of-way, wherever the latter exceeds the legal right-of-way and the nearest point of any building or structure. Only landscaped areas, signs, and necessary drives and walks shall be permitted in the required front yard.
In the R-1 Residential District, open front porches may be constructed in the front yard to a distance no closer than 25 feet from the legal right-of-way line. The open porch will be characterized by a roof with supporting columns with eaves that may overhang the perimeter of the porch as delineated by the columns by no more than 24 inches.
Projections into front yards. Ground story bays and porches other than those regulated by Subsection B not over half the length of the front wall may project into any front yard 3 1/2 feet. Chimneys, flues, columns, sills, and ornamental features may project not more than one foot, and cornices and gutters not more than two feet, over a required front yard.
Fences and terraces in front yards. The maximum permitted height of any fence in a front yard shall be three feet. Terraces, steps, uncovered porches, or other similar features shall be less than three feet high above the floor of the ground story.
Exception to required front yard for certain accessory uses. Subject to § 185-23, the front yard requirements of § 185-21 shall not apply to off-street parking facilities in R-1 and R-2 Districts.
Front yard reduction. Where there is an existing building on each of two lots adjacent on either side to a lot on which a proposed building is to be erected, where both such existing buildings have an alignment nearer to the street than the required front yard depth elsewhere specified in this chapter and when both such existing buildings are within 100 feet of the proposed building, the average of the existing front yard depths of such adjacent lots shall be the minimum required front yard depth of the lot on which the proposed building is to be erected.
Side yard requirements.
Where a minimum width of side yard is specified in § 185-21, no building nor structure shall be erected within the specified distance from either side lot line, except as permitted in Subsection B or as permitted in Subsection A(2) and § 185-26B(1) and (2).
In R-1 residential districts, if the preexisting side yard is less than that specified in § 185-21, the minimum side yard requirement for that property will be reduced to the width of the pre-existing side yard.
Projections into side yards. Bays, balconies, chimneys, flues, and fire escapes may project into a required side yard at least four feet but not more than 1/3 of its width. Ground story bays and porches not over half the length of the side wall may project into any side yard 3 1/2 feet.
Fences and terraces in side yards. Subject to § 185-23, the provisions of § 185-21 shall not apply to fences, hedges, or walls less than seven feet high above the natural grade, nor to terraces, steps, uncovered porches, or other similar features less than three feet high above the floor of the ground story.
Rear yard requirements. No building or structure shall be built within the minimum depth from the rear lot line specified in § 185-21, except as permitted in Subsection B.
Accessory structures or uses within rear yards. The minimum rear yard required by Table 185-21[1] may be occupied by garages, tool sheds, and other permitted accessory buildings, structures, or uses provided that:
In the R-1, R-2, and BC Districts residential garages, greenhouses, bathhouses, and sheds may be located no closer than two feet to a side or rear property line but may not occupy a required front yard. Walls may be located no closer than one foot to any property line. Any other accessory building, structure, or use shall be set back not less than half of the minimum required side yard from a rear or side property line and may not occupy a required front yard.
In the HC, BC, and LI Districts accessory buildings, structures, and uses may be located no closer than one foot to any property line except as follows: Where a nonresidential use abuts a residential use, the setback shall be two feet; where the HC, BC or LI District abuts an R-1, R-2, or BC District, the setback shall be not less than half the minimum required side yard of the abutting district.
Fences in rear yards are permitted as specified in § 185-25C.
Editor's Note: Table 185-21, Dimensional Requirements, is included at the end of this chapter.
Rear yard requirements for triangular lots. In the case of a triangular lot with no rear lot line, the distance between any point on the building and corner of the lot farthest from the front lot line shall be at least twice the minimum depth specified in § 185-21.
Minimum building spacing. The minimum building spacing, as specified in Table 185-19,[1] is the minimum horizontal distance between facing walls of any two buildings on one lot. Facing walls are defined as walls opposite to and parallel with one another or wall lines or extensions of wall lines of opposite walls which intersect at angles of less than 65º.
Editor's Note: Table 185-19, Use Regulations, is included at the end of this chapter.
Maximum height of buildings.
No building shall exceed the maximum height of buildings specified in § 185-21 except as specified in Subsection C.
Height shall be measured from the mean elevation of the proposed finished grade at the front of the building to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck lines of mansard roofs, and to the mean height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs.
No accessory building/structure shall exceed 12 feet in height.
Exceptions to building height. The height limitations specified for each district in this chapter shall not apply to the following: church steeples, belfries, cupolas, monuments, or flagpoles. The maximum height for these structures shall not exceed 50 feet, and the minimum setback from the base of any such structure and any property line shall not be less than 50 feet. The height limitations specified for each district in this chapter shall not apply to commercial communications towers, which shall meet the regulations for this use set forth in Article IV of this chapter.
The building coverage is the percent of the total site area that is covered by the ground floor area of any building or buildings. The impervious surface ratio is a measure of the intensity of use of a piece of land. It is measured by dividing the total area of all impervious (nonabsorbent) surfaces within the site by the base site area.
For any building or group of buildings on a site, neither the building coverage nor the impervious surface ratio shall exceed the maximum amounts specified in Table 185-19.[1]
Editor's Note: Table 185-19, Use Regulations, is included at the end of this chapter.
Open space.
Open space is land that shall be kept open in perpetuity and shall be restricted from future development. Open space is land used for recreation, resource protection, amenity, or buffers; is freely accessible to all residents of the development; and is protected by the provisions of this chapter to ensure that it remains in such uses. Open space does not include land occupied by nonrecreational buildings or structures, roads, or road rights-of-way; nor does it include the yards of lots of single-family or multifamily dwelling units, easements, stormwater detention basins or retention basins or parking areas as required by the provisions of this chapter. Open space for recreational uses may contain impervious surfaces, and such surfaces shall be included in the calculation of the impervious surface ratio.
Where a minimum amount of open space is specified in Table 185-19,[1] no development shall be permitted which provides less open space than that specified.
Editor's Note: Table 185-19, Use Regulations, is included at the end of this chapter.
Such open space shall:
Either be dedicated to the Borough or school district if acceptable to them, or be maintained by a homeowners association.
Include a recreation area comprising at least 20% of the total open space area. The recreational portion shall not include floodplains, wetlands, steep slopes, or any other substantial natural feature, which would restrict proposed recreational activities;
Be so designated on the approved plan, which shall contain the following statement: "Open space land may not be separately sold, nor shall such land be further developed or subdivided."
Open space shall not be used for the sale, and/or storage of motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, machinery and/or the conducting of any business on any Tullytown Borough greenbelt.
GREENBELT — An area of woods, parks or open land that Tullytown Borough owns or leases including Borough right-of-way and that right-of-way along the Levittown Parkway.
MACHINERY — An apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work.
MOTOR VEHICLE — An automobile, motorcycle, truck, bus, or similar motor driven conveyance.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE — A van, utility trailer, boat or trailer used for recreational purposes.