No person shall erect or maintain any trap door or gate in any of the sidewalks within the Village without written permission from the Board of Trustees, and no trap door or gate in any of the sidewalks within the Village shall be kept open at any time except during the receiving and delivery of goods and during such time the same shall be surrounded by sufficient barriers as to secure public safety.
No person shall construct or maintain a gate that shall swing outward over any sidewalk in the Village.
[Amended 8-9-1999 by L.L. No. 11-1999]
Awnings may be constructed in front of any building in the Village to project over the sidewalk not to exceed 10 feet, provided such awnings are supported by a wire framework securely attached to such building in such a manner as to be at all times safe and self-supporting, and provided that every part of such awning shall be at least seven feet from the surface of the sidewalk. Every owner or occupant of any building within the Village shall at all times keep the awnings in front of such building free from snow, ice or other obstructions. No person shall suspend from any awning or over any sidewalk any merchandise or article of any kind. No wooden awnings shall hereafter be constructed within the Village.
The owner or occupant of any premises adjoining any street where a sidewalk has been laid shall maintain and keep the sidewalk on such street in good repair and in a safe condition.
[Added 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
The owner and occupant shall be jointly and severally responsible for compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Said responsibility shall include liability for injuries that result from failure to maintain, repair and keep said sidewalk and/or walkway in a safe condition.
[Added 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Orchard Park, New York, may construct and repair sidewalks upon the streets within the Village wholly at the expense of the Village or of the owners of the adjoining property, or partly at the expense of the Village and partly at the expense of said owners of adjoining land, and may prescribe the manner of doing such work and the kind of materials to be used therein. If a sidewalk is so required to be constructed or repaired wholly at the expense of the owners of the adjoining lands, a notice specifying the place and manner and the time, not less than 24 hours in the case of repairs to existing sidewalks concerning which the Board of Trustees has received notice that the same are unsafe, dangerous or obstructed, or not less than 15 days in the case of construction of new sidewalks or the repair of existing sidewalks concerning which the Board of Trustees has received no notice that the same are unsafe, dangerous or obstructed, within which said sidewalk is required to be constructed or repaired, shall be served upon such owners. If an owner shall not construct or repair the sidewalk as required by the notice, the Board of Trustees may cause the same to be so constructed or repaired and assess the expense of thereof upon the adjoining land with a service charge of 50% thereof to cover supervision and administration. If a sidewalk is to be constructed or repaired at the joint expense of the Village and the owner, the Board of Trustees may cause the same to be constructed or repaired and assess upon the adjoining land the proportion of the expense chargeable against the same. All grading done on sidewalks laid or repaired by the owners of the adjoining land shall be in accordance with the specifications and under the direction and supervision of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may issue bonds of the Village to defray the expense of any such work or improvement. (NOTE: See also § 187-24, Construction specifications.)
[Amended 6-12-2023 by L.L. No. 8-2023]
[Amended 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
Every owner, occupant or person in charge of any building or real property within the Village shall keep the sidewalk contiguous to such building or real property free from grass, weeds, rubbish or other obstructions and shall at all times keep such sidewalk in a clean condition. If any person shall neglect or refuse to comply with the requirements of this section, the Board of Trustees shall cause all necessary work to be done at the expense of the person in default, and, if payment is not made by such person or persons, the same shall be assessed against the land upon the next tax roll of the Village. The owner and occupant shall be jointly and severally responsible for compliance with the provisions of this chapter as to cleaning sidewalks. Said responsibility shall include liability for injuries that result from failure to clean sidewalks.
Owner or occupant to remove. It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant of any premises fronting on any public street or alley to remove all snow and ice before 8:30 a.m. following the time of the deposit.
Immediate removal impractical. In case it is impractical to remove such snow and ice, the owner, lessee, tenant or occupant or other person having charge of any premises as aforesaid shall within the aforesaid specified time cause the sidewalk abutting on such premises to be covered with ashes, sand, sawdust or some suitable material and shall as soon thereafter as the weather permits thoroughly clean the sidewalks.
Noncompliance; Village to perform work. In case of neglect or refusal of any owner or occupant to comply with the provisions of this chapter as to snow and ice, the Board of Trustees shall cause all necessary work to be done at the expense of the person so in default and if payment is not made by such person the same shall be assessed against the land on the next tax roll of the Village.
The owner and occupant shall be jointly and severally responsible for compliance with the provisions of this chapter as to snow and ice. Said responsibility shall include liability for injuries that result from failure to remove snow, ice or other obstructions therefrom.
[Added 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
Editor's Note: See also Art. VII, Snow.