[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Chester as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted by Ord. No. 96-06]
[Last amended 7-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-10]
The Borough of Chester shall charge fees for the various services rendered, as provided by the applicable municipal ordinance governing said service, in accordance with the following fee schedule:
Ch. 9, Art. II
Board of Recreation Commissioners
§ 9-11
Recreation program fees
Use of gazebo, per day
Use of municipal field
Private function, per day
Large sale event, per day per concessionaire
Field House event (for use by profit groups; private individual or family use; and community groups)
Up to 5 hours
$700 resident; $700 nonresident
After 5 hours (60 minutes or any part thereof equals 1 hour)
$100 per hour
Field House Meeting Room only
Up to 2 hours
$150 resident; $175 nonresident
After 2 hours
$75 per hour depending on scheduling and availability
For use by community groups
Up to 2 hours
No charge for one meeting in a month; $150 for second or subsequent meeting in the same month
After 2 hours
$75 per hour depending on scheduling and availability
There will be an additional $50 for the use of the outdoor grill
There will be a $100 security deposit on all event rentals
Ch. 55, Art. II
Police Department: Contracted Off-Duty Employment
§ 55-12A
Hourly rate of compensation for contracting the services of any off-duty member of the Chester Borough Police Department
§ 55-12B
Additional fee to cover administrative costs, overhead and out-of-pocket expenses of the Borough of Chester, per hour
§ 55-12D
Payment for a patrol vehicle utilized during off-duty law enforcement services:
Per eight-hour shift
In excess of initial eight hours, per hour
Ch. 60
§ 60-1
Returned check fee
Ch. 72, Art. I
Solid Waste Utility
§ 72-2
Annual customer billing
Ch. 82
§ 82-4
Police alarm permit fee
Fire alarm installation permit (non-single-family residential):
Initial application fee
Initial permit fee
Renewal fee
Fire alarm installation permit (single-family residential):
Initial application fee
Initial permit fee
Renewal fee
§ 82-8
Automatic telephone trunkline, annual
Ch. 85
Alcoholic Beverages
§ 85-3D
Liquor licenses, annual fees
Plenary retail consumption
Plenary retail distribution
Club license
Ch. 88
Amusement Devices
§ 88-3
Proprietor's license
Initial license
Annual renewal license
§ 88-4
Device license, per device, annual
§ 88-7
Amendment to increase devices
Device transfer fee
Ch. 91
Art. I
Dog Control
§ 91-1
Dog licenses:
Local license fee, neutered animal
Local license fee, non-neutered animal
State registration fee
Pilot clinic fee
Late fee, per month
Replace lost tag or license
Art. II
Pet Shops, Kennels, Shelter, Pounds
§ 91-9
Kennels, annual fees
Accommodating 10 or less dogs:
License fee
Inspection fee
Accommodating more than 10 dogs:
License fee
Inspection fee
Pet shops, annual fees
License fee
Inspection fee
Application late fee, per day:
Reinspection fee, per reinspection
Ch. 102
Fraudulent Checks
Check returned for insufficient funds
Ch. 109
Uniform Construction Codes
§ 109-5
Construction permit
Minimum fee covering any and all building, plumbing and fire protection work
The fee for a construction permit shall be the sum of the subcode fees listed in Schedules I-IV below.
Schedule I, Building Subcode
New construction, including additions, per cubic foot of the building or structure volume
All use groups
Minimum fee for new construction and/or new additions
Renovations, alterations and repairs, per $1,000 of estimated cost of work up to $50,000
All use groups
Renovations, alterations and repairs per $1,000 of estimated cost of work between $50,001 and $100,000
All use groups
Renovations, alterations and repairs per $1,000 of estimated cost of work over $100,000
All use groups
Asbestos removal
Lead abatement
No fee is required for ordinary repairs as the term is defined by regulations promulgated by the State of New Jersey
The combination of renovations and additions. fee shall be the sum of the fees computed separately as renovations and additions.
Reinstatement of a lapsed permit:
1/2 the original permit fee
Training fees
In accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.19
Schedule II, Plumbing Subcode
1. All use groups except R-3/R-4, per fixture, appliance and stack connected to the plumbing system except those listed in Subsection 2
2. All use groups, except R-3/R-4, per grease trap, interceptor, water-cooled air-conditioning unit, refrigeration unit, water and sewer connections, backflow preventors, steam boilers, hot water boilers (except those for domestic water heating), active solar systems, sewer pump interceptors and cross connectors
3. All use groups, except R-3/R-4, for all appliances connected to fuel oil piping or gas piping
Schedule III, Electrical Subcode
As per current on-site inspection contract plus an administration fee of $15; fees shall be rounded to the nearest dollar.
Schedule IV, Fire Subcode
All use groups
1. Installation storage tanks (except Use Groups R-3/R-4):
5,000 gallons or less, each
5,001 - 12,000 gallons, each
Over 12,000 gallons, each
5,000 gallons or less, each
5,001 - 12,000 gallons, each
Over 12,000 gallons, each
2. Alarm devices (e.g., smokes, heats, pulls, water/flow):
1 - 20
21 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 400
401 - 1,000
Over 1,000
3. Suppression systems
Dry pipe/alarm valves, each
Pre-action valves, each sprinkler head (dry/wet)
1 - 20
21 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 400
401 - 1,000
Over 1,000
Standpipes/hydrants, each
Fire pump each
4. Preengineered systems:
Suppression systems (e.g., wet chemical, dry chemical, CO2 suppression, foam suppression, halon suppression), each
5. Kitchen exhaust system, each
6. Appliances (except Use Groups R-3/R-4)
Solid-fuel-fired, each
7. Chimney relining, each
8. Spray booth, each
9. Emergency and exit lights, each
10. Installation of incinerators and crematoriums
Schedule V, Mechanical Subcode Use Groups R-3/R-4
Installation of a water heater, fuel oil, or gas piping, steam boiler, hot water boiler, hot air furnace, oil tank, LPG tank or fireplace
Plan review fees:
All use groups, per total amount to be charged for the construction permit
Demolition permits
Demolition of storage tank
All other use groups
Removal permit
All other use groups
Sign: per square foot
Permit to install, and each reinspection for elevators, escalators, moving walks, and dumbwaiters for all use groups
As per N.J.A.C. 5:23-12.6
Five-year inspection and witnessing of tests
As per N.J.A.C. 5:23-12.6
Certificate of occupancy
Per cost of permit
Minimum fee - residential
Minimum fee - all other use groups
Temporary certificate of occupancy
Continued certificate of occupancy
Use group change
Plan review fees
All use groups, per total amount to be charged for the construction permit
Demolitions: all use groups
Storage tanks
Structures or buildings
Removal permit:
All other use groups
Sign permits:
Per square foot
Minimum fee
Elevators - plan review
As per N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.20(c)6 and 7
Inspection and witnessing fees
As per N.J.A.C. 5:23-12.6(a), (b) and (c)
Certificate of occupancy
10% per cost of permit
Minimum fee:
All other use groups
Temporary certificate of occupancy
Continued certificate of occupancy
Use group change
Lead abatement clearance certificate
Application for variation
For cross-connections and backflow preventors that are subject to testing, requiring reinspection annually, per device when tested
Ch. 132
Fire Prevention
Art. I
Local Enforcement of the Uniform Fire Safety Code
§ 132-8
State fire safety permits
§ 132-8A
Life hazard registrations
Fees determined by and collected by the State of New Jersey
Application fee:
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
§ 132-8C
Non-life hazard uses
Annual registration fees:
Less than 1,200 square feet gross floor area
1,200 square feet or greater gross floor area
Certificate of Fire Code status
§ 132-8E
Change of occupancy - Fire Official's certificate of smoke detector compliance:
If requested at least 10 days prior to change of occupant
If requested four to 10 days prior to change of occupant
If requested fewer than four days prior to change of occupant
Ch. 144
Games of Chance
§ 144-2
Bingo, per occasion
State fee
Local fee
On premises 50/50, per day
Under $400 in total prizes awarded
No fee
Over $400 in total prizes awarded:
State fee
Local fee
On-premises merchandise, per day:
State fee
Local fee
Off-premises 50/50, per $1,000 or part thereof of retail prize value:
State fee
Local fee
Off-premises merchandise, per $1,000 or part thereof of retail prize value:
State fee
Local fee
Non-draw raffle, for each wheel or game on any day or series of 6 days:
State fee
Local fee
Calendar raffle:
State fee
Local fee
Ch. 148
Public Garages, Service Stations, Bulk Gas and Oil Storage Plants
§ 148-3
Application fee
Ch. 153
Horse-Drawn Carriage Tours
§ 153-4
License application fee
Ch. 159, Art. II
Business Insurance Registration
§ 159-14
Registration fee
Ch. 163
Land Development and Procedures
Applications for development
Refer to Land Development and Procedures, Fee Schedule 1 through Fee Schedule 3 (§ 163-29)
Special business license
$100.00 (per sale day)
§ 163-77B(1)(a) (Zoning permits)
New house
All pools
Fences, sheds, decks, patios, and other accessory structures
All sign permits
Zoning permit certificate of nonconformity
Zoning verification letter
Change in nonresidential use/occupancy
Driveway replacement/expansion/new construction
Temporary banners
Ch. 168
Limousine and Livery Service
License for a limousine or livery service:
Operator's license, per year
Vehicle fee, per vehicle per year
Ch. 170
Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Therapy Establishment
§ 170-4
Annual permit fee for establishment
§ 170-8
Fingerprint fee
State Police fee
Provisional permit fee for individual
Ch. 178, Art. I
Special Business Licenses
Fee for special business license
$25.00 per day
Ch. 180
Business Licenses
Fee for business license
Ch. 192
Sewers and Water
Tapping fees for taps, supply pipes and accessories
Time and materials plus 10%
Minimum deposit at time of application
Renewal of supply pipes
Time and materials plus 10%
§ 192-17
Removal/Repair of frozen meter
Cost of repair plus $25.00
Permit to fill cistern, surface pond or swimming pool over 5,000 gallons
Water turn-on charge
Water turn-on charge
Water turnoff charge
Water turn-on charge
§ 192-20
Water rates
Up to the first 8,000 gallons, quarterly
Over 8,000 gallons, per each additional 1,000 gallons or portion thereof, quarterly
Inspection fee for grease, oil and sand interceptors
Sewer permit fees
Residential uses
Public outbuildings and commercial uses
Establishments producing industrial wastes, laboratory wastes or both
User fee - actual volume: For the first 10,000 gallons consumed in each quarter
User fee - actual volume: Per gallon in excess of 10,000 gallons in each quarter
User fee - actual volume of restaurants not equipped with outside grease trap as per Borough requirements, per gallon
Minimum quarterly user fee
Connection fee
The dollar amount of debt service from the inception of the sewer utility plus funds expended on sewer capital projects plus funds reserved for future capital projects minus any legal settlements received (recovery costs) divided by the number of existing equivalent connections in the Borough multiplied by the number of equivalent connections granted
Sewer application administrative fee
§ 192-33
User fee-actual volume:
For the first 15,000 gallons consumed in each quarter
Per gallon in excess of 15,000 gallons in each quarter
User fee-actual volume of restaurants not equipped with outside grease trap as per Borough requirements, per gallon
§ 192-33
Business permit-application fee
Ch. 197
Soil Control
§ 197-5
Land disturbance permit application fee
Land disturbance permit review escrow
See § 204-4
Land disturbance permit inspection escrow
See § 204-4
§ 197-11
Soil erosion/sediment control plan filing fee
Major subdivision
Additional fee per lot
Soil erosion/sediment control plan filing fee-site plan
Additional fee
5% of the control measure's estimated cost or $450, whichever is greater
Soil erosion/sediment control plan filing fee, all other purposes
Additional fee
5% of the control measure's estimated cost or $450, whichever is greater
§ 197-21
Soil moving permit application fee
Minor soil moving permit review escrow
Major soil moving permit, basic review escrow
Major soil moving, additional escrow, per cubic yard of soil to be moved
Ch. 202
Farmers' Markets
§ 202-9
Farmer's Market Concessionaire
Per 10x10 area
Per 10x20 area
§ 202-9
Market proprietor’s license fee per calendar year
§ 202-9
Market concessionaire’s license fee
$10/day (to be split evenly with Recreation Commission if held on recreation property)
§ 202-9A
Fee for clean-up and removal of trash and debris after farmer's markets
Ch. 203
Special Events
§ 203-3B
License fee for concessionaire's license, per day
§ 203-7
Special event proprietor’s license fee per calendar year
First event (per year)
Each subsequent event (per year)
§ 203-7A
Fee for cleanup and removal of trash and debris after special events
Ch. 204
Stormwater Management
§ 204-4
Application to Land Use Board
Application to Borough Engineer for review of plan - minor
Application to Borough Engineer for review of plan - major
Inspection escrow
To be determined
Ch. 205
Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I
§ 205-2D
Road opening permits
Road opening application
Borough Engineer review and inspection escrow for opening up to 50 linear feet
Borough Engineer review and inspection escrow for opening up to 50 to 100 linear feet
Borough Engineer review and inspection escrow for opening up to 100 to 250 linear feet
Borough Engineer review escrow plus inspection escrow to be calculated by Borough Engineer for openings more than 250 linear feet
Borough Engineer review and inspection escrow for utility service connections for approved public utilities
Borough Engineer review and inspection fee for Borough residents only
Art. III
Storm Sewers, Culverts and Ditches
§ 205-25
Application for waiver of prohibited excavations as per § 205-24
Ch. 206
Mobile Vendors
§ 206-7
Mobile vendors
Ch. 211
Swimming Pool, Chester Area
§ 211-6
One-Time Initiation Fee
Family, resident
Family, nonresident
Couple, resident
Couple, nonresident
Single adult 21+, resident
Single adult 21+, nonresident
Senior 62+
§ 211-6
Annual Fee
Family, resident
Family, nonresident
Couple, resident
Couple, nonresident
Single adult 21+, resident
Single adult 21+, nonresident
Senior 62+
Early Bird Swim
Swim team
Convenience fee for credit cards (senior citizen members exempt from convenience fee)
§ 211-6
Daily Fee
Guest pass
Ch. 213
Temporary Secondary Signs
§ 213
Temporary secondary sign (one-sided)
Temporary secondary sign (two-sided)
Ch. 214
§ 214-3
Towing list:
Two-year license
Towing services:
First mile or less
Each additional mile
Nights, weekends, and NJ state holidays:
First mile or less
Each additional mile
Storage services, per day:
Inside building, storage facility capacity:
21 or more spaces
10 - 20 spaces
Less than 20 spaces
Outside secured, storage facility capacity:
21 or more spaces
10 - 20 spaces
Less than 10 spaces
Outside unsecured, storage facility capacity:
21 or more spaces
10 - 20 spaces
Less than 20 spaces
Ch. 218
Trailers and Trailer Parks
§ 218-3
Trailer park
Annual license fee
Monthly charge per occupied site
If occupancy is less than full month, per-day occupancy charge
License transfer fee
Ch. 225
Vehicles and Traffic
§ 225-13
Abandoned vehicles impound storage fee, per day
Ch. 238
Business Licenses
§ 238-1
Application fee
Ch. 244
Retail Food Establishments
§ 244-5
Annual license fee:
Seats for 1 - 15 persons
Seats for over 15 persons
Stores without seats
Stores with only candy or prepackaged goods (food items not being the main product sold)
Restaurant, cafeteria, store with seats, hotel, bed-and-breakfast:
With seats for 1 - 25 persons
With seats for 26 - 75 persons
With seats for over 75 persons
Church having kitchen facility
Agricultural market or roadside stand licensed pursuant to Ch. 186 of the Borough Code
Farmers' market concessionaire
Vehicle, cart or movable facility or display, licensed pursuant to Ch. 203 of the Borough Code
Concessionaires licensed pursuant to Ch. 203 of the Borough Code, per special event
Non-profit-making vendor as defined in Ch. 203 of the Borough Code
No fee
Nonprofit organization described in Ch. 203 of the Borough Code operating with a special permit issued by the Municipal Clerk
No fee
Veteran or volunteer fireman holding a special license pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:24-9 or 10:
Per special event
Per annum
Ch. 256
Individual Sewage Disposal Systems
§ 256-13
Individual subsurface sewage disposal systems
Test observation and inspection fees, per lot or proposed lot, per day
Application filing fee:
Construct new system (plus escrow deposit for estimated technical review fees, at cost)
Permit to alter an existing system if the plan includes a new field (plus escrow deposit for estimated technical review fees, at cost)
Permit to alter an existing system if the plan does not include a new field (plus escrow deposit for estimated technical review fees, at cost)
Permit to repair an existing system
Reinspection fees, per lot for each reinspection
Technical review fees
At cost
Review of development plan for proposed subdivision or proposed site plan for report to Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment
For submission to the Board of Health of a request for an initial determination as to whether it would be necessary to alter an existing individual subsurface sewage disposal system in order to provide an adequate and appropriate system to serve an existing structure currently devoted to residential use if the structure were enlarged or otherwise modified, provided that the resulting structure would continue to be used exclusively for residential purposes
For submission to the Board of Health of a request for an initial determination as to whether it would be necessary to alter an existing individual subsurface sewage disposal system in order to provide an adequate and appropriate system to serve a proposed modification, enlargement or change in use of an existing structure if the structure would be used in whole or in part for any nonresidential purpose
Every request for an initial determination shall be accompanied by all available information as to the existing system and the proposed modification or enlargement of any existing structure and the proposed new use of the property.
A fee under this subsection shall not be required in the event that the question as to the adequacy of an existing individual subsurface sewage disposal system to serve a proposed use is presented in connection with an application for site plan approval filed with the Board of Health.
A fee paid pursuant to this subsection is separate from and shall not be credited towards any other fee which may subsequently be required under this section.
Ch. 262
Individual Water Supply Systems
Permit fee, new individual water supply system (plus escrow deposit for estimated technical review fees, at cost)
Each necessary reinspection, per hour or part thereof
Inspection of double check valve installed in interconnected water supply systems:
Two-inch line, per annum
Larger line, per annum
Certificate of potable water supply
Ch. A268
Cable TV Franchise
§ A268-6
Franchise fee - cable TV per gross revenues from all recurring charges from subscription fees
Miscellaneous fees
As per N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5b