[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Chester by Ord. No. 95-B-4; amended in its entirety 3-15-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-02.[1] Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also amended the title of this Ch. 180 from "Permits, Business" to its current title.
Prior amendments included Ord. No. 96-06.
A business license must be obtained from the Zoning Officer when there is a change in ownership of a building, a change in ownership of a business, a change in business's name, or a change of tenant occupancy in any commercial or business use other than residential occupancies, i.e., apartments, hotels, etc.
The application fee for a business license shall be as established in Chapter 127, Fees.
Upon application for a business license, the Zoning Officer shall have the applicant's property intended for occupancy inspected by the building, fire, and plumbing inspectors and the fire prevention officer.
The inspection shall evidence only that a general inspection of the visible parts of the building has been made, and that no violations of the building and housing code of the Borough of Chester appear to be present.
Upon receipt of the inspectors' approvals as well as all other prior approvals which may be necessary, i.e., health, water, sewer, the Zoning Officer may issue the business license.
The business license is valid as long as the holder of the license continues to comply with all borough, county and state regulations and prior approvals or until the holder transfers ownership of the business/use or discontinues operation of the business, the license may be revoked by the Zoning Officer.