[Adopted as Sec. 2-16 of the 1974 Code]
It shall be the duty of each and every officer or other person or committee acting under the authority of the Borough who may receive any of the funds of the Borough from any source whatsoever to pay the Borough Treasurer, on or before the fifth day of each month, the full amount received or collected by them respectively during the last preceding month. Such payments shall be accompanied by a statement of the source from which such sums are received. They shall also report to the Council, at its regular meeting, the amount of money received by them since their last report and the source from which such money was received and upon what account paid, with a statement of what amount, if any, is yet due from the Borough, and from whom due.
If any of said persons shall employ any person or contract any debts on behalf of the Borough, they shall certify and report the same to the Council at its regular meeting following, stating the amount of said debt, the purpose for which contracted and the name of the claimant.
All bills presented to the Council shall be approved by the officer, person or committee under whose jurisdiction the same was contracted before the same shall be ordered paid.