[Amended 8-31-1987 by Ord. No. 943]
No sign shall hereafter be erected over, across or upon the driveway or sidewalk of any highway in the Borough except upon application to the Borough Council or its duly authorized official for a permit therefor.
If the Borough Council or its duly authorized official is satisfied that the proposed sign will not violate any of the provisions of § 202-1 or 202-2, it shall, upon payment of a permit fee as set forth from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, issue a permit therefor, upon the applicant's agreeing to hold the Borough harmless for any damage arising by reason of the erection and maintenance of the sign.
Any permit required by this article shall be revoked whenever, in the opinion of the Borough Council or its duly authorized official, the sign for which the permit was issued has become unsafe, and such sign shall forthwith be removed under the direction of the Borough Council or its duly authorized official.