It shall be the fixed policy of the Borough, in acting upon all petitions for the improvement of streets and alleys and the curbing thereof, where so desired, that the property owners affected by such improvement and construction shall, in their petition, in addition to the agreement that the property owners so affected and abutting on such improvement shall pay the cost thereof in the proportions heretofore or hereafter to be agreed upon between the Borough and the property owners, request that the Borough shall first cause to be prepared a proper engineering plan and specifications with a survey covering the grades, utility lines, drains, sewers and the like which will be involved in such improvement, which plans and specifications shall be first approved by the Borough Council, and, if so approved, it shall be the duty of the Borough, through its proper officers, to make a preliminary estimate of the cost thereof, and, before any contract is let or the work started, the property owners affected by such improvement shall deposit and pay to the Borough 1/2 of the estimated cost, the balance to be paid as provided by the ordinance to be enacted covering the improvement.