[Adopted 5-11-1987 as Ord. No. 87-505]
The purpose of this Article shall be to provide regulations for the access to an occupancy of township streets and highways by driveways and private roads. This Article is adopted for the purpose of ensuring the structural integrity of township highways, economy of maintenance, preservation of proper drainage and safe and convenient passage of the public.
Chapter 441 of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code, entitled "Access to and Occupancy of Highways by Driveways and Local Roads," promulgated by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, as existing on the date of adoption of this Article, be and hereby is adopted as the regulations for occupancy of highways within Upper Merion Township by utilities, and each and all of the regulations in said Chapter 441 of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code, except as provided in § 141-37 of this Article, are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set forth out in this Article, with the additions, deletions and changes, if any, enumerated in § 141-37 of this Article.
The definitions set forth in Section 459.1 of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code are hereby modified as follows:
The Upper Merion Township Engineering Department located at 175 West Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
Upper Merion Township.
The Upper Merion Township Engineering Department located at 175 West Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
The Upper Merion Township Engineering Department located at 175 West Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
The Upper Merion Township Engineering Department located at 175 West Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
A highway or bridge on the system of township highways and bridges, including the entire width between right-of-way lines, over which the township has assumed or has been legislatively given jurisdiction.
The Township Engineer.
Section 441.4, Permit Fees, shall be amended to provide as follows:
441.1 — Permit Fees: Applicants for permits under this Article shall pay to the township at the time of application the fee set forth on the then current fee schedule which shall have been adopted by resolution or ordinance of the Board of Supervisors. A permit shall not be issued until the designated fees have been paid.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. A173, Fees.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding pending in any court or any rights acquired or liability incurred or any permit issued or any cause or causes of action existing prior to this Article.