[Amended 6-15-1987 by Ord. No. 87-517]
All formal applications for approval of a subdivision and/or land development plan shall be made by the developer filing an application form, to be supplied by the Township, together with the appropriate plans, filing fees set for plan review by the Board of Supervisors and filing fees set by the Montgomery County Planning Commission and the Township Planning Commission, if applicable, with the Township Planner.
The Township Planner shall have seven days from the date of submission to check the plan to determine if, on its face, it is in proper form and contains the information required by this chapter. If defective, the Township Planner shall return the application with a statement of rejection within the seven-day period; otherwise, the application shall be deemed accepted for filing as of the date of submission. Acceptance for filing shall not, however, constitute a waiver of any deficiencies or irregularities. The applicant may appeal a decision made under this section to the Board of Supervisors.
All plans, drawings, data, specifications and tabulations that are supplementary to the plan submission shall be considered an integral part of the submission. The Board of Supervisors shall not review plans until all required information is submitted. A preliminary plan shall be submitted and approved by the Board of Supervisors prior to the submission of a final plan.
[Amended 11-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-893]
A traffic impact study shall be submitted with the submission of preliminary plans for the development of a parcel of land that is or will be 10 acres or greater in size or shall be submitted as a supplement to the preliminary plans if the parcel is or will be less than 10 acres in size but located in an area determined by the Township Traffic Engineer to be a congested area. The traffic impact study shall show the projected number of vehicles to be utilizing the premises on a daily basis, the existing traffic volume on all streets and roads abutting the premises, the projected volume of traffic to be added as the result of the development, the capacity of existing streets and intersections in the immediate vicinity of the development, improvements which are necessary to reduce the impact of the development upon the area in which the property is located and such other information as shall be required by the Township Code.
[Added 11-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-893]
Filing. An applicant for subdivision and/or land development approval may file with the Township Planner either a preliminary or final plan. The applicant shall submit 12 paper sets of said plan and one electronic set of said plan in pdf format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, for the approval process. All multiple-page plans shall be saved to a single pdf file. The plans shall be accompanied by the application form and filing fees required in § 145-25A above.
[Amended 7-14-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-747]
Duties of the Township Planner. Upon receipt of the application, the Township Planner shall review the application and plans to determine if the application is complete on its face as set forth in § 145-25C above. If the application is accepted for filing, the Township Planner shall, if required by law, forward copies of the plans to the Montgomery County Planning Commission and the Township Planning Commission for their review and recommendation. The Township Planner shall also schedule the plan for review by the Township Staff Plan Review Committee and for formal action by the Board of Supervisors.
Duties of the Township Engineer. Subsequent to the receipt of reports from the Planning Commissions, if any, and of the Township Staff Plan Review Committee and prior to review and formal action by the Board of Supervisors, the Township Engineer shall review the plan to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter and all other applicable Township ordinances and state and federal regulations. The Township Engineer shall also review the plan to determine if it is in accordance with accepted engineering practices. The Township Engineer shall make a report to the Board of Supervisors prior to the Board's formal action on the plan. The Township Engineer may recommend changes to the plan consistent with the provisions of this chapter and other applicable Township ordinances and may recommend that conditions be attached to the plan as a part of the approval by the Board of Supervisors.
Duties of the Township Arborist and the Shade Tree and Beautification Commission. If a landscape plan is required under § 145-29E, the Township Arborist and the Shade Tree and Beautification Commission shall review the landscape plan to ensure compliance with the requirements of § 145-25. The Township Arborist and the Shade Tree and Beautification Commission shall also make any necessary recommendations as to the proper placement, size, number and types of plant material to be planted to the applicant and to the Board of Supervisors.
[Added 6-6-1988 by Ord. No. 88-533[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the renumbering of former Subsections D and E as E and F, respectively.
Action by the Board of Supervisors. After receiving the recommendations of the Planning Commissions, the Township Staff Plan Review Committee and the Township Engineer, the Board of Supervisors shall act upon the request for approval. No action on the plan shall be taken by the Board of Supervisors within 45 days after submission of the plan to the Planning Commissions unless the recommendations of the Planning Commissions have been received prior to that date. Before acting on any subdivision and/or land development plan, the Board of Supervisors may schedule a public hearing thereon pursuant to public notice. In no event shall the Board of Supervisors render its decision later than 90 days following the date of the first regular meeting of the Planning Commissions after the application is filed unless the applicant shall have granted an extension to the Board of Supervisors in writing.
Decision of the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall either approve the plan, approve the plan subject to conditions or reject the plan. All approvals by the Board of Supervisors are conditioned upon the applicant's filing with the Township, within 30 days after the date of the approval, three sets of record plans. In the event that the applicant fails to file said record plans within the time limit or request an extension of time in which to file said record plans, the plan approval shall become null and void. This condition of approval shall be cited by section number of this chapter in all written decisions communicated to the applicant. Upon receipt of the record plans, the Township Secretary shall certify to the approval of the Board of Supervisors and shall return one copy of the record plan to the applicant. In the event that the plan is rejected by the Board of Supervisors, the decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be in writing, shall indicate the sections of Township ordinances or statutes relied upon and shall be delivered to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision of the Board of Supervisors. Reasonable conditions to be imposed by the Board of Supervisors shall be accepted by the applicant prior to formal action by the Board of Supervisors upon the plan.
The preliminary plan shall be documented with benchmarks based on horizontal controls utilizing the PA State Plane Coordinate System NAD 1983 datum. The preliminary plan shall be drafted at a scale of not less than 50 feet to the inch, be no larger than 36 inches by 24 inches and shall include the following information:
[Amended 7-14-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-747]
A location map showing the entire tract and its relation to the surrounding area, drawn at a scale of 1,000 feet to the inch.
The title, North arrow, scale and date.
The tract name, Tax Map sheet, block and unit numbers and tax parcel number.
The name and address of the record owner or owners.
The name and address of the developer, if different.
The name and seal of the engineer, architect, landscape architect or surveyor responsible for the plan.
The tract boundary lines showing dimensions, bearings and corners, including acreage to be plotted to the nearest one-tenth (0.1) of an acre.
All adjacent properties and the owners of such properties.
Zoning district(s) and any information necessary to determine if zoning requirements, such as density, setback, coverage or parking, are met.
Types of soils based upon the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey for Montgomery County.
Sufficient elevations and/or contours to determine the general scope and natural drainage of the land and the high and low points and tentative cross sections and center-line profiles for all proposed new streets. Contours shall ordinarily be shown at intervals of five feet but may be at lesser intervals in the case of relatively level tracts.
Data to which contour elevations refer. Where practicable, such data shall refer to known established elevations.
The location of all existing floodplains, wetlands, watercourses, railroads, areas of subsidence, strip mines, culm banks, the species and size of all trees six inches or more in diameter measured at a point two feet above the average height of natural grade at the tree base (marking all trees or wooded areas to be cleared), bridges, culverts and other significant natural features on the tract and within 200 feet of its boundaries.
[Amended 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 89-556]
The location of all existing buildings, sewers, utility lines, fire hydrants and other significant man-made features on the tract and within 200 feet of its boundary.
The location of all proposed buildings and parking areas with an indication of the proposed size of the building, e.g., the number of dwelling units, and the tentative layout of parking areas, including individual parking spaces.
The location and purpose of all existing and proposed property lines, easements, utility easements and rights-of-way, including dimensions.
All existing and proposed streets in or adjacent to the tract, including the name, right-of-way width, cartway width and location of monuments and proposed pedestrian movement system.
Cross sections of all proposed streets, showing right-of-way width, paved width, location of curbs and sidewalks and profiles of streets showing grades approved by the Township Engineer. If deemed necessary by the Township Engineer, percolation data shall also be submitted.
In tabular form, stormwater runoff in cubic feet per second for predevelopment and preconstruction conditions for two-, five-, ten-, twenty-five-, fifty- and one-hundred-year storms. The stormwater runoff calculations shall be accompanied by three sealed copies of the engineer's report with the applicable calculations.
Proposed utilities, including sanitary and storm sewers, drainage facilities, waterlines, gas mains, electric and other facilities. The size or capacity of each shall be shown, and proposed connections to each existing utility shall also be shown.
The location of all proposed land uses, including residential uses, by types, and areas to be dedicated or reserved for common use, together with the proposed manner of maintenance if not dedicated.
The size and intensity of use data, including the number of residential or commercial lots, typical lot size, acreage in proposed common open space and other public, semipublic or community purposes, and the number and type of dwelling units or other buildings proposed, if any.
Data relevant to the occurrence of flooding, subsidence, landslides, mine fires and other geological hazards within and adjacent to the tract proposed to be developed or subdivided.
A preliminary erosion and sedimentation control plan pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.
The applicant shall submit a traffic impact study.
[Amended 11-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-893]
Where slopes in excess of 10% occur within the tract, the applicant shall submit with the preliminary plan a preliminary grading plan indicating the general location and magnitude of the proposed cuts and fills.
If the preliminary plan covers only a part of the record owner's entire holdings, the applicant shall submit a separate sketch of the entire holdings, which shall include a proposed street plan for the entire holdings.
The applicant shall attach a copy of any existing or proposed deed restrictions or protective covenants applying to the proposed subdivision or land development with each copy of the preliminary plan.
Approval of the preliminary plan by the Board of Supervisors shall constitute approval of the subdivision and/or land development as to the character and intensity of the development and the arrangement and approximate dimensions of streets, lots and other planned features but shall not authorize the recording of the plan for the sale or transfer of lots. Approval of the preliminary plan shall be tentative only, and changes or modifications may subsequently be required if the Board of Supervisors determines such changes or modifications to be necessary for public safety or convenience. When the Board of Supervisors has approved a preliminary plan or has approved a preliminary plan subject to conditions acceptable to the applicant, no subsequent change or amendment in Chapter 165, Zoning, Chapter 145, Subdivision of Land, or other governing ordinances shall be applied to adversely affect the rights of the applicant to proceed to obtain final approval and commence and complete any aspect of the proposed subdivision and/or land development in accordance with the terms of the preliminary plan approval within five years from the date of such approval.
The final plan shall be documented with benchmarks based on horizontal controls utilizing the PA State Plane Coordinate System NAD 1983 datum. The final plan shall be drafted at a scale of not less than 50 feet to the inch, be no larger than 36 by 24 inches and shall include the following information:
[Amended 7-14-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-747]
A location map showing the entire tract and its relation to the surrounding area, drawn at a scale of 1,000 feet to the inch.
The title, North arrow, scale and date.
The tract name, Tax Map sheet, block and unit number and tax parcel number.
The name and address of the record owner or owners, to be extracted from the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Montgomery County and accompanied by an affidavit that the applicant is the record owner or the equitable owner of the subject tract.
The name and address of the developer, if different.
The name and seal of the engineer, architect, landscape architect or surveyor responsible for the plan and a certification by him to the effect that the plot represents a survey made by him and that all monuments indicated thereon actually exist and that the location, size and material of the same are correctly shown on the plan and that all requirements of this chapter have been met.
The tract boundary lines showing accurate dimensions and bearings, being developed with accurate distances to one-hundredth (0.01) of a foot and bearings to 15 seconds, including acreage to the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of an acre.
All adjacent properties and the owners of such properties.
Zoning district(s) and any information necessary to determine if zoning requirements, such as density, setback, coverage or parking, are met.
Types of soils based upon the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey of Montgomery County.
Lot numbers and the total number of lots and parcels, together with the exact area of each lot based on a survey.
Accurate distances and directions to the nearest established street corners and/or perimeter monuments and their relation to bench marks. Reference corners shall be accurately described on the final plan.
Accurate and complete curve data for all curves included in the final plan.
The location, type, material and sizes of all monuments and lot markers.
The accurate location of all existing and proposed property lines within the proposed subdivision and/or land development boundaries, together with all easements and rights-of-way, including dimensions.
The accurate location of all existing streets in or adjacent to the tract, including the name, cartway width and right-of-way width.
The accurate location of all proposed streets in or adjacent to the tract, including the name, cartway width, curblines, sidewalks, right-of-way width and lines, location of all street monuments, lengths of all straight lines, radii and lengths of curves and tangent bearings and final street profiles, including typical cross section and specifications and site distance data with accurate dimensions in feet to the nearest hundredth and with angles to the nearest one minute of one degree.
The location of all existing floodplains, wetlands, watercourses, railroads, areas of subsidence, strip mines, culm banks, the species and size of all trees six inches or more in diameter measured at a point two feet above the average height of natural grade at the tree base (marking all trees or wooded areas to be cleared), bridges, culverts and other significant natural features on the tract and within 200 feet of its boundaries.
[Amended 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 89-556]
Sufficient elevations and/or contours to determine the scope and natural drainage of the land and the high and low points. Contours shall be shown at intervals of five feet.
Data to which contour elevations refer. Where practicable, such data shall refer to known established elevations.
The location of all existing buildings, sewers, utility lines, fire hydrants and other significant man-made features on the tract and within 200 feet of its boundary.
The location of all proposed buildings and parking areas with an indication of the size of the buildings and layout of the parking areas, including individual parking spaces.
The location and purpose of all existing easements, utility easements and rights-of-way, including dimensions.
In tabular form, stormwater runoff in cubic feet per second for predevelopment and preconstruction conditions for two-, five-, ten-, twenty-five-, fifty- and one-hundred-year storms. The stormwater runoff calculations shall be accompanied by three sealed copies of the engineer's report with the applicable calculations.
Final profiles and other explanatory data concerning the installation of sanitary and storm sewerage systems and water distribution systems, including all retention and detention basins.
Utilities, including waterlines, gas mains, electric and other facilities, including the size or capacity of each and connection to the existing utility.
The location of all transmission lines and fire hydrants provided by the developer, if any.
The location, size and invert elevation of all sanitary sewers and the location of all manholes, inlets and culverts.
An indication of the intensity of use, such as gross density in residential developments or the number and type of prospective tenants in office, commercial or industrial developments.
Locations and sizes of all proposed land uses, including residential uses by types and areas to be dedicated or reserved for common use, together with the proposed manner of maintenance if not dedicated.
Locations and heights of all structures, including freestanding signs, and distances between buildings and between buildings and streets or property lines.
The total number of dwelling units by type and number of bedrooms.
The location and square footage of nonresidential uses.
The location, square footage and number of vehicular parking spaces in all parking areas.
The location and width of all private streets, driveways and pedestrian walkways, if any, including any traffic controls proposed at their intersections with public streets.
The exact location and size of all public or common open space area, indicating facilities, ownership, offers of dedication, proposed maintenance if not to be dedicated and covenants governing the use of such areas.
A final erosion and sedimentation control plan, including certification that any related permit required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources has been issued.
Where applicable, certification from the United States Army Corps of Engineers that any proposed fill of wetlands areas will be permitted.
A certificate of proposed dedication of streets and other areas to be dedicated to public uses.
A certificate of ownership, acknowledgment of plan and any offer of dedication lettered on the plan, duly acknowledged and signed by the owner of the property and notarized.
The applicant shall submit a final study and analysis of traffic impact with recommendations for improvements to local streets to a level of service C or greater as defined by the Highway Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.
Where slopes in excess of 10% occur within the tract, the applicant shall attach a final grading plan showing the accurate location and magnitude of the cuts and fills with each copy of the final plan.
The applicant shall attach a copy of any existing or proposed deed restriction or protective covenants applying to the proposed subdivision and/or land development to each copy of the final plan.
A landscape plan in accordance with the provisions of § 145-24.1M.
[Added 6-6-1988 by Ord. No. 88-533; amended 8-9-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-714]
Subsequent to the approval of the final plan by the Board of Supervisors, the subject tract of land shall not be sold, transferred or improved except in strict conformity with the provisions of the approved final plan.
Within 90 days after the approval of the final subdivision or land development plan by the Board of Supervisors, the applicant shall record the record plan in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Montgomery County and file with the Township a certification that the plan has been recorded, indicating the book and page number. If the applicant fails to have the plan recorded, the decision of the Board of Supervisors shall become void unless the applicant shall have obtained a written extension of time in which to have the plan recorded. The developer shall proceed with the sale of lots and the construction and/or sale of structures only after the record plan has been recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.
[Added 7-14-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-747]
When the Township requires escrow for site improvements, as-built plans will also be escrowed. The applicant shall supply the Township with one Mylar, one electronic set of as-built plans in a pdf format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and one electronic set of as-built plans in either a DXF or DWG format. The DXF or DWG plans shall comply with the format specifications outlined on a form provided by the Township.
Lands subject to hazards of life, health or property as may arise from fires, floods, diseases, subsidence or other dangers, such as former landfill areas and areas of known sinkhole activity, shall not be developed for purposes susceptible to such hazards unless such hazards shall have been eliminated or the subdivision and/or land development plan provides adequate safeguards against such hazards.
[Added 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 89-556]
A mortgage subdivision for the purpose of granting separate and distinct mortgages on each parcel formed by a subdivision shall be lawful even though each lot does not individually meet the standards of this chapter or the requirements of the zoning district in which the property is located, provided that:
The application for development plan approval proposes the construction of more than one building on a lot.
The entire parcel to be used in common by two or more of the buildings complies with lot area, building coverage, setback, sewage disposal or other utilities, off-street parking, green area and frontage requirements of applicable Township ordinances.
Documentary evidence shall be filed with the Township, in a form satisfactory to the Township:
Assigning responsibility for the construction, control and maintenance of the facilities and areas to be used in common.
Containing irrevocable cross easements in favor of all parcels within the area of the plan as respects the use, control and maintenance of the facilities and areas to be used in common so that each of the subdivided lots becomes an integral part of the entire parcel.
Declaring that the interest of any mortgagee and that of any transferee of the mortgaged property upon a default on the mortgage shall be subject to the requirements of the plan, the obligations and responsibilities as to the facilities and areas to be used in common and the requirements of the cross easements so that such mortgagee or transferee, in the event of a default and transfer of title of the property, shall be bound by the same.
In the event of a subdivision for mortgage purposes, the entire area included within the plan shall continue to be treated by the Township as a single parcel for purposes of maintaining compliance with the requirements of the provision of this chapter and/or Chapter 165, Zoning.