Records. The township or its officially designated representatives shall have the right to inspect all pertinent or relevant records, books, plans, customer service logs and financial statements maintained by the grantee which relate directly to computation of gross annual revenues and construction and location of facilities within the township, at the grantee's place of business, upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours. Access to the aforementioned records shall not be denied by the grantee on the basis that said records contain proprietary information. The township and its officially designated representatives agree to treat any information disclosed as confidential and only to disclose it to employees, agents or representatives thereof that have a need to know or in order to enforce the provisions hereof. The grantee shall make available adequate financial records within the township to permit the auditing of the grantee's gross revenues.
Review. The grantee shall permit any duly authorized representative of the township to examine and copy or transcribe any and all maps and other records kept or maintained by the grantee or under its control concerning the operations, affairs, transactions or property of the grantee. If any of such maps or records are not kept in the township, or upon reasonable request made available in the township, and if the township shall determine that an examination of such maps or records is necessary or appropriate to the performance of any of their duties, then all travel and maintenance expenses necessarily incurred in making such examination shall be paid by the grantee.
The grantee shall file the following reports with the township:
Regulatory communications. Upon request from the township, any reports required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), including but not limited to any annual proof of performance tests and results, equal employment opportunity (EEO) reports, required financial information and all petitions, applications and communications of all types submitted by the grantee to the FCC, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) or any other federal or state regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction over any matter affecting operation of the grantee's system will be made available to the township.
Facilities report. An annual report setting forth the physical miles of plant construction and plant in operation during the fiscal year shall be submitted to the township. Such report shall also contain any revisions to the system as-built maps filed with the township. The annual report shall be provided in February.
Construction reports. During the progress of any construction, construction reports shall be sent to the township on a bimonthly basis for any construction undertaken during the term of the franchise until construction is complete, including the rebuild, as specified in the franchise.
Proof of performance tests. Proof of performance test results shall be supplied to the township when sections of the system are rebuilt and annually as required in this ordinance.
Tests required by township. Technical tests required by the township as specified in this ordinance and the franchise shall be submitted within 30 days of notification.
Change in service. Written notification of any change in programming or service shall be provided to the township 30 days prior to implementation.
Grantee rules. The grantee's schedule of charges, contract or application forms of regular subscriber service policy regarding the processing of subscriber complaints, delinquent subscriber disconnect and reconnect procedures and any other terms and conditions adopted as the grantee's policy in connection with its subscribers shall be filed with the township and conspicuously posted in the grantee's local office. All such terms and conditions, including schedule of charges, must have been filed with the township prior to their becoming effective. Such rules, regulations, terms and conditions shall not be in conflict with the provisions hereof or applicable state and federal laws, rules or regulations.
Proof of bonds and insurance. The grantee shall submit to the township the required construction bond or performance bond, or a certified copy thereof, and written evidence of payment of the required premium and all policies of insurance required by this ordinance, or certified copies thereof, and written notice of payment of the required premium.
Financial reports. The following financial reports for the franchise area shall be submitted to the township as provided for below:
An ownership report indicating all persons who at any time during the preceding year did control or benefit from an interest in the franchise of 5% or more within 30 days of the effective date of the franchise and upon any change thereafter.
A fully audited and certified financial report from the previous calendar year, including year-end balance sheet; income statement showing subscriber revenue from each category of service and every source of nonsubscriber revenue, line item operating expenses, depreciation expense, interest expense and taxes paid; statement of sources and applications of funds; and a depreciation schedule to be provided every three years, if requested. The fully audited and certified information will be provided on a township basis for gross revenue. Required financial information may be provided on a consolidated basis for expenses.
A current annual statement of all capital expenditures including the cost of construction and of equipment to be provided every three years, if requested.
A list of officers and members of the Board of the grantee and of any parent corporation within 30 days of the effective date of the franchise and any change thereafter.
Operational reports. The following system and operational reports shall be submitted to the township on request:
A report on the system's technical tests and measurements as set forth herein and in the franchise.
A report on programs and services offered by the grantee, including public and leased access.
An annual summary of the previous year's activities including but not limited to subscriber totals for each category of service offered, including number of pay units sold, new services offered and the amount collected annually from other users of the system and the character and extent of the service rendered thereto.
An annual summary of complaints received and handled in addition to any reports required in the franchise.
An annual projection of system and service plans for the future.
Additional reports. The grantee shall prepare and furnish to the township at the times and in the form prescribed such additional reports with respect to its operation, affairs, transactions or property as may be reasonably necessary and appropriate to the performance of any of the rights, functions or duties of the township in connection with this ordinance or the franchise.
Mandatory records. The grantee shall at all times maintain:
A record of all complaints received and interruptions or degradation of service experience for the preceding period prior to a performance review or a maximum of three years, whichever is less.
A full and complete set of plans, records and as-built maps showing the location of all cable communication system equipment installed or in use in the township, exclusive of subscriber service drops.
Other records. The township may impose reasonable requests for additional information, records and documents from time to time.