[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Washington as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 8-10-1995 by Res. No. 1995-7[1]]
Editor's Note: This resolution repealed former Art. I, adopted 5-27-1993 by Res. No. 1993-9.
Whenever any department head estimates the fair market value of any surplus personal property, of which the Board of Supervisors desires to dispose, at less than $1,000, the Board of Supervisors shall announce at a regularly scheduled Township meeting that the specific item of surplus personal property, estimated at a fair market value of less than $1,000, shall be sold to the highest bidder with the bids being opened and awarded at the next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
After the business meeting in which the proposed sale of the item of surplus personal property is announced, the Township Manager shall place a notice of the sale of the item on the bulletin board in the meeting room of the Township Building and also on the outside of the building to notify individuals that written quotations must be submitted to the Township Manager by 4:00 p.m. on the date of the next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Board of Supervisors and that a check or money order in the amount of the bid must accompany the written quotation.
All bids for the item of surplus personal property shall be opened at the next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Board of Supervisors, subsequent to the meeting in which the proposed sale of the item was announced, and the Board of Supervisors shall award the item of property to the highest bidder, provided that the high bidder submitted a check or money order in the amount of the bid with the written quotation. Failure to submit a check or money order with a bid shall disqualify the bidder.