The Board shall establish by resolution a collection procedure and schedule of fees to be paid by the subdivider/land developer at the time of filing a preliminary plan and, in those submissions governed by § 107-10 hereof, at the time of filing a sketch plan. The fees shall include a Township administration fee that will be equivalent to the fee charged by the Berks County Planning Commission for review of the subject plan. The amount of this administration fee may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board.
The owner shall pay to the Township reasonable engineering fees incurred by the Township for the services of the Township Engineer incidental to the examination and other work incidental and related to the examination of, and other work incidental and related to the processing of, each subdivision or land development plan. In addition, the applicant shall also pay to the Township reasonable legal fees incurred by the Township for legal services incidental and related to the processing of such subdivision or land development plans and any approval thereof, including, but not by way of limitation, the drafting of the improvements agreement, deeds of dedication and any other documents associated with subdivision or land development approval. The applicant shall also pay for any advertising, postage expenses, archives fee and other costs associated with the processing of the subdivision or land development plan.
The engineering, legal fees and other fees required to be paid by this article shall be promptly paid to the Township by the applicant upon the submission of bills thereof to the applicant by the Township from time to time as such fees are billed to the Township by its Engineer or Solicitor or as determined by the Township in the case of Township employees. Failure to promptly pay any such fee shall result in revocation of any building permits that may have been issued and will constitute sufficient grounds for refusal to issue a building permit.
Before the Township will accept preliminary, final or site development plans for review under the normal review process, the applicant must deposit with the Township, to be held in an escrow account, a sum of money, in accordance with the Township's fee schedule, sufficient to pay for the estimated engineering and legal fees incurred by the Township Engineer and Township Solicitor related to the processing of the plan. Any interest accrued on the escrow account will be paid to the Township.
Should unpaid engineering and legal fees exceed 60% of the escrow requirements, the Board reserves the right to suspend the plan review process and draw against said engineering and legal fee escrow account to cover unpaid fees and require replenishment of the engineering and legal fee escrow fund to the full amount required before the plan review process is reactivated.
When the Township Engineer certifies that the public improvements are completed and the Board accepts them, all engineering and legal fees shall be paid to the Township prior to release of any escrow funds. In addition thereto, engineering and legal fees shall carry an interest rate of 1% per month or the maximum interest rate chargeable under law on bills outstanding 30 days after the billing date. For purposes of this article, the billing date shall be the date of the Township cover letter, and the interest charges will be for a full month's interest, even though said fees may be paid any time prior to the expiration of said month.
To the engineering and legal fees required to be paid to the Township by this article, there shall be added to the sum an amount equivalent to 5% of the estimated fees, which the applicant shall pay to the Township as an administration fee for the administration and collection of such fees and the disbursement of the same to the Township Engineer and Township Solicitor.
The applicant shall assure the Township of the construction of required improvements by posting financial security with the Township in an amount equal to 110% of the estimated cost to complete the required improvements as determined by the Township Engineer. The financial security must be approved by the Township Solicitor. The work shall be performed in strict accordance with the approved subdivision or land development plan, the executed improvements agreement and Township standards and specifications for highway and other public improvements.
The Township Engineer shall be authorized to have such tests of materials made as he deems proper in order to verify the identity and consistency of the materials. The applicant shall pay to the Township the cost of such tests, plus 3%, to reimburse the Township for the collection of such fees and disbursements of the same to the Township Engineer.