[Added 8-22-2000 by Ord. No. 292]
The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the Mill Valley Sewer District comprising the territory, including Amstel Way, North Tulip Drive and South Tulip Drive, as more specifically shown and marked on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The District shall include all residential properties, as depicted on the above Exhibit "A."[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibit A, Mill Valley Sewer District, is included at the end of this chapter.
In addition to any other connection or customer facilities fixed and imposed under this Part 8, there is hereby fixed and imposed upon the owner of each property situated within the Mill Valley Sewer District a tapping fee of $2,742 per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) of capacity required for connection.
Capacity allocations for the purpose of determining the tapping fee shall be determined on the basis of a total wastewater flow (including water use and an average infiltration/inflow allowance) of 250 gpd per EDU. Each private dwelling unit shall have a minimum EDU value of one EDU per unit. The EDU value of any other or additional use shall be determined by the Township as set forth in § 253-44 of this chapter.
Where two or more buildings are connected to the sewer system through a single service connection or where two or more uses are made of the same improved property, the tapping fee determination shall be computed as though such building and each type of use were separate improved properties or uses with separate sewer connections.
Where any building connected to the sewer system shall be converted, enlarged or remodeled or additional buildings shall be constructed on a property and connected directly to the sewer system through existing lateral, or connected directly through a new lateral so as to create or establish more extensive use or additional uses as classified in Subsection B above, an additional tapping fee in accordance with Subsection A above, for each such additional use, shall be payable to the Township by the owner of the property so improved.
The fees imposed hereunder shall be in addition to any sewer rentals or other charges fixed, charged or imposed by the Township by reason of the use, or availability for use, of the sewer system by such property, with the sole exception that the tapping fee applicable to the Township wide sewer system set forth in Part 5, Tapping Fees, of this chapter, is hereby waived for residential properties within the Mill Valley Sewer District.
For each existing dwelling unit and other established uses within the Mill Valley Sewer District, the tapping fees established herein shall be due and payable within 60 days of written notice to the property owner and no later than January 1, 2001. For each new dwelling unit or other use, or converted, enlarged or remodeled or additional buildings, the applicable tapping fees shall be due and payable at the time of application for connection.
Sewer tapping fees shall be subject to a 10% penalty if not paid within 30 days of the billing due date. If not paid within 60 days after becoming due, the bill plus the penalty, if unpaid, shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of 1% per month or fraction thereof until paid. These penalties shall be concurrent with all other remedies, legal and equitable, available to the Township for collection of said fees including, but not limited to, municipal lien and assumpsit remedies.
All sewer tapping fees, together with all penalties and interest thereon, not paid on or before the end of 60 days from the date of each bill shall be deemed to be delinquent. It shall be the duty of the Township to proceed to collect such delinquent fees, together with penalties and costs accrued thereon, including attorneys fees, either by action at law or by filing a lien or liens for the same in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County, Pennsylvania, and such liens, together with penalty and costs accrued thereon, including attorneys fees, shall be filed and collected in accordance with applicable Township ordinances and law.
Connection to the Mill Valley Sewer System shall be mandatory and required as provided in Part 2, Sewer Connections, of this chapter and in accordance with Part 2 of this chapter.
No connection shall be made to the Mill Valley Sewer System, except in accordance with this Part 8 and with the ordinances and resolutions, as well as such rules and regulations, which may, from time to time, be enacted, adopted, approved or promulgated by the Township.
There is hereby imposed upon each property located within the Mill Valley Sewer District, served by the Mill Valley Sewer System and having the use thereof, whether direct or indirect, the sewer rent or charge as set forth in Part 1, Sewer Rental Fees, of this chapter, as may be amended, from time to time. In addition to the above sewer rent, there is imposed an additional rent or charge for the purpose of charging the properties connected to the Mill Valley Sewer System on a semiannual basis for a period of 30 years certain costs of said system not included in the tapping fee of $138 per EDU per six-month period. The first bill for such additional charge shall be due at the time of payment of the first sewer rental billing in 2001 and the last bill for such additional charge shall be due at the time of payment of the last sewer rental billing in 2030. Payment of said sewer rent or other charges shall be required as provided for in Part 1 of this chapter and in accordance with the provisions of Part 1 of this chapter, including without limitation, the provisions regarding time and methods of payment, penalties for delinquent sewer rentals and liens.
The Township and its agents and employees shall have the right of access to and may enter any building, property, land, premises or place as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Part 8 and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. In connection with such inspection or investigation, samples may be taken of any solid, semisolid, liquid or contained gaseous material for analysis.
The provisions of this Part 8 are declared to be for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township and persons violating any provisions of this Part 8, upon conviction before any District Justice, shall be fined not more than $1,000 and costs of prosecution and collection activities or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed 30 days, or both such fines and imprisonment. The continuation of such violation for each successive day shall constitute a separate offense and the person or persons allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for such separate offense.
In addition to the penalties provided in § 253-72 and any other remedies authorized under this Part 8, the Township is authorized to file appropriate actions at law or in equity in the Court of Common Pleas in and for Chester County or before any other body having jurisdiction over the persons and activities herein regulated to abate any violations and remove any septic disposal system owned, operated or maintained in violation of the provisions of this Part 8. Violations of this Part 8 are declared to be public nuisances, abatable as such.
The Township reserves the right to, and may from time to time, adopt, revise, amend and readopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary and proper for the connection of properties to the Mill Valley Sewer System and for the use, maintenance and operation of the Mill Valley Sewer System and all such rules and regulations shall be and become a part of this Part 8.
For all ordinances or resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions, insofar as they are inconsistent herewith, the more stringent ordinance or resolution shall apply.
This Part 8 and any rules and regulations hereunder shall become effective immediately and shall be applicable to all properties within the Mill Valley Sewer District. The Township reserves the right to make such changes, from time to time, as in its opinion may be desirable or beneficial and to amend this Part 8 or to change the fees in such manner and at such times as, in its opinion, may be advisable.