[Adopted 3-28-1960 by Ord. No. 8.8 (Ch. 87, Art. VI, of the 1968 Code)]
[Amended 7-27-1964]
No person shall, at street intersections where traffic is controlled by traffic control signals or by police officers, cross the street against a red, "Stop" or "Don't Walk" sign or signal, nor cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk, nor disobey the lawful command of a police officer. A pedestrian crossing or starting to cross in any such crosswalk on a green or "Go" or "Walk" signal or sign shall have the right-of-way over all vehicles until such pedestrian has reached the opposite curb or safety zone, and no person or operator of any vehicle shall fail to yield the right-of-way to any such pedestrian.
No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the operator of any vehicle.