This work shall consist of the removal and satisfactory disposal of all material excavated for the construction of streets and drainage structures. It shall also include the formation of embankments and cleaning of slopes.
Roadway excavation shall be done in accordance with the following requirements:
Water. When necessary, ditches shall be provided and maintained to prevent free water from becoming incorporated in material to be used to form embankments. Ditches or other means shall also be provided to prevent water containing suspended solids from flowing onto private property or existing Town streets.
Organic material. Trees, stumps, sod or other organic material shall not be incorporated in embankments and shall be removed from the roadway limits. Organic material shall not be deposited or buried on future Town property such as that reserved for open spaces, easements or street rights-of-way.
Frozen material. When frozen material is excavated, it shall not be incorporated within roadway embankments. It may be placed on embankment slopes.
Placement of embankment.
No embankment layer shall be placed on surfaces of snow or ice, nor shall it be placed on frozen or unstable surfaces. The depth of each layer shall normally not exceed 12 inches. Where filling in twelve-inch layers is impracticable, as in the case of filling in water, the embankment may be placed in one layer to the point where twelve-inch layers are practicable or as directed by the Engineer.
The embankment shall be crowned or pitched to provide drainage at the close of each day's operations.
Embankments to an elevation three feet above free water at the time of filling shall be constructed of rock or free-draining material or a mixture of both. Free-draining material shall have not more than 70% passing the No. 40 sieve and not more than 10% passing the No. 200 sieve.
No stone over five inches in its greatest dimension shall be placed within 12 inches of the elevation of the top of the prepared subbase.
The entire area of each layer shall be uniformly compacted to at least the required minimum density by use of compaction equipment consisting of rollers, compactors or a combination thereof.
The dry density after compaction shall not be less than 95% of the dry density for that soil when tested in accordance with AASHTO 180, Method D, except that the mold used in the test shall be 6.11 inches high. In this test, material retained on the three-fourths-inch sieve shall be replaced with material retained on the No. 4 sieve, as noted as an option in the specifications for this test.
Stability. If, after full compliance with the requirements of these specifications with regard to excavation, placement and compaction density requirements, a stable embankment has not been obtained, the contractor shall proceed to perform such corrective work as is necessary to produce a stable embankment. The corrective work may include removal and replacement of the embankment in part or completely or any other work as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer to produce a stable embankment.