This work shall consist of the removal and satisfactory disposal of all material necessary for the proper construction of pipe culverts, end walls, catch basins, drop inlets, manholes, underdrains, sewers and service pipes.
Except where rock is encountered, care shall be taken not to excavate below the depths required. The contractor shall furnish and employ such shores, braces, sheeting, pumps, etc., as may be necessary for the protection of property, proper completion of the work and the safety of the public and employees of the contractor and the Town. All bracing, sheeting, etc., shall be removed when no longer required for the construction or safety of the work.
During excavation, granular material suitable for backfilling shall be piled in an orderly manner a sufficient distance from the banks of the trench to avoid overloading and to prevent slides or cave-ins. All excavated materials not required or suitable for backfill shall be removed and disposed of.
Trenches shall be of the necessary width and depth for proper laying of pipe with a minimum clearance of eight inches from the exterior face and in accordance with the Standard Details.
To ensure proper conditions at all times during construction, the contractor shall provide and maintain ample means and devices with which to intercept and/or remove promptly and dispose properly of all water entering trenches and other excavations. Excavations shall be kept dry until the structures, pipes and appurtenances to be built therein have been completed to such extent that they will not be floated or otherwise damaged.
Where rock is encountered in the excavation, it shall be removed as required to permit the construction. Where explosives and blasting are used, all laws and ordinances of municipal, state and federal agencies relating to the use of explosives shall be complied with. All blasting shall be performed by qualified personnel and proper precautions shall be taken to protect persons, property and the work from damage or injury from blast or explosion.
Rock shall be excavated, within the limits of the trench, to a depth required for crushed stone or screened gravel bedding. No rock shall project beyond the sides of the trench closer to the outside of the pipe than six inches.
Whenever wet or otherwise unstable soil that is incapable of properly supporting the pipe or structure is encountered as determined by the Town Engineer, such soil shall be removed to the depth required and refilled with gravel fill and compacted.
Gravel fill shall be used for the purpose of replacing unsuitable material used in backfill of trenches and underneath the pipe. Material for gravel fill shall conform to State Form 810, Article M.02.01, Gravel Fill.
The backfill material above the center line of the pipe and below the center line of the pipe shall be placed and compacted by hand in six-inch layers until the backfill material is at least 12 inches compacted thickness above the top of the pipe. The backfill material shall be suitable material from the excavation or shall be suitable borrow material from other excavations or approved gravel fill as herein specified. Mechanical rammers or pneumatic tampers shall be used only after backfill has been compacted by hand to a depth of 12 inches above the pipe. Backfill shall be compacted in layers of not more than six inches' compacted thickness. No stones other than bedding stone shall be placed within 18 inches of the pipe in backfillings. When any stone is used in the remainder of backfilling, each piece shall be embedded in dirt, and no stone weighing over 20 pounds shall be included in the trench. Nesting of stones will not be allowed. The intent of this specification is to require thorough tamping of bedding and backfill material.
The bottom of the trenches shall be accurately graded to provide bedding which consists of a uniform bearing and support for each section of the pipe on undisturbed soil at every point along its entire length, except for the portions of the pipe sections where it is necessary to excavate for bell holes and for the proper seating of pipe joints. Bell holes and depressions for joints shall be dug after the trench bottom has been graded, and in order that the pipe rests on the prepared bottom for as nearly its full length as practicable, bell holes and depressions shall be only of such length, depth and width as required for properly making the particular type of joint.