No principal structure shall be located any closer to any street or property line than the required minimum setback as found in § 376-41, Bulk Table. Accessory structures and uses, including parking, are permitted within the required side or rear setback, but not within any yard and not within the required front setback, except as may be specifically authorized in this article.
[Amended 6-14-2006 by L.L. No. 4-2006; 11-9-2022 by L.L. No. 7-2022]
The Planning Board may permit the following accessory structures in the MU-3, LO and PI Districts within a required front yard:
Reception office.
Watchman's post.
The Planning Board may permit a garage accessory to a residence to be located within the front yard or setback where, due to topographic conditions, there would be practical difficulties in constructing a safe and convenient drive from the street; provided, however, that such garage shall not adversely affect the future use and development of adjacent properties.
No shrubbery, hedge or other natural growth, fence or wall over three feet higher than the apex at the center line of the street shall be located within the areas shown shaded in Sketch A at the intersection of two streets, nor shall the limbs or foliage of any tree obstruct vision or be permitted to grow nearer to the ground than eight feet where such limbs or foliage overhang or are over or upon land within the areas shown in Sketch A, which can be found just before the Use Tables at the end of this chapter.
In the R-15, R-15A, R-15C and R-15MR Districts, off-street parking spaces are permitted in the required front yard and front setback.
An unroofed stoop, landing, platform or exterior stairs limited to three risers (24 inches above grade) and eight feet in width outside of the building are permitted within the required front yard/setback.
An unroofed patio which is not more than one foot above ground level or an arbor, open trellis or flagpole is permitted in a required setback. An open fire escape, deck or unroofed porch or terrace which is more than one foot above ground may project not more than 10 feet into a required rear setback.
[Amended 6-14-2006 by L.L. No. 4-2006]
An awning or movable canopy may project not more than 10 feet into a required setback; cornices or eaves or bay or bow windows may project not more than 18 inches into a required setback.
A fence or wall not more than four feet in height is permitted along any lot line and no more than six feet in height along that part of any lot line behind the required front yard. A fence or wall over the six-foot height is permitted, provided that it is set back from the lot line a distance equal to 2/3 its height. All fences shall be constructed with the outer face thereof located a minimum of one foot from the property line, except that a common fence may be constructed on the property line with the written consent of both abutting owners. All fences shall be constructed with the outer or better appearing face facing towards the abutting property or street.
Accessory buildings constructed on adjacent lots with the written consent of all abutting owners may be located along the common side lot line or rear lot line, provided that the accessory building has a floor area of less than 144 square feet and an exterior wall height of no more than eight feet.
The Planning Board may modify all side and rear yard and/or setback requirements for nonresidential uses in the PO, PI, and LO Districts, except where abutting a residential district. All such uses shall conform to the buffer requirements of this chapter. In the case of a planned building development in a PI or LO District, which development is intended or designed to be served by means of an industrial service road, the Planning Board may also modify the lot area, lot width, front yard, street frontage and all setback requirements but to an extent no greater than 50% of the minimum requirements. In such instances, the following requirements shall apply:
The front yard and setback depth shall be established from a street line designated as such on an approved site development plan or subdivision plat.
Buildings shall be so located and arranged that all have adequate access for emergency vehicles.
Restrictive covenants may be imposed on the site based on the approved site development plan or subdivision plat enforceable by all tenants, owners or lessees of such development.
In the R-15C District, the off-street parking spaces required for a three-family semiattached residence are permitted in the required side yard and side setback.
[Added 4-25-2007 by L.L. No. 1-2007]
All required front yard and front setback depths shall be measured from the designated street line, front lot line or existing street line, whichever is a greater distance from the center line of the public street abutting the lot in question. Where lots are subdivided on other than a public street, the designated street line, for purposes of front yard and setback measurement, shall be parallel to and 25 feet distant from the center line of any access easement or right-of-way.
A front yard and front setback shall be required on a corner lot from each street line. There shall be designated on the plot plan which of the remaining yards or setbacks shall be the side and rear yard or setback, respectively.