[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rush 8-11-2004 by L.L. No. 4-2004. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks — See Ch. 83.
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Rush Town Board to provide for the safety, health and general welfare of the residents of this Town and the users of all Town property. By enacting this chapter, the Rush Town Board seeks to prevent any residents or users of Town property from sustaining personal injury or property damage as a result of the use and operation of skateboards, roller blades and roller skates on Town property within the Hamlet of Rush.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated:
The practice of one person traveling on roller blades and/or roller skates constructed of metal, plastic or fiberglass or other substance for the purpose of moving in a forward or backward motion.
The practice of one or more persons riding, pedaling or otherwise propelling themselves on a single narrow board, constructed of wood, plastic, fiberglass or other substance, mounted on two or more roller-skate-type wheels, designed to be ridden by a person or persons and which has no steering device or mechanism to steer or control the direction thereof while being used or ridden, even though the direction may be controlled to some degree by shifting the feet or weight of the rider during such use.
No person shall use, operate or ride upon any skateboard, roller skates or roller blades within the Town of Rush on the following areas:
Any Town park.
Any Town parking lot.
Town Hall area.
Any police officer observing a person under 16 years of age violating any provision of this chapter shall take possession of the skateboard and the offender, deliver the offender and the skateboard to his residence and notify the offender's parents or guardian of the violation.
Any person 16 years or older who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be found guilty of a violation as defined under § 10 of the New York Penal Law and be subject to a fine of not more than $250 for each offense or imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.
In case of a violation of this chapter, the Town and its officers may, in addition to any other remedies specifically conferred by law or ordinance, institute any appropriate proceedings to prevent, correct or restrain any violation of this chapter. Each instance of nonobservance of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense.
Any person found guilty of committing a violation of this chapter shall also be liable for damages incurred to any Town park, Town parking lot or sidewalk in the hamlet and/or Town Hall area.