The purpose of this article is to provide for
the administration and enforcement in the City of Canandaigua of the
provisions of Fire Code and Property Maintenance Code of New York
State, as may be amended from time to time.
[Added 2-1-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-004]
No person shall install, use, or maintain an
outdoor furnace in the City of Canandaigua.
The Fire Chief shall keep official records of all permits, inspection reports, recommendations, complaints and violation orders. All permanent official records shall be maintained in accordance with §
714-16 of Article
I, Administration and Enforcement, of this chapter.
[Added 8-7-2008 by L.L. No. 3-2008]
A. Open burning inside Canandaigua City limits:
(1) No open burning is allowed inside the City limits of Canandaigua except as authorized in Subsection
A(2) below. All exceptions require approval by the Fire Chief and issuance of a valid burn permit by the Fire Department. The permit fee shall be the same amount as the fire inspection fee established by resolution of the City Council.
(2) Exceptions.
Permits may be obtained for cooking fires that
require pits, i.e., pig roasts and recreational bonfires. These permits
will be for one-time use or special events.
A permit is not required for established barbecue
grills, portable cooking appliances, commercial outdoor fire pits,
ceramic or clay fire pots and similar devices.
(3) Complaints. Open burning that will be offensive or
objectionable to a reasonable person because of smoke or odor emissions,
or when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires
hazardous, shall be prohibited. Upon notice by the Fire Department,
all fires must be immediately extinguished.
B. General regulations for open burning permits. Anyone
with a valid open burning permit shall follow the regulations listed
(1) Safety guidelines.
A minimum distance of 50 feet shall be maintained
between any fire and any structure or combustible material.
Debris piles should be no larger than eight
feet wide and six feet high.
Debris material shall be no larger than four
inches in diameter.
Burning shall not be permitted during windy
conditions or when expected winds will exceed 10 miles per hour. The
permittee shall check the weather forecast to avoid burning during
high winds or extremely dry conditions.
All fires must be constantly attended by a competent
adult having extinguishing equipment ready to use. All fires must
be completely extinguished prior to the attendant leaving.
The permittee shall always have an adequate
water supply, a rake and a shovel available.
The open burning permit must be on site at all
(2) Prohibited materials. No person shall burn any of
the following materials:
Routine yard and garden clean-up waste.
Materials that produce excessive smoke (rubber,
plastic, wire insulation, tires, wet grass, leaves, etc.).
Commercial/Business waste.