The following activities are exempt from the Stormwater pollution prevention
plan requirement:
A. Agricultural activities, including household gardening
and household landscape maintenance on existing developed lots.
B. Any maintenance, alteration, use or improvements to an
existing structure not changing the quality, rate, volume or location of surface
water discharge or the area of impervious surface.
C. Resurfacing or repair of an existing paved surface which
does not decrease the permeability of the paved surface nor expand the area
of pavement.
D. Construction of minor accessory structures not requiring
excavation or grading and are not in a concentrated flow path.
E. Projects which are emergency in nature that are necessary
to protect life or property, such as bridge, culvert, or pipe repairs and
electrical service, gas line, or public utility restoration. The City Department
of Public Works shall be notified within 48 hours of the initiation of such
emergency activity. The Director of Public Works shall determine and approve
of the emergency nature of such a project.
The Zoning Board of Appeals may grant a written variance from any requirement of these regulations in those cases wherein the Planning Commission or the Code Enforcement Officer has the authority under §
795-9 if there are exceptional circumstances applicable to the site such that strict adherence to the provisions of these regulations will result in unnecessary hardship and not fulfill the intent of these regulations. A written request for variance shall be provided to the Zoning Board of Appeals and shall state the specific variances sought and the reasons for their granting. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall not grant a variance unless and until sufficient specific reasons justifying the variance are provided by the applicant.
All construction activities and/or other land-disturbing activities
undertaken by or on behalf of the City of Canandaigua shall comply with the
performance standards and design criteria set forth in this chapter but shall
not require the issuance of a development permit. Such projects which are
to be undertaken by a private contractor on behalf of the City of Canandaigua
shall include a Stormwater pollution prevention plan as part of the project
design documents.
Stormwater pollution prevention plan application forms and supporting information shall be submitted to the City agency having authority to approve such plan under §
795-9 of this chapter, according to the following timetables and procedures:
A. Planning Commission.
(1) Plans shall be submitted to the Director of Development
and Planning at least two weeks prior to the date of any regularly scheduled
Planning Commission meeting at which the plan is to be considered.
(2) The Planning Commission shall determine whether the plan
is complete, or whether any additional information or data is required, within
two weeks of the date of its regularly scheduled meeting following the submittal
of the application.
(3) The Planning Commission shall act to approve or disapprove
stormwater pollution prevention plans within the time frames set forth for
the other approvals under its jurisdiction to which the development project
is subject or within 60 days of the date upon which the plan is determined
to be complete.
B. City Council.
(1) Stormwater pollution prevention plans submitted for a
planned unit development project shall be submitted to the City Manager, who
shall coordinate staff review and schedule review by City Council or a committee
thereof according to the timetables set forth in the PUD Ordinance.
(2) Stormwater pollution prevention plans for a City-sponsored
construction activity which is being undertaken by a private contractor on
behalf of the City shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works, who
will conduct a staff review and transmit the plan, if deemed complete, to
the City Manager, who will schedule a review by the City Council or a committee
C. Code Enforcement Officer.
(1) Stormwater pollution prevention plans submitted pursuant
to the issuance of a building permit or a development permit for a land-disturbing
activity other than a City-sponsored construction activity shall be submitted
to the Code Enforcement Officer, who shall determine whether the plan is complete
or whether any additional data or information is required within two weeks
of the date of submittal.
(2) The Code Enforcement Officer shall issue any development permit within two working days of his own determination that the plan meets the performance standards and design criteria of this chapter or of the approval of the plan by the City Council when the City Council has such authority under §