The issuance of building permits shall be regulated in accordance with Chapter 82, Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration.
The issuance of certificates of occupancy shall be regulated in accordance with Chapter 82, Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration.
The functioning of the office of the Building Inspector shall be regulated in accordance with Chapter 82, Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration.
Creation, appointment and organization.
There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members, pursuant to the provisions of § 267 of the Town Law.
Appointment of members. The Town Board of Warwick shall appoint members to the Zoning Board of Appeals and shall designate a Chairperson. The Town Board may provide for compensation to be paid to experts, clerks and a secretary and provide for such other expenses as may be necessary and proper, not exceeding the appropriation made by the Town Board for such purpose.
Town Board members ineligible. No person who is a member of the Town Board shall be eligible for membership on such Board of Appeals.
Terms of members first appointed. In the creation of a new Board of Appeals, or the reestablishment of terms of an existing Board, the appointment of members to the Board shall be for terms so fixed that one member's term shall expire at the end of the calendar year in which such members were initially appointed. The remaining members' terms shall be so fixed that one member's term shall expire at the end of each year thereafter. At the expiration of each original member's appointment, the replacement member shall be appointed for a term which shall be equal in years to the number of members of the Board.
Terms of Zoning Board of Appeals members now in office. Zoning Board of Appeals members now holding office for terms which do not expire at the end of a calendar year shall leave office on the expiration date of their term. Successors to their offices shall then be appointed for terms of office for the remainder of the calendar year, plus one year less than the number of years equal to the number of members of the Board. Terms of successors of members of the Board whose terms expire at the end of a calendar year shall be for the number of years equal to the number of members of the Board. This subsection supersedes New York State Town Law § 267, Subdivision 5.
Increasing membership. The Town Board may, by resolution, increase a three-member Board of Appeals to five members. Additional members shall be first appointed for a single term as provided in such resolution in order that the terms of members shall expire in each of five successive years, and their successors shall thereafter be appointed for full terms of five years. No such additional member shall take part in the consideration of any matter for which an application was on file with the Board of Appeals at the time of his or her appointment.
Decreasing membership. The Town Board which has increased the number of members of the Board of Appeals to five may, by resolution, decrease the number of members of the Board of Appeals to three to take effect upon the next two expirations of terms. Any Board of Appeals which, upon the effective date of this section, has seven members, may continue to act as a duly constituted Zoning Board of Appeals until the Town Board, by resolution, reduces such membership to three or five. However, no incumbent shall be removed from office except upon the expiration of his or her term.
Vacancy in office. If a vacancy shall occur otherwise than by expiration of term, the Town Board shall appoint the new member for the unexpired term.
Removal of members. The Town Board shall have the power to remove any member of the Board of Appeals for cause and after public hearing.
Chairperson duties. All meetings of the Board of Appeals shall be held at the call of the Chairperson and at such other times as such Board may determine. Such Chairperson or, in his or her absence, the Acting Chairperson, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses.
Alternate members.
[Added 2-22-2024 by L.L. No. 2-2024]
The Town Board may, by resolution, appoint alternate members of the Board of Appeals, for a term established by the Town Board, to substitute for a member in the event such member is unable to participate because of a conflict of interest.
The chairperson of the Board of Appeals may designate an alternate member to substitute for a member when such member is unable to participate because of a conflict of interest regarding an application or matter before the board. When so designated, the alternate member shall possess all the powers and responsibilities of such member of the board. Such designation shall be entered into the minutes of the initial Zoning Board of Appeals meeting at which the substitution is made.
All provisions of this section relating to Board of Appeals member training and continuing education, attendance, conflict of interest, compensation, eligibility, vacancy in office, removal, and service on other boards, shall also apply to alternate members.
Procedure for Board of Appeals.
Meetings, minutes and records. Meetings of such Board of Appeals shall be open to the public to the extent provided in Article 7 of the Public Officers Law. Such Board of Appeals shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon every question or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and shall also keep records of its examinations and other official actions.
Filing requirements. Every rule, regulation, every amendment or repeal thereof, and every order, requirement, decision or determination of the Board of Appeals shall immediately be filed in the office of the Town Clerk and shall be a public record.
Assistance to Board of Appeals. Such Board shall have the authority to call upon any department, agency or employee of the Town for such assistance as shall be deemed necessary and as shall be authorized by the Town Board.
Hearing appeals. Unless otherwise provided by local law or ordinance, the jurisdiction of the Board of Appeals shall be appellate only and shall be limited to hearing and deciding appeals from and reviewing any order, requirement, decision, interpretation or determination made by an administrative official charged with the enforcement of any ordinance or local law adopted pursuant to Article 16 of the Town Law. Such Board shall have the authority to call upon any department, agency or employee of the Town for such assistance as shall be deemed necessary and as shall be authorized by the Town Board. Such department, agency or employee shall be reimbursed for any expenses incurred as a result of such assistance. The concurring vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Appeals shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any such administrative official, or to grant a use variance or area variance. Such appeal may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board or bureau of the Town.
Time of appeal. Such appeal shall be taken within 60 days after the filing of any order, requirement, decision, interpretation or determination of the administrative officer charged with the enforcement of such ordinance or local law by filing with such administrative official and with the Board of Appeals a notice of appeal, specifying the grounds thereof and the relief sought. The administrative official from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board of Appeals all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. The cost of sending or publishing any notices relating to such appeal shall be borne by the appealing party and shall be paid to the Board prior to the hearing of such appeal.
Stay upon appeal. An appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the administrative official charged with the enforcement of such ordinance or local law, from which the appeal is taken, certifies to the Board of Appeals, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with the administrative official, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his or her opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property, in which case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Appeals or by a court of record on application, on notice to the administrative official from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown.
Hearing on appeal. The Board of Appeals shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal or other matter referred to it and give public notice thereof by the publication in a paper of general circulation in the Town of a notice of such hearing, at least five days prior to the date thereof. In addition to same published notice, the applicant shall cause notice to be given of the substance of every appeal for an interpretation or variance, together with the notice of hearing thereof, by causing notice thereof to be mailed at least five days before the date of said hearing to the owners of all property abutting that held by the applicant in the immediate area, whether or not involved in such appeal or application, and all other owners within 300 feet, or such additional distance as the Board may deem advisable, from the exterior boundaries of the land involved in such appeal or application, as the names of said owners appear on the last completed assessment roll of the Town. Such notice shall be by certified mail, and the applicant shall furnish proof of compliance with the notification procedure. Any or all of the notices required by this subsection shall be issued by the Secretary of the Board of Appeals on order of the Board of Appeals or upon order of the Chairman of said Board, if the appeal or application is received when the Board is not in session and the Chairman deems it necessary or desirable to expedite the public hearing on such appeal or application. Provided that due notice shall have been published as above provided and that there shall have been substantial compliance with the remaining provisions of this subsection, the failure to give notice in exact conformance herewith shall not be deemed to invalidate any action taken by the Board of Appeals.
Time of decision. The Board of Appeals shall decide upon the appeal within 62 days after the conduct of said hearing. The time within which the Board of Appeals must render its decision may be extended by mutual consent of the applicant and the Board.
Filing of decision and notice. The decision of the Board of Appeals on the appeal shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk within five business days after the day such decision is rendered and a copy thereof mailed to the applicant.
Notice to Park Commission or planning agency. At least five days before such hearing, the Board of Appeals shall mail notices thereof to the parties; to the Regional State Park Commission having jurisdiction over any state park or parkway within 500 feet of the property affected by such appeal; and to the county, metropolitan or regional planning agency, as required by § 239-m of the General Municipal Law, which notice shall be accompanied by a full statement of the matter under consideration, as defined in Subdivision 1 of § 239-m of the General Municipal Law.
Compliance with State Environmental Quality Review Act. The Board of Appeals shall comply with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act under Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and its implementing regulations as codified in Title 6, Part 617, of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations.
Expiration. Unless construction is commenced and diligently prosecuted within 24 months of the date of the granting of a variance, such variance shall become null and void.
Permitted action by Board of Appeals.
Interpretations, requirements, decisions and determinations. The Board of Appeals may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision, interpretation or determination appealed from and shall make such order, requirement, decision, interpretation or determination as in its opinion ought to have been made in the matter by the administrative official charged with the enforcement of such ordinance or local law and to that end shall have all the powers of the administrative official from whose order, requirement or decision the appeal is taken.
Use variances.
The Board of Appeals, on appeal from the decision or determination of the administrative official charged with the enforcement of such ordinance or local law, shall have the power to grant use variances, authorizing a use of the land which otherwise would not be allowed or would be prohibited by the terms of the ordinance or local law.
No such use variance shall be granted by the Board of Appeals without a showing by the applicant that applicable zoning regulations and restrictions have caused unnecessary hardship. In order to prove such unnecessary hardship, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Board of Appeals that:
Under applicable zoning regulations the applicant is deprived of all economic use or benefit from the property in question, which deprivation must be established by competent financial evidence;
The alleged hardship relating to the property in question is unique and does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood;
The requested use variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; and
The alleged hardship has not been self-created.
The Board of Appeals, in the granting of use variances, shall grant the minimum variance that it shall deem necessary and adequate to address the unnecessary hardship proven by the applicant and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community.
Area variances.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall have the power, upon an appeal from a decision or determination of an administrative official charged with the enforcement of such ordinance or local law, to grant area variances from the area or dimensional requirements of such ordinance or local law.
In making its determination, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall take into consideration the benefit to the applicant if the variance is granted, as weighed against the detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or community by such grant. In making such determination, the Board shall also consider:
Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of the area variance;
Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance;
Whether the requested area variance is substantial;
Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district; and
Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created, which consideration shall be relevant to the decision of the Board of Appeals but shall not necessarily preclude the granting of the area variance.
The Board of Appeals, in the granting of area variances, shall grant the minimum variance that it shall deem necessary and adequate and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community.
Imposition of conditions. The Board of Appeals shall, in the granting of both use variances and area variances, have the authority to impose such reasonable conditions and restrictions as are directly related to and incidental to the proposed use of the property or the period of time such variance shall be in effect. Such conditions shall be consistent with the spirit and intent of the zoning ordinance or local law and shall be imposed for the purpose of minimizing any adverse impact such variance may have on the neighborhood or community.
Violations. A violation of this chapter is hereby declared to be an offense, punishable by a fine not exceeding $350 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months, or both, for conviction of a first offense; for conviction of a second offense, both of which were committed within a period of five years, punishable by a fine not less than $350 nor more than $700 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months, or both; and upon conviction for a third or subsequent offense, all of which were committed within a period of five years, punishable by a fine not less than $700 nor more than $1,000 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months, or both. However, for the purpose of conferring jurisdiction upon courts and judicial officers generally, violations of this chapter shall be deemed misdemeanors and, for such purpose only, all provisions of law relating to misdemeanors shall apply to such violations. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate additional violation.
Appropriate Town actions. In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted or maintained or any building, structure or land is used or any land is divided into lots, blocks or sites in violation of this chapter or of any ordinance or other regulation made under authority conferred thereby, the proper local authorities of the Town, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, conversion, maintenance, use or division of land; to restrain, correct or abate such violation; to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure or land; or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such premises; and upon the failure or refusal of the proper local officer, board or body of the Town to institute any such appropriate action or proceeding for a period of 10 days after written request by a resident taxpayer of the Town so to proceed, any three taxpayers of the Town residing in the district wherein such violation exists, who are jointly or severally aggrieved by such violation, may institute such appropriate action or proceeding in like manner as such local officer, board or body of the Town is authorized to do.
A schedule of applicable fees is contained in Chapter 75, Development Fees.