The Village of Liberty Planning Board shall consist of five members, and the Village Board shall designate one member of the Board as Chairperson. The Village Board shall also appoint up to three temporary members. Such temporary members shall be appointed for a one-year term of office. The Chairperson of the Planning Board shall assign each temporary member as necessary when absence of regular members of said Board or a conflict of interest of a regular member of said Board would otherwise prevent five members of such Board from considering any pending matter, but no more than two temporary member shall sit in determination of any pending matter. Such temporary member shall be designated on a rotating basis such that each temporary member shall be afforded an equal opportunity to serve. Once designated to serve on a particular matter before the Board, the temporary member shall have the same powers and duties as regular members of the Board until the matter is concluded. Any determination of said Board consisting of a temporary member shall have the same weight and be entitled to the same authority as the act or deed of the regular Planning Board member, and all laws, statutes and regulations shall apply and be applied with equal force and effect.
The Village Board shall require Planning Board members to complete training and continuing education courses as provided by law.
All Planning Board members shall attend at least 75% of all regularly scheduled meetings of the Planning Board in each calendar year of their appointment.
The Mayor shall have the power to remove, after public hearing as provided for under § 7-718 of the New York State Village Law, any member of the Planning Board for cause or for failing to comply with the minimum meeting attendance or training requirements established herein.