The purpose of this article is to describe the
design and construction standards applicable to land use activities
regulated by this chapter.
[Amended 4-10-2007 by Ord. No. 562]
A. General.
(1) Streets must be constructed to the grades and dimensions
depicted on the plans, profiles, and cross sections submitted by the
applicant and approved by the Township.
(2) Before any street construction can begin, the applicant
must install the required utilities and provide, where necessary,
adequate stormwater drainage from the street.
(3) Pipe underdrain and pavement base drain shall be installed
according to the specifications set forth in Section 610 of the current
edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications,
Publication 408, at such locations and in such quantities as determined
necessary by the Township. Field conditions may cause underdrain and
pavement base drain to be installed at locations not depicted on approved
B. Inspections.
(1) All street construction shall be subject to inspection
at any time by the Township or its agent.
(2) A preconstruction meeting shall be held at the start
of a project with a representative of the Derry Township Department
of Community Development to determine what inspections will be required.
(3) At a minimum, the following inspections and approvals
shall be made:
Inspection and approval of the subgrade immediately
prior to the installation of the subbase.
Inspection and approval of the subbase immediately
prior to the installation of the base course.
Inspection and approval of the base course immediately
prior to the installation of the wearing course.
Final inspection of the completed street and related improvements in conformance with Article
V, Section 510, of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Act 247 of 1968, as amended.
(4) The developer shall notify the Township a minimum
of 24 hours in advance of each required inspection.
(5) Copies of all stone and material delivery slips shall
be kept on file and be made available for inspection until final approval
by the Township is received.
C. Specifications. The subgrade, subbase, base course,
binder course, and wearing course of new, reconstructed, or resurfaced
streets shall be designed using the DARWin Pavement Design and Analysis
System or an acceptable alternate procedure that meets the requirements
of the 1993 American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) pavement design procedures or the minimum depths
indicated for each classification of street, whichever is greater,
and constructed according to the following specifications:
(1) Arterial streets. The developer shall consult with
the Township in the matter of a Township-owned arterial street and
shall consult with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in
the matter of Pennsylvania-owned arterial streets. The street specification
shall be governed by whichever entity owns or will own the street.
Unless special conditions exist, it shall be the Township policy to
follow the construction standards of the Pennsylvania Department of
(2) Collector streets.
Subgrade. Prior to the installation of the subbase,
the subgrade shall be prepared according to the specifications set
forth in Section 210 of the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408.
Subbase. The subbase shall consist of eight
inches of compacted 2A aggregate constructed in accordance with the
specifications set forth in Section 350 and Section 703 of the current
edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications,
Publication 408.
Base course. The base course shall consist of
five inches of compacted Hot Mix Asphalt Superpave Base Course, PG64-22,
25 mm mix, 3.0 to 10.0 million ESALs, conforming to Section 309 of
the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Specifications, Publication 408.
Wearing course. The wearing course shall consist
of 1 1/2 inches of compacted Hot Mix Asphalt Superpave Wearing
Course, PG64-22, 9.5 mm mix, 3.0 to 10.0 million ESALs, SRL-G, conforming
to Section 409 of the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408.
(3) Minor streets.
Subgrade. Prior to the installation of the subbase,
the subgrade shall be prepared according to the specifications set
forth in Section 210 of the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408.
Subbase. The subbase shall consist of eight
inches of compacted 2A aggregate constructed in accordance with the
specifications set forth in Section 350 and Section 703 of the current
edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications,
Publication 408.
Base course. The base course shall consist of
three inches of compacted Hot Mix Asphalt Superpave Base Course, PG64-22,
25 mm mix, 0.3 to 3.0 million ESALs, conforming to Section 309 of
the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Specifications, Publication 408.
Wearing course. The wearing course shall consist
of 1 1/2 inches of compacted Hot Mix Asphalt Superpave Wearing
Course, PG64-22, 9.5 mm mix, 0.3 to 3.0 million ESALs, SRL-M, conforming
to Section 409 of the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408.
(4) Additional paving items that may be required for each
street classification are as follows:
Binder course: Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design,
HMA Binder Course. This course shall conform to Section 409 of the
current edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications,
Publication 408.
Binder leveling course: Superpave Asphalt Mixture
Design, HMA Binder Course (Leveling). This course shall conform to
Section 409 of the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408.
Scratch course: Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design,
HMA Wearing Course (Scratch). This course shall conform to Section
409 of the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Specifications, Publication 408.
Bituminous tack coat: This tack coat shall conform
to Section 460 of the current edition of the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408.
(5) Alleys. Alleys shall be constructed to the same specifications
as minor streets.
(6) Skid resistance level (SRL). All new construction,
overlays, and resurfacing work shall use the following guidelines
to determine the appropriate SRL for the coarse aggregate used in
the bituminous wearing course:
Initial or Current Two-Way ADT*
SRL Designation
Above 20,000
5,001 to 20,000
3,001 to 5,000
1,001 to 3,000
1 to 1,000
*When all traffic for the street travels in
one direction, divide the ADT (average daily traffic) values shown
above by two to determine the required SRL.
(7) Street crown and curbs.
A street must be designed to provide for the
discharge of surface water from its cartway and right-of-way.
The slope of the crown on a street shall be
not less than 1/8 of an inch per foot and not more than 3/8 of an
inch per foot measured perpendicularly from the center line of the
street, unless special designs, such as super elevation, require alternate
slope designs which shall be reviewed on an individual basis by the
(8) General.
Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Binder
Course or Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Wearing Course (Scratch)
shall be used to provide proper crown on resurfaced sections of streets
when directed by the Township.
Existing sections of streets to be resurfaced
will be prepared with bituminous tack coat prior to resurfacing.
Paving of bituminous pavement courses will not
be allowed between the dates of October 15 and April 15 without the
expressed written permission of the Township Engineer.
[Amended 12-21-2010 by Ord. No. 602]
Stormwater management. All subdivision and/or land development activities shall include stormwater controls in accordance with Chapter
The arrangement of lots shall conform to the
following requirements:
A. Every lot shall abut a publicly owned street other
than an alley, unless as part of a cluster development it is permitted
to have frontage on a common drive.
B. Every lot shall have sufficient means of access to
be reached by emergency vehicles and delivery vehicles in addition
to the vehicles which would routinely access the lot.
C. Double frontage lots, other than those lots or portions
thereof which are located in an industrial zoning district, shall
not be created unless such lots are abutting collector or arterial
streets and access is provided by a minor street or a marginal access
D. In the case of a double frontage lot, other than those
lots or portions thereof which are located in an industrial zoning
district, which has one frontage abutting a collector or arterial
street, a planting strip at least 15 feet wide shall be provided for
a screen along the portion of the lot which abuts the collector or
arterial street.
E. The Township may require a planting strip at least
15 feet wide for a screen adjacent to a railroad line except a railroad
line adjacent to a lot or portion thereof which is located in an industrial
zoning district, public park, stream or other natural feature adjacent
to a lot.
F. Side lot lines shall be perpendicular to the street
or common drive centerline for a length at least equal to the minimum
lot depth.
G. Lot size shall be as prescribed in Chapter
225, Zoning.
H. Minimum yard areas shall be as prescribed in Chapter
225, Zoning.
I. Corner lots may be required to have an additional width of at least 10% over the minimum lot width prescribed by Chapter
225, Zoning, to accommodate the additional front yard area from the side street.
J. The Township may require additional area for lots
with grades exceeding 15% to provide area to control surface water
runoff and/or to provide sufficient area for installation of an approved
private sewage disposal system.
K. Lots on which two or more residential buildings are
proposed to be constructed shall be given consideration as to the
probability and method of future proposed subdivisions for the purpose
of having each principal building on a separate lot. If believed likely
that a future subdivision may be desired by the landowner or successors
thereto, the developer shall demonstrate how such subdivision could
be achieved. The inability to subdivide in the future shall be sufficient
cause to reject the proposed land development plan.
[Amended 11-12-2019 by Ord. No. 718]
Shade trees shall be provided by the developer
in the street right-of-way area of new streets and along existing
A. Newly planted shade trees shall conform to the spacing, size, species, and any special requirements in Chapter
201, Trees.
B. Depending on the species of shade trees proposed to
be provided, the Township may require root control devices or material
to minimize the effect of root growth on sidewalks, curbs, and underground
The developer shall consult with the Township
and all appropriate agencies and utility companies regarding the design
and installation of street furniture and accessories. This section
shall apply to, but not be limited to, pedestrian and vehicular safety
devices, mass transit stops, phone booths, mail boxes, public seating,
information boards, kiosks, signs, water fountains, waste and litter
containers and the like.
[Amended 9-8-1998 by Ord. No. 446; 2-22-2000 by Ord. No. 465; 6-10-2003 by Ord. No. 519; 10-13-2015 by Ord. No. 669]
A. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of new streets
and on the adjacent sides of abutting streets.
(1) Sidewalks shall be installed within the right-of-way of new and abutting
streets, and shall be located four inches from the right-of-way line,
except that sidewalk placement may be adjusted along existing abutting
streets to maintain continuity with existing sidewalk, if deemed appropriate
by the Township.
(2) All sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with the sidewalk
specifications set forth in the Appendices of this chapter.
(3) Handicapped access curb cuts and ramps shall be provided at pedestrian crosswalks. These facilities shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Design Manual Part 2, Chapter
6, "Pedestrian Facilities," 2009, or as may be amended.
(4) Fee in lieu of installation of sidewalks.
The applicant may propose (or offer) a fee in lieu of installation
of required sidewalks when the Township determines that one or more
of the following conditions exist:
Sidewalks are scheduled to be installed as part of a Township,
County, or State project that has been funded for construction.
The potential impact to sensitive environmental features if
sidewalks are installed outweighs the need for the sidewalks in that
particular location.
The sidewalks are not logical extensions of or links to other
existing or proposed pedestrian facilities.
The sidewalks are not a proposed feature as depicted within
the Township's Comprehensive Plan or any Official Map as may
be adopted by the Township.
The fee amount shall be determined by using RSMeans' Construction
Cost Data, current quarter, regionally adjusted to Hershey, Pennsylvania,
Division 32, line item 320610100310 (Sidewalks, driveways, and patios,
sidewalk, concrete, cast-in-place with 6 x 6 - W1.4 x W1.4 mesh, broomed
finish, 3,000 psi, four inches thick, excludes base) and line item
320610100450 (Sidewalks, driveways, and patios, sidewalks, concrete,
excludes base, for four-inch-thick bank run gravel base) at standard
union rates, based on bare costs without O&P or equivalent cost
data information.
The fee authorized under this article shall, upon its receipt
by the Township, be deposited in an interest bearing account. The
Township shall maintain records indicating the source of the funds
and the projects where the funds are expended. Interest earned on
the account shall become funds of that account. All fees collected
by the Township pursuant to these provisions shall be utilized for
Township sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, and other related pedestrian
access purposes in a time period as determined by the Township.
B. Pedestrian walkways.
(1) The Board of Supervisors may grant a waiver to allow pedestrian walkways
as an alternative to sidewalks located within the street right-of-way,
if the applicant can demonstrate that the alternate system of pedestrian
walkways located outside the street right-of-way will provide for:
Planned pedestrian systems or bicycle paths as depicted within
the Township's Comprehensive Plan or any Official Map as may
be adopted by the Township;
Increased safety from vehicle conflicts;
A more efficient path of pedestrian circulation;
Extensions or links to an existing pedestrian walkway or bicycle
system; and/or
Less disturbance of sensitive environmental features.
(2) The pedestrian walkway system shall be constructed of concrete with a minimum width of five feet, or of asphalt with a minimum width of eight feet. Concrete pedestrian walkways shall be constructed to the same specifications as set forth in this chapter for concrete sidewalks, and asphalt pedestrian walkways shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications for bicycle paths as set forth in §
185-34C of this article.
(3) Pedestrian walkway systems shall be located within a right-of-way having a minimum width of 20 feet. The right-of-way shall be recorded and shall state that it is for the purposes of ensuring the right of use of the pedestrian walkway by the general public and providing an adequate area for maintenance. The applicant shall also provide a recorded covenant that the property owner shall maintain the pedestrian walkway system in the same manner as prescribed for sidewalks in Chapter
179 (Streets and Sidewalks) of the Code of the Township of Derry.
(4) A pedestrian walkway system shall provide access to properties on
the opposite side of the street. Access shall be provided at street
intersections; however, if street intersections occur at intervals
in excess of 800 feet, additional points of access may be provided
so that pedestrian walkway intersections with streets occur at intervals
not exceeding 800 feet.
(5) Handicapped access curb cuts and ramps shall be provided at pedestrian crosswalks to make the transition from street to pedestrian walkway easily negotiable for handicapped persons in wheelchairs and for other persons who may have difficulty in making the step up or down from curb level to street level. These facilities shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Design Manual, Part 2, Chapter
6, "Pedestrian Facilities," 2009, or as may be amended.
(6) The applicant shall propose and guarantee implementation of a reliable
program acceptable to the Township for maintaining the pedestrian
walkway system, including providing for ice and snow removal.
C. Bicycle paths. The Township may also require the installation of
bicycle paths where a development tract is located in such a manner
that it can provide a connection to an existing bicycle path or will
supplement a bicycle path that has been indicated on an Official Map;
or in other circumstances where available evidence indicates that
such facilities would contribute to public safety.
(1) Bicycle paths shall have a minimum width of eight feet and shall
be located within a right-of-way having a minimum width of 20 feet.
The right-of-way shall state that it is for the purposes of ensuring
the right of use of the bicycle path by the general public and providing
an adequate area for the maintenance of the path. The right-of-way
shall indicate the party responsible for such maintenance and shall
be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County.
(2) Bicycle paths shall be constructed in accordance with the following
minimum standards:
All topsoil and all unsuitable materials shall be stripped to
a minimum width of eight feet and a minimum depth of nine inches.
The subgrade, if not undisturbed soil, shall be compacted to
95% density.
The subbase shall consist of six inches of PennDOT 2A stone,
compacted to 95% density.
The binder course shall be Superpave Mix 19mm having a compacted
depth of two inches for "Good" and "Medium" subgrade classes, and
a compacted depth of four inches for aggregate base and two inches
for base for "Poor" subgrade class.
The wearing surface shall be Superpave Mix 9.5mm having a compacted
depth of one inch for "Good" subgrade class, and 1.5 inches compacted
depth for both "Medium" and "Poor" subgrade classes.
The surface of the bicycle path shall be graded to provide for
the positive drainage of water from the bicycle path by providing
a transverse slope of 1/4 inch per foot on the surface of the bicycle
path. If it is necessary to slope the bicycle path in two directions,
the slope change shall occur on the centerline so as to have a crown
along the centerline.
A two-foot-wide grassed shoulder area shall be provided immediately
adjacent to each edge of the asphalt paving. The grassed shoulder
shall be level with the edge of the asphalt and shall have the same
slope as the adjacent asphalt bicycle path measured from the centerline
of the bicycle path. The grassed shoulder shall be seeded on a minimum
of four inches of topsoil.
[Amended 9-8-1998 by Ord. No. 446]
A. Where a public water main supply or a public water supply system exists or is installed pursuant to the provisions of §
185-28B of this article, the developer shall provide fire hydrants in accordance with this section. The location of new fire hydrants shall be coordinated with nearby existing fire hydrant locations.
B. Fire hydrant design specifications.
(1) Nonresidential buildings and dwelling buildings containing
two or more dwelling units shall be located a maximum of 400 feet
from a fire hydrant. All other buildings shall be located a maximum
of 600 feet from a fire hydrant. Measurements shall be made along
the roadway and driveway or access drive to the subject building.
(2) Hydrants shall be placed with the steamer nozzle facing
toward the vehicular travel lane and shall be located so that they
are accessible to within five feet by fire apparatus.
(3) Hydrants shall be color coded as follows:
Class AA, Light Blue: Rated capacity of 1,500
gpm or greater (5,680 L/min).
Class A, Green: Rated capacity of 1000-1499
gpm (3,785-5,675 L/min).
Class B, Orange: Rated capacity of 500-999 gpm
(1,900-3,780 L/min).
Class C, Red: Rated capacity of less than 500
gpm (1,900 L/min).
Barrels: all fire hydrants shall be of chrome
yellow or equivalent.
(4) Hydrants shall provide two 2 1/2 inch I.D. port
outlets and one 4 1/2 inch I.D. steamer outlet.
(5) Nonsprinklered buildings shall have fire hydrant flow
rates calculated in accordance with the "Fire Suppression Rating Schedule"
as published by the Insurance Services Office, New York, New York,
September 1980, and sprinklered buildings shall have fire hydrant
flow rates calculated in accordance with the current National Fire
Prevention Association standard which applies to the building type
being considered.
(6) The water system supplying the hydrants shall be capable
of meeting maximum domestic consumption at all times plus required
fire flow for a minimum duration of two hours.
(7) Fire hydrant water supply systems shall be capable
of recharge within eight hours after a full fire flow draw-down for
a two hour duration. Buildings represented on final plans requiring
the installation of fire hydrants shall have all hydrants represented
on the final plan installed an fully operational prior to the issuance
of a certificate of occupancy for any building represented on the
final plan.