This chapter regulates all areas that would
be covered by the regional flood or base flood. Note: Base flood elevations
are derived from the flood profiles in the Flood Insurance Study.
Regional flood elevations may be derived from other studies. Areas
covered by the base flood are identified as A Zones on the Flood Insurance
Rate Map.
[Amended 10-18-2011 by Ord. No. 359]
A. The boundaries of all floodplain districts are designated
as floodplains or A Zones on the maps listed below and the revisions
in the City of Bayfield Floodplain Appendix. Any change to the base flood elevations (BFE) in the Flood
Insurance Study (FIS) or on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) must
be reviewed and approved by the DNR and FEMA before it is effective.
No changes to regional flood elevations (RFEs) on non-FEMA maps shall
be effective until approved by the DNR. These maps and revisions are
on file in the office of the City of Bayfield, City Clerk's office.
If more than one map or revision is referenced, the most restrictive
information shall apply.
B. Official maps: based on the Bayfield County Flood
Insurance Study (FIS), (dated December 16, 2011), Volume Numbers 55007CV00A:
Bayfield County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Panel Numbers 55007C0283D,
55007C0287D and 55007C0291D (dated December 16, 2011); with corresponding
profiles that are based on the FIS.
The regional floodplain areas are divided into
three districts as follows:
A. The Floodway District (FW) is the channel of a river
or stream and those portions of the floodplain adjoining the channel
required to carry the regional floodwaters.
B. The Floodfringe District (FF) is that portion of the
floodplain between the regional flood limits and the floodway.
C. The General Floodplain District (GFP) is those areas
that have been or may be covered by floodwater during the regional
Any development or use within the areas regulated
by this chapter shall be in compliance with the terms of this chapter,
and other applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
Unless specifically exempted by law, all cities,
villages, towns, and counties are required to comply with this chapter
and obtain all necessary permits. State agencies are required to comply
if § 13.48(13), Wis. Stats., applies. The construction,
reconstruction, maintenance and repair of state highways and bridges
by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is exempt when § 30.2022,
Wis. Stats., applies.
In their interpretation and application, the
provisions of this chapter are the minimum requirements liberally
construed in favor of the governing body and are not a limitation
on or repeal of any other powers granted by the Wisconsin Statutes.
If a provision of this chapter, required by ch. NR 116, Wis. Adm.
Code, is unclear, the provision shall be interpreted in light of the
standards in effect on the date of the adoption of this chapter or
in effect on the date of the most recent text amendment to this chapter.
The flood protection standards in this chapter
are based on engineering experience and scientific research. Larger
floods may occur or the flood height may be increased by man-made
or natural causes. This chapter does not imply or guarantee that non-floodplain
areas or permitted floodplain uses will be free from flooding and
flood damages; nor does this chapter create liability on the part
of, or a cause of action against, the municipality or any officer
or employee thereof for any flood damage that may result from reliance
on this chapter.
Should any portion of this chapter be declared
unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,
the remainder of this chapter shall not be affected.
The Bayfield County floodplain zoning provisions
in effect on the date of annexation shall remain in effect and shall
be enforced by the municipality for all annexed areas until the municipality
adopts and enforces an ordinance which meets the requirements of ch.
NR 116, Wis. Adm. Code, and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
These annexed lands are described on the municipality's official zoning
map. County floodplain zoning provisions are incorporated by reference
for the purpose of administering this section and are on file in the
office of the municipal Zoning Administrator. All plats or maps of
annexation shall show the regional flood elevation and the location
of the floodway.
The community shall review all permit applications
to determine whether proposed building sites will be reasonably safe
from flooding. If a proposed building site is in a flood-prone area,
all new construction and substantial improvements shall be designed
or modified and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse,
or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and
hydrostatic loads; be constructed with materials resistant to flood
damage; be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood
damages; and be constructed with electrical, heating, ventilation,
plumbing, and air-conditioning equipment and other service facilities
designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating
within the components during conditions of flooding. Subdivisions
shall be reviewed for compliance with the above standards. All subdivision
proposals (including manufactured home parks) shall include regional
flood elevation and floodway data for any development that meets the
subdivision definition of this chapter.