No person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without approval of the Director.
The owner or his agent shall make application on a form furnished by the Construction Department.
The applications shall be supplemented by plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent by the Health Officer and the Director.
Application for public sewer service shall be made to the Construction Department on a proper application signed by the owner of the premises on forms furnished by the Construction Department, which application shall specify the size of service connection desired, the property to be served, the legal owner thereof. The information supplied by the applicant on such application shall be considered as authoritative and final. If any error in such information shall cause the service connection to be installed of a wrong size or at a wrong location, the cost of all changes required shall be borne by the applicant. Applications are subject to approval by the Director or his representative.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-20]
Where a public or private sanitary sewer system is available, see § 300-5, connections must be made via a branch connection directly to a public sewer main adjacent to the subject parcel.
In the event that gravity lines are not feasible, as determined by the Township Engineer, pump systems or pressurized main connections to public sewer shall be required to enter a privately owned manhole then connect to the Township sewer via a branch connection.
Direct connection to force mains are prohibited.
Provided that the public or private sewer is within 100 feet of the property line the applicant shall extend the sewer throughout the entirety of the property to meet the requirement in § 300-15.1A at the applicant's expense.
Provided that the public or private sewer is outside of 100 feet of the property line the applicant can design an extension and submit it to the Township for review, at the applicant's expense.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-20]
The applicant shall be responsible for all review costs in the case of any sanitary sewer application for which the Department requires professional assistance in making findings. If not previously established, the applicant will deposit in an escrow account with the Township the fees that the Township requires to review and advise on the application. The initial escrow deposit shall be $2,500 to provide review and approval of any sanitary-sewer-related items.
Any sanitary sewer collection system shall be adequate to handle all present and probable future development. Alignments outside streets shall require easements subject to the review and approval by the Planning Board Attorney and Engineer and, thereafter, Municipal Attorney and Engineer if such alignment involves municipal lands or interests.
Any changes in use of any existing property or facility or proposed new construction shall be subject to review and reevaluation of the sewer service and the amount of flow rights assigned by the Township. Any increase shall subject the applicant to additional fees. Flow rights are granted to the Township of Montville and other member communities by the Parsippany-Troy Hills Sanitary Sewer Utility. By agreement, the Township has been granted sewer flow rights for the municipality. Flow rights available for purchase are finite and limited and assigned upon purchase at time of sanitary sewer application. Flow rights are not guaranteed. Therefore, all completed applications for sewer permits shall be approved on a first-come-first-served basis. The obligation of the Township to approve applications for sewer permits is contingent upon the availability of capacity of both the Parsippany-Troy Hills Sanitary Sewer Utility and the collection system infrastructure that is owned and maintained by Parsippany and the Township of Montville. If sufficient flow rights are not available from the Township of Montville, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer to acquire sufficient flow rights to accommodate its development as follows: "If Montville does not already possess adequate flow rights in order for the developer to proceed with the development, Montville may, in its sole discretion, choose to negotiate for the purchase of additional flow rights. The developer must reimburse the Township of Montville for the cost of such rights." Construction permits shall not be issued unless and until the developer provides adequate evidence of its acquisition of flow rights sufficient to serve the proposed development. The existing sanitary sewer system for the development of two or more single-family dwellings, multifamily residential, industrial and commercial users, including the overall capacity of the any pump stations that will serve the projects location, shall be adequate to handle the existing flow and the projected flow, based on complete development of the approved project. This shall be determined at the cost of the applicant.
When plans for future development in the service area necessitate increased capacity, the Township may enter into an agreement with the developer to address the fair share of the costs of improvements required for the proposed development in accordance with the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL), specifically N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42.
The applicant's proportionate share of sewerage facilities, including the installation, relocation or replacement of collector, trunk and interceptor sewers, and appurtenances associated therewith, shall be computed as follows:
The capacity and the design of the sanitary sewer system shall be based on the standards specified in Chapter 300 and in the NJDEP 7:14a.23.
If the existing system does not have adequate capacity to accommodate the applicant's flow given existing and reasonably anticipated peak hour flows, the pro rata share shall be computed as follows:
Developer's Cost\Total Cost of enlargement or improvement
Development generated gallons per day (gpd)\Capacity (gpd) of enlargement or improvement
If a public sanitary sewer system will be provided to the area within a six-year period as indicated in the municipal sewer master plan, or other official document, the Township may require installation of a capped system within the road right-of-way or existing municipal easements to service the approved lots; or, alternatively, the Township may require a performance guaranty in lieu of the improvement. Capped sanitary sewers shall be allowed only in areas indicated for sewer service in the State of New Jersey Statewide Water Quality Management (WQM) Plans and where permitted by NJDEP through sewer connection approval.
The applicant shall submit to the Township for review for compliance with this article details of the planned pipes, joints, mains, laterals and appurtenances. All materials used for sanitary sewer systems shall be manufactured in the United States, wherever available, as governed by P.L. 1982, c. 107, effective date October 3, 1982.[1] The details shall comply with all standards and specifications listed in this chapter.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:11-18.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-20]
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, uncontaminated cooling water or unpolluted industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer. Any proposed project greater than one EDU shall be subject to the following:
The proposed discharger or applicant will be required to identify and eliminate two gallons per minute of infiltration/inflow to the sewerage system for each gallon per minute of sewage proposed to be discharged 2:1 offset.
The location(s) of the remedial work to be performed by the applicant shall be identified by the applicant and agreed to by the municipality.
The applicant shall collect data on a minimum one-inch rain event and utilize the one-inch rain event for computing infiltration/inflow values.
The Applicant shall compare the wet weather flow rate in gallons per minute to the dry weather flow rate in gallons per minute.
Wet weather flow rate shall average all one inch or greater rainfall events within the twenty-four-hour time period immediately following each rainfall event.
Dry weather flow rate shall average each twenty-four-hour period and consist of a minimum of a ten-day period with no greater than a one-inch rainfall event.
A minimum monitoring period of 30 days shall be required for flow analysis completed.
The remedial work to be performed by the applicant to satisfy the 2:1 offset policy shall be completed prior to obtaining Township approval for connection to the public sanitary sewer main.
After the scope of the remedial program has been approved by the municipality, but prior to the initiation of the remedial work, the applicant will be required to furnish a performance bond in the amount of 100% of the value of the remedial work to ensure that such work is completely performed.
At intervals to be mutually agreed upon by the municipality/applicant, the applicant shall be required to demonstrate, in written progress reports, to the satisfaction of the Township, that the applicant is making definable progress in performing the remedial work so as to be able to complete the work within the time frame established between the applicant and the municipality.
The engineer of the applicant will be required to submit to the Township a certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the remedial work has been completed and a 2:1 offset has been achieved, and such certification must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the completion of the work.
The applicant shall repeat the study upon completion of the remedial work and compare infiltration/inflow values to prove a 2:1 offset has been obtained.
A minimum monitoring period of 30 days and a one-inch rain event shall be required for any flow analysis completed.
The Township shall fix all the public sewer fees, rentals and charges.
The owner of each building connected to the public sewer system shall be responsible for the payment of bills for sewer service, as rendered by the Township of Montville. All sewer rentals, fees and other charges incurred in the installation and building of the sewer shall be a lien against the property until paid.
Bills; termination of service upon nonpayment.
Bills for sewer service shall be rendered quarterly. The amount charged shall be due 30 days after the bill date. If bills are not paid within 30 days from the bill date, a late fee of $15 will be assessed and interest at a rate set by the Township Committee for delinquent property taxes shall be added to the amount of the bill. Notice shall be served or mailed that unless the bill is paid within 15 days from the date of the notice, the sewer service will be terminated.
[Amended 11-28-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-37]
Termination of sewer service shall be achieved by a turn off of water service or by stoppage of the sewage flow by the Department. When sewer service is terminated under such conditions, it shall remain terminated until the total amount due, including interest, turnoff and turn-on charges have been paid in full. A fee as set forth in Chapter 169, Fee Schedule, shall be charged to cover the charge of turning off and turning on the water service.
[Amended 3-23-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-11]
[Amended by Ord. No. 2002-26; Ord. No. 2002-56; Ord. No. 2002-77; Ord. No. 2003-51; Ord. No. 2004-85; Ord. No. 2005-08]
The sanitary sewer rates (quarterly) shall be as follows:
Quarterly sewer usage charges shall be as set forth in Chapter 169, Fee Schedule.
[Amended 4-25-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-18; 3-23-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-11]
For users not connected to the Township water system, excessive usage above 20,000 gallons per quarter shall be determined by one of the following methods:
By sewage meter installed and maintained at the owner's expense.
By any other method considered reasonable by the Township in consultation with the Engineer.
Where a significant amount of water as measured by the water meter is not discharged into the sanitary sewer system due to product consumption or lawn sprinkling, the Township may elect to adjust the sewer overage charges by one of the following methods:
By an approved water meter to measure product losses or lawn sprinkling.
By alternate means or procedures approved by the Township in consultation with the Engineer.
Sewer connection fee.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any unit for residential purposes, whether in single- or multiple-unit structures, including but not limited to single-family homes, multifamily units, apartment units, seasonal occupancy units, cooperative apartment units, condominium units or townhouse units.
A commercial/industrial unit having a demand on the sewer system equal to that of a dwelling unit.
[Amended 5-24-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-12]
Calculation of fee. The owner or occupant of a dwelling unit or a single EDU who may wish to or is legally required to connect said dwelling unit or single EDU to a Township sanitary sewer line for the purpose of the discharge of human and/or processed waste (including only those wastes acceptable pursuant to these regulations or other acceptable requirements of the state, federal or local governments) shall pay a connection fee as set forth in Chapter 169, Fee Schedule.
[Amended 3-14-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-11; 3-23-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-11]
Determination of EDU. For other than dwelling units, the number of EDUs shall be calculated by dividing the anticipated flow based upon the factors listed below by the design flow rate of 300 gallons per day and rounded to the next highest whole minimum fee.
[Amended 5-24-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-12]
The design flow rate for a single dwelling unit is 300 gallons per day.
Each commercial or industrial structure shall be required to pay a connection fee. The flow from a multiunit building may be aggregated for the purpose of determining a connection fee.
The design flow rate for various types of uses shall be determined by the Township utilizing the design criteria suggested by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection or such other established and reliable sources, including but not limited to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.3.
The minimum connection fee shall be equivalent to that of a single-family dwelling unit as specified herein.
Ejector pump system credit against the sewer connection fee. Existing homes affected by a new sewer installation designed and constructed by the Township Sewer Department that have been certified by the design engineer as an ejector pump premises shall be entitled to a credit of $2,500 applied to the sewer connection fee.
Payment plan for sewer connection fee. The connection fee may be paid in payments over a period of no more than five years with interest of 12% when the connection is for an existing property and is mandated by the Township. In order to qualify for the payment of the connection fee through a payment plan the property owner must provide satisfactory proof of the inability to pay the connection fee by submitting an application for approval by the Township Committee. If the Township Committee agrees to accept payment of the connection fee by a payment plan it shall do so conditioned upon the property owner executing documents securing the payment to the Township as is determined by the Township Attorney to be necessary.
Deferral of payment of connection fee for tax-exempt properties. The connection fee for sewer service to properties which are exempt from taxation may be deferred at the request of the property owner. The connection fee shall be fully due and owning at such time as the property ceases to maintain its exemption from real property taxation.
The connection fee rate charged for individual sewer connections made as a result of Township projects shall be frozen at the rate in effect at the time the Township project is awarded and for a period of six months after notice to connect has been sent to the property owner.
There shall be a credit of $3,000 from the connection fee due for any connection pursuant to a Township project which requires ejector pumps.
Sewer connection fees shall be assessed for all new connections, additional connections, increase in the size of existing connections, or new construction of additional service units connected to the sewerage system in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:26A-11.1.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-20]
Credit towards a connection fee for reconnection of a disconnected property that was previously connected to the sewerage system shall be applied provided that the property has been connected to the sewerage system for at least 20 years and the service charges have been paid for the property in at least one of the last five years in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:26A-11.2.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-20]
Senior citizen and disabled persons rate reduction.
Reduction in rates charged by the Township for residential sewer service to qualifying senior citizens and disabled persons pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:14B-22.2 is permitted under these regulations.
Residential property owned or occupied by individuals who qualify as senior citizens or disabled persons will receive a rate reduction of $21.75 per quarter credit against sewer bills.
The sewer lateral, including the making of the tap to the street and the excavation, backfilling and resurfacing of the trench from the street to the curbline, shall be installed by the applicant, at his expense, by a contractor acceptable to the Department. A street opening permit is required from the appropriate jurisdiction (Township, county, or state) for work related to a sewer connection within the right-of-way of a public street.
A separate and independent sewer lateral shall be provided for:
Each building under one roof owned by one person and occupied as one business or residence;
A combination of buildings owned by one person in one common enclosure occupied by one family or business; or
One side of a double house having a solid vertical partition wall, making it subject to divided ownership.
A building owned by one person containing more than one store, apartment or office may be supplied by one or more sewer laterals at the discretion of the Director.
If one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no separate house service connection is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard or driveway, the house service connection from the front of the building may be extended to the rear building.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The house service connection shall be installed at the expense of the applicant. The house service connection shall be in conformance with the requirements of the current Plumbing Code[1] as evidenced by a plumbing permit issued by the Construction Department.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 129, Construction Codes, Uniform.
The depth of the house service connection shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. The house service connection shall be laid at uniform grade in straight alignment insofar as possible. Changes in direction shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings, and cleanouts shall be constructed as directed by the Plumbing Subcode Official at each bend.
In all buildings in which any house service connection is too low to permit gravity flow to the street sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such connection shall be lifted by approved artificial means and discharged to the sewer lateral. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining any applicable permits from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
All excavations required for the installation of a house service connection shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Plumbing Subcode Official. Pipe laying and backfilling shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Plumbing Subcode Official, and no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected.
All joints and connections shall be made gastight and watertight and are subject to approval of the Plumbing Subcode Official.
The applicant for the sewer permit shall notify the Plumbing Subcode Official when the house service connection is ready for inspection and connection to the sewer lateral. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Plumbing Subcode Official.
The sewer lateral shall be maintained by the Department. The house service connection shall be maintained by the property owner.
The installation of a public sewer system in any street, by the Township or by others, shall not imply Township ownership or acceptance of such streets.
The entire cost of installing a public sewer system, including associated facilities such as pumping stations, force mains, or any appurtenances required by the Director, shall be paid by the real estate developers in the same manner as any other subdivision improvement. Ownership thereof shall vest in the Township when such installation meets the approval of the Director.
Each real estate developer shall enter into a developer's agreement covering the foregoing and other related matters before he undertakes any associated new construction or before any connection is made to the Township sewer system.
The Engineer shall review and, if found satisfactory, approve the type, size and location of all public sewer pipes, pumps, force mains, etc., on all new extensions. The entire system shall be subject to the Engineer's inspection and approval and shall be tested under the Engineer's supervision. The developer shall be responsible for obtaining all applicable permits as required by N.J.A.C. 7:9 and N.J.A.C. 7:14A.
General. The standards outlined herein are applicable to developers, builders, contractors and any other persons receiving approval to expand, construct or relocate the Department's sewer collection facilities. Any work relating to the utility shall be under the jurisdiction and supervision of the Department.
Sewer pipe. Sewer pipe of a type, class and size shall be installed by proper methods, with all necessary appurtenances, at the grades and locations and of the types, classes and sized approved by the Engineer.
Polyvinyl chloride pipe. Polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) and fittings shall conform to the latest ASTM D-3034 and Unibell specifications. All PVC sewer pipe shall be thickness class 35.
The pipe shall be accurate and of uniform dimensions. All pipe shall be straight and true to form without bulges, dents, cracks, tears or other defects which will affect the strength. The internal surfaces shall be smooth. Nominal laying lengths shall be 10 to 20 feet.
Joints shall be integral bell, bell and spigot joints meeting the requirements of ASTM D-3212 and contain an elastometric ring gasket conforming to ASTM F-477. Each joint shall be furnished with one elastometric ring gasket. Joints shall be lubricated with the instructions of the manufacturer and joints at all manholes.
The pipe shall be made of PVC plastic having a cell classification of 12454-B as defined in ASTM D-1784 and the fittings shall be made of PVC plastic having a cell classification as defined in ASTM D-1784.
Each length of pipe shall be marked to show the manufacturer's name or trademark, nominal pipe size, PVC cell classification, class of PVC (SDR) and the ASTM specification.
The contractor shall procure from the pipe manufacturer and deliver to the Engineer a certificate of tests for each different class, size and batch of pipe. The tests conducted shall include, but not be limited to, the measurements conforming to the latest ASTM D-2122 Specifications, the impact resistance test conforming to the latest ASTM D-2444 Specifications, the extrusion quality test conforming to the latest ASTM-2152 Specifications, the pipe stiffness test conforming to the latest ASTM-2412 Specifications, and the pipe flattening test conforming to the latest ASTM-3034 Specifications.
Ductile iron pipe. Ductile iron pipe shall conform to ANSI A21.51 for ductile iron pipe centrifugally cast in metal or sand-lined molds, for water and other liquids. The pipe shall be cast utilizing iron conforming to Grade 60-42-10 as required in the above-noted ANSI specification. Pipe shall be furnished in nominal sixteen-foot to twenty-foot laying lengths. The pipe thickness shall conform to ANSI Specification A21.50, latest revision.
The lining of the pipe shall consist of cement mortar of full thickness to the ends of the individual lengths of pipe and shall be in accordance with ANSI A2 1.4. A bituminous interior seal coat shall be applied to the cement mortar lining. The exterior of the pipe shall receive standards coal tar or asphalt foundry dip. The weight, class and pipe material shall be conspicuously indicated by the manufacturer on the outside of the pipe.
Joints for ductile iron pipe shall be mechanical joints or push-on joints conforming to ANSI A21.11.
Wye, or tee fittings, as required for the ductile iron pipe, shall be ductile or cast-iron standard mechanical joint or push-on joint fittings conforming to the requirements of ANSI A21.10 and with joints in accordance with ANSI A21.11. Standard mechanical joint accessories shall be furnished for each bell opening on fittings and shall consist of high-strength cast-iron tee-head bolts, cast-iron glands and rubber gaskets. Assembly shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Fittings shall be cement lined and bituminous-coated inside and outside as specified hereinbefore for ductile iron pipe. In all cases, the fittings and appurtenances shall at least meet the strength and pressure requirements shown or listed in ANSI A21.10.
The pipe shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and specify the manufacturer's recommendations. No pipe, couplings, or rubber rings known to be defective or damaged shall be installed, and pipe, couplings or rubber rings found defective or damaged shall be removed and replaced. All joint surfaces shall be in proper condition and protected from damage. No pipe shall be installed on frozen soil. The contractor shall be solely responsible for ensuring that each pipe is constructed at the specified alignment and grade.
The pipe shall be installed to provide maximum solid bearing along its entire length.
The trench shall be excavated to a minimum depth of six inches below the grade (pipe invert) to provide for a pipe foundation of crushed stone. The crushed stone shall be carefully placed and thoroughly compacted. The same material that is used for the pipe foundation shall be used for the pipe launching. The launching shall be placed up to the pipe springline; that is, up to the center line of the pipe. The initial backfill shall be placed to a depth of 12 inches above the top of the pipe. This backfill shall be tamped lightly so as not to disturb the embedded pipe.
The final position of the pipe shall be thoroughly secured and amply supported to prevent settlement, disturbances or flotation.
The sewer lateral branch forty-five-degree wye joint fitting on the sewer pipe shall be positioned so that the installation of the sewer lateral will not be less than 1/4 inch per one foot slope unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
The sewer lateral branch forty-five-degree wye joint shall be manufactured to accept the sewer lateral pipe spigot end for the material size and class used.
Jointing. The pipe shall be carefully jointed in conformity with the best practice and the detailed instructions of the manufacturers. All pipe ends, rubber rings, and couplings shall be void of defects and shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to and during the jointing operation. Just prior to lowering the pipes, the surfaces of the joint rings shall be wiped clean and the joint rings and rubber gasket shall be liberally lubricated with an approved type of vegetable oil soap. The spigot end, with the gasket placed in the groove, shall be entered into the bell of the pipe already laid, making sure that both pipes are properly aligned. The pipe ends shall be protected from damage by equipment used to "home" the pipe. Before the joint is fully "home" the position of the gasket in the joint shall be determined by means of a suitable feeler gauge supplied by the pipe manufacturer. If the gasket is found not to be in the proper position, the pipes shall be separated and the damaged gasket replaced. Maximum joint openings shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Suitable equipment shall be used for the storage, and laying of pipe and fittings. Lifting hooks or bars intended to be inserted into the ends of pipes will not be permitted.
Sewer laterals. Polyvinyl chloride pipe, joints and fittings shall conform to applicable portions of 000-28A.(1) in addition to the following standards:
Sewer lateral piping. Sewer lateral piping shall be PVC pipe, Schedule 40, or ductile iron pipe, Class 52.
Wye connections. Connections shall be used at the junction of the sewer lateral and street sewer. Tee-wye cleanouts shall be installed in the vicinity of the street right-of-way line or as directed by the Engineer.
Risers. Risers shall have a cleanout at grade and cast-iron riser cover and shall be used for any off-street bend 45° or greater, and at the main for sewer laterals more than eight feet below grade.
Laying and jointing. The laying and jointing shall be in accordance with approved plans and specifications and shall be in conformance with the best practice and the detailed instructions of the manufacturer.
Manholes shall conform to the typical manhole details as shown on approved plans. The walls shall be brought up vertically to approximately three feet from the top, shall then gradually decrease the diameter of the manhole and shall be of proper dimensions to receive the manhole frame and cover at the top. Watertight manholes are required as directed by the Engineer.
Concrete block manholes will be used only when approved by the Engineer. Precast manholes will be used in all cases except where conditions may require block manholes.
Concrete block manhole walls.
Manhole walls should be constructed of precast portland cement concrete block of proper radius, conforming to the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1989, Section 603, and N.J.A.C. 7:9.
All joints between blocks shall be completely filled with cement mortar consisting of one part portland cement and two parts sand. Joints shall be made to produce a smooth and uniform surface. The outside and inside surface of each manhole shall be plastered 1/2 inch thick and troweled smooth with cement mortar of the same consistency. The outside plastered surface shall be painted with one seal coat of coat tar or asphalt, Koppers No. 50 or approved equal.
Manhole bottom. Upon completion of excavation for standard manholes, six inches of crushed stone shall be placed prior to placement of concrete. Manhole bottoms shall be of 3,000 psi concrete of dimensions as shown on the approved plans.
Concrete channels shall be formed in the bottom with a minimum depth of 2/3 the sewer diameter, shall slope to the outlet, and shall have as smooth a surface as possible. Where stubs at manholes are herein specified, channels shall be formed to connect with stubs. The surfaces of the bottom shall slope one inch to the channels.
Precast manholes.
Manholes shall consist of a precast concrete base and precast barrel and precast reinforced concrete roof slab or precast reinforced concrete manhole cone. On shallow manholes, a precast slab-type top shall be used in place of the manhole cone. Precast slab-type tops of standards manufacture may be used, provided that detailed drawings are submitted and approved.
Precast manhole sections shall be circular, tongue-and-groove type. They shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation C478-68, Class IV, or the latest applicable revision thereof. The minimum compressive strength of all sections shall be 4,000 psi. Lifting holes shall be tapered holes and shall be plugged with a rubber plug and mortar-finished flush with the walls. Joints shall be tongue and groove and shall be sealed by a continuous ring gasket, free from pits or other imperfections. When installed, the ring shall be enclosed and compressed continuously on all sides.
After the manhole is completed and prior to backfilling, all joints shall be filled with mortar and pointed to form a dense hard joint. Thereafter, one coat of coal tar or asphaltic pitch shall be applied to the surface of the manhole covering all mortared joints, lift holes, etc.
Brick collars. When necessary to bring the manhole frame to proper grade, concrete brick collars shall be used. All brick shall be thoroughly wet before laying and shall be laid in a full bed and joint of mortar. Joints shall be 1/4 inch on the interior face and shall be struck smooth with the interior face. Brick shall be laid as headers with joints broken between courses, and finished collar shall be plastered on the outside with cement mortar as shown and thoroughly waterproofed with two coats of asphaltic paint. The collar shall be completely sealed to prevent water intrusion. Brick shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C32 Grade MA.
Steps. Each manhole shall have drop-type aluminum steps, projecting six inches into the manhole, and shall extend through the wall. The steps shall be aluminum alloy 6061-T6 or equal as shown.
Cover and frame. The manhole cover and frame shall be Type #1203 as manufactured by Campbell Foundry Company. Manhole cover shall be cast with the letters "MONTVILLE TOWNSHIP SANITARY SEWER."
Pipe to manhole connection. All pipe to manhole connections shall be watertight flexible seals and shall meet Rubber Gasket Specifications ASTM C-443 and Test Performance Requirements ASTM C-425 for compression joints.
Watertightness. Each manhole shall be absolutely watertight. Manholes that are not watertight will not be accepted. Plastering on top of defective joint to correct leaky conditions will not be permitted.
Inspection and testing shall be performed by the Engineer to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Chapter 300 and Chapter 394 of the Township Code, approved plans and specifications and the manufacturers' recommendations.
Inspection of the work will be conducted at all times during construction. The contractor shall cooperate and assist in the inspection of all work.
The inspection of newly installed sewers shall be done to detect and record any and all areas of improperly installed pipe. Improperly installed pipe shall include those sections of pipe that are broken, crushed, misaligned, deflected, or in any other way damaged; in which case, the contractor shall be obligated to remove said damaged section of pipe and make all necessary repairs and/or replacement at the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, to affect the proper operation and capacity of the sewer.
All infiltration noticeable during construction, whether an air exfiltration test has been performed or not, and judged to be above the allowable by the Engineer, shall be stopped and corrected immediately. Infiltration shall not exceed 50 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per 24 hours.
Rates of infiltration shall be determined by means of V-notch weirs or pipe spigot in an approved manner and at such times and locations as may be directed by the Engineer during the progress and at the completion of the work.
Testing shall be conducted during the progress of the work, at the time and over completed pipe sections as determined by the Engineer. No test shall be accepted unless witnessed by the Engineer or his authorized representative. Maximum length of test sections shall be 2,000 feet. All visible leaks shall be made tight and tests shall be repeated until the results are satisfactory.
Deflection (polyvinyl chloride pipe only). After all polyvinyl chloride pipe has been laid and trenches backfilled, a deflection test shall be performed on each section of pipeline between manholes. In cases where a fully circular pipe cross section cannot be viewed, then a mandrel shall be passed through the section in question. The mandrel shall be two times the pipe diameter in length and 90% of the pipe diameter.
Low pressure air exfiltration test.
After the pipe has been laid and backfilled, a low-pressure air test shall be made on each section of pipe. Air shall be slowly supplied to the unplugged section of pipe to be tested until the internal air pressure reaches 4.0 psi greater than the average backpressure of any groundwater that may submerge the pipe. At least two minutes shall be allowed for temperature stabilization before proceeding further. The backpressure of any groundwater caused by the water head above the center line of the pipe must be determined by a method approved by the Engineer. This backpressure must be added to the standard test pressures to compensate for the groundwater effect on the air test. Maximum length of test sections shall be 500 feet.
The rate of air loss shall then be determined by measuring the time interval required for the internal pressure to decrease from 3.5 psi to 2.5 psi greater than the average back pressure of any groundwater that may submerge the pipe.
The pipeline shall be considered acceptable when the time interval for the 1.0 psi pressure drop is not less than the holding time required by the Engineer.
If the pipe installation fails to meet these requirements, the contractor shall repair or replace all defective materials or workmanship. The complete pipe installation shall meet the requirements of this test.
Where sewer service is requested by any commercial or industrial establishment or by any institution, such as a school, hospital, nursing home and the like, the applicant shall provide engineering drawings and specifications to be reviewed by the Engineer. The applicant shall obtain all required permits and approval and shall have full financial responsibility for installation of the sewer service.
Extensions to or changes in the public sewer system may be initiated by the governing body by petition from property owners, or by application from a real estate developer. If such extension or change is deemed advisable by the governing body, it shall prescribe the terms and conditions under which the extension shall be made and shall require written acceptance thereof by the petitioners or applicant.
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water or unpolluted industrial process water into any public or private sanitary sewer system or individual sanitary sewage disposal facility.
Stormwater, cooling water and all other unpolluted process water or drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers or to a natural outlet approved by the Health Officer.
All discharges to the Township public sanitary sewer system shall be in conformance with the discharge requirements of the Parsippany-Troy Hills Sewer Utility. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described wastes or waters to any public or private sanitary sewer system or individual sanitary sewage disposal facility:
Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 65° C.
Any water or waste which may contain more than 100 parts per million, by weight, of fat, oil or grease.
Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas.
Any garbage that has not been properly shredded.
Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works.
Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the sewage works or sewers.
Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, that constitute a hazard to humans or animals, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant.
Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant.
Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable of creating a public nuisance.
Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Health Officer, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts of any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients, except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Health Officer, and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.
Grease and oil interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature. They shall be of substantial construction, watertight and equipped with easily removable covers which, when bolted in place, shall be gastight and watertight.
Where installed, all grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times.
The admission into the public sewers of any wastes or waters having a five-day biochemical oxygen demand greater than 300 parts per million, by weight, of suspended solids; or any quantity of substances having the characteristics described in § 300-32; or an average daily flow greater than 2% of the average daily sewage flow of the Township sewage treatment plant shall be subject to the review and approval of the Health Officer.
Where necessary in the opinion of the Health Officer and the Engineer, the owner shall provide, at his own expense, such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to:
Reduce the biochemical oxygen demand to 300 parts per million by weight; or more than 350 parts per million, by weight, of suspended solids; or
Reduce objectionable characteristics or constituents so that they do not exceed the maximum limits provided in § 300-32; or
Control the quantities and rates of discharge of such waters or wastes.
Plans, specifications and any other pertinent information relating to proposed preliminary treatment facilities shall be submitted for the approval of the Health Officer and the Township Engineer. Construction of such facilities shall not be commenced until approval is obtained in writing.
Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense.
When required by the Health Officer, the owner of any property served by a sewer lateral carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the house service connection to facilitate observation, sampling and measuring of the wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessible and safely located and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Engineer. The manhole shall be installed by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times.
All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in §§ 300-32 and 300-34 shall be determined in accordance with recognized standard methods for the examination of water and sewage, and shall be determined at the control manhole provided for in this code or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. If a special manhole has not been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the street sewer to the point at which the sewer lateral is connected.
No provision of this chapter shall be construed to prevent a special agreement or arrangement between the Township and an industrial concern whereby industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the Township for treatment subject to additional payment therefor by the industrial concern.