[Adopted 10-14-1980 by Ord. No. 1788; amended 1-25-1982 by Ord. No. 1833]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Director of the Department of Code Enforcement.[1]
A gaming machine, apparatus, or device that resembles and often functions like casino slot machines, in that a player inserts money, tokens or a card for the chance to win more money, credits, or a similar benefit, but where the outcome is determined mainly by mental or physical skill, rather than chance. No game of skill machine shall be permitted within the same premises as a significant tobacco retailer or convenience store, as defined in Chapter 182.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Any music vending machine, contrivance or device which, upon insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate, disk or key into any slot, crevice or other opening, or by the payment of any price, operates or may be operated for the emission of songs, music or similar amusement.
Any machine, apparatus, or device which, upon the insertion of a ticket, coin, slug, token, plate, card, disk or key into any slot, crevice or other opening, or by the payment of any price, may be operated or used as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score and whether or not a prize or redeemable tickets or points are offered. It shall include, without limitation, such devices as game of skill machines, skill games, marble machines, pinball machines, skill ball, skee ball, mechanical grab or claw machines, mechanical or video bowling machines, electronic dart boards, golf simulator games, photoelectric or video shooting games or target machines, electronic video games, air-hockey tables, football games or other ball, disk, or bag throwing, rolling, or kicking games, riding or driving games or devices, virtual reality games, and all other games, operations, or transactions similar thereto under whatever name they may be designated or described. It shall not include devices or machines which dispense candy or merchandise unrelated to playing a game or Pennsylvania Lottery kiosks or devices. No mechanical amusement device shall be permitted within the same premises as a significant tobacco retailer, as defined in Chapter 182.
[Amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Any organization organized and established pursuant to the Nonprofit Corporation Law of Pennsylvania or other similar statute of another jurisdiction.
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or association displaying or maintaining for use and operation any jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table or otherwise permitting the use or operation of such devices for a fee or charge.
Every natural person, copartnership, association or corporation, and whenever used in any clause prescribing or imposing a penalty, the term, as applied to copartnerships or associations, shall mean the partners or members thereof and, as applied to corporations, the officers thereof.
Any table with cushions and/or pockets upon which games of pool and/or billiards in any form are played upon payment of a price, whether or not operated by the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate, disk or key into any slot, crevice or other opening.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 4, Administration of Government, Part 4, Departmental Organization, Art. VI, Department of Code Enforcement.
It shall be unlawful for any operator to display or keep or maintain for use and operation or otherwise permit the use and operation of any jukebox, mechanical amusement device, pool table or other similar machine or device without first having registered with and obtained a license from the Department of Code Enforcement as prescribed herein.
Applicants or operators of establishments maintaining jukeboxes, mechanical devices or pool tables as defined in this article must comply with the rules and regulations of the Haverford Township Building Code,[1] i.e., means of ingress and egress, occupant load and location of devices. If upon a site inspection by the Department of Code Enforcement it is found that installing said devices would violate the Building Code or the health, safety and welfare of patrons of said establishment, the application shall be denied.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 58, Building Construction.
This denial shall become final unless an appeal is taken to the Zoning Hearing Board, Township of Haverford, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, within 30 days of this denial. A notice of the appeal with reasons therefor must be filed with the Director of Code Enforcement and the Zoning Hearing Board of the Township of Haverford, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, within the same period.
Every operator desiring to register with and obtain a license or licenses as required herein shall apply to the Department of Code Enforcement. Application forms may be secured from said Department and shall set forth the following information:
The name and business address of the operator.
The location or locations where each jukebox, mechanical amusement device, pool table or similar machine or device is to be displayed and maintained.
The type, manufacturer and serial number of each jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table for which application is being made.
Such other information as the Director may deem necessary for the proper administration and enforcement of this article.
Upon approval of the application, the Director shall issue a license for each location where a jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table is to be displayed or maintained and may also issue a seal, stamp or decal to be affixed to each jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table registered and licensed under this article.
Registration and license fees shall be paid by the applicant to the Director, Department of Code Enforcement, at the time that application is filed. Such fees shall be fixed by resolution of the Board of Commissioners and may be amended from time to time.
[Amended 2-8-1993 by Ord. No. 2168]
No deductions or refunds of any fee shall be granted in case of a fee payable for less than a full calendar year or in the case of any device destroyed, stolen, sold or otherwise disposed of or transferred after payment of the fee.
In case of the loss, defacement or destruction of any original license, seal, stamp or decal, the person to whom such certification or seal was issued shall apply to the Director, who will then issue a new license, seal, stamp or decal upon payment of a fee set by the Board of Commissioners resolution as amended from time to time.
[Amended 2-8-1993 by Ord. No. 2168]
A copy of the license must be visibly posted upon the premises where any jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table is displayed or maintained for use and operation, and any seal, stamp or decal which may be provided shall be affixed to the jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table for which issued in accordance with the directions of the Director.
Any premises upon which any jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table is displayed or maintained shall be open to examination and inspection by duly authorized agents of the Department of Code Enforcement during all hours that such premises are open to use by the public.
No mechanical amusement device or pool table shall be used for gambling or other illegal purpose.
The Department of Code Enforcement shall conduct routine inspections of all premises maintaining or operating mechanical amusement devices as defined in this article to ensure compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances of Haverford Township. As a result of said inspection, noncompliance with any and/or all sections of the aforementioned will result in the immediate suspension or revocation of the amusement license permitting the maintaining or operating of amusement devices as defined in this article. Failure to comply will result in the Department of Code Enforcement taking the necessary legal action, in accordance with § 47-8 of this article in order to abate any and/or all violations.
Any premises or places of business primarily or substantially devoted to the display or maintenance of mechanical amusement devices, game of skill machines or pool tables shall be subject to provisions of Chapter 182 relating to indoor recreational or amusement facilities. For the purposes of this subsection, any premises within which are displayed or maintained more than three mechanical amusement devices, game of skill machines and/or pool tables shall be considered an indoor recreational or amusement facility.
[Amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
No mechanical amusement devices shall be permitted within the same premises as a significant tobacco retailer, as defined under Chapter 182.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
No game of skill machines shall be permitted within the same premises as a convenience store, as defined under Chapter 182.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Licenses issued under this article shall expire on December 31 of each year. Application for renewal, accompanied by the required annual fee, shall be submitted in the month of December and may consist of a signed verification of the original application contents so long as there have been no changes.
Licenses shall apply only to the person and location to which issued, and any transfer shall require amendment of the original application, approval by the Director and payment of the fee specified in § 47-4C above. A new seal, stamp or decal may be issued for a replacement for a jukebox, mechanical amusement device or pool table previously registered under this article only upon amendment of the original application, approval by the Director and payment of the fee specified in § 47-4C.
[Amended 6-13-1988 by Ord. No. 2019; 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2660]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this article shall, upon summary conviction before any District Justice of the Peace, pay a fine not exceeding $600 and costs of prosecution; and in default of one payment of the fine and costs, the violator may be sentenced to the county jail for a term of not more than 30 days. Each and every day in which any person, firm or corporation shall be in violation of this article shall constitute a separate offense.