[Amended 8-12-2013 by Ord. No. 2700]
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any pig, hog, or porcine animal at any place within the Township of Haverford. Also prohibited:
All poisonous animals, including rear-fang snakes
Apes: chimpanzees (Pan), gibbons (Hylobates), gorillas (Gorilla), orangutans (Pongo) and stamangs (Symphalangus)
Baboons (Papio, Mandrillus)
Bears (Ursidae)
Bison (Bison)
Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
Crocodilians (Crocodilia), 24 inches in length or more
Coyotes (Canis latrans)
Deer (Cervidae); includes all members of the deer family; for example white-tailed deer, elk, antelopes, moose
Elephants (Elephas and Loxodonta)
Gamecocks; i.e., fighting birds
Hippopotami (Hippopotamidae)
Hyenas (Hyaenidae)
Jaguars (Panthers onca)
Leopards (Panthera pardus)
Lions (Panthera leo)
Lynxes (Lynx)
Monkeys, Old World (Cercopithecidae)
Ostriches (Stuthio)
Piranha fish (Characidae)
Pumas (Fellis concolor); also known as cougars, mountain lions and panthers
Rhinoceroses (Rhinocero tidae)
Sharks (Class Chrondrichthyes)
Snakes; all snakes, native or otherwise, exceeding four feet in length
Snow leopards (Panthers uncia)
Swine (Suidne)
Turtles (Chelonia)
Tigers (Panthera tigris)
Wolves (Canis lupus)
No more than four dogs three months or age or older shall be kept, maintained or harbored in any residential housing unit located on any lot less than one acre in area or in any industrial or business establishment or on its grounds. This restriction shall not apply to properly licensed catteries, kennels, pet shops, pounds and shelters.
[Amended 8-12-2013 by Ord. No. 2700; 1-8-2018 by Ord. No. 2830]
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any domestic animal, except household pets, except as provided in this section:
From and after the effective date of this article, no owner or person shall keep or raise any of the following animals and maintain within the limits of this Township any structures, buildings, shelters or pens for any large animal or farm animals as defined in this chapter on any lot less than one acre in area. Large animals and farm animals, except rabbits, hares, guinea pigs, rats, mice, or chinchillas, and chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, domestic fowl, swans or turkeys, shall be confined in quarters, corrals, pastures or other outdoor spaces, no part of which shall be closer than 100 feet from the exterior limits of any dwelling or of any property line, except as provided in § 49-10C, related to the maintenance of backyard chickens.
From and after the effective date of this article, no owner or person shall keep or raise any small animals, as defined in this chapter, and those farm animals that are specifically exempt from the setback provisions of § 49-10A shall be kept confined in quarters, corrals, pastures, or other outdoor spaces, no part of which shall be closer than 20 feet from the exterior limits of any dwelling or of any property line.
Up to four chickens maintained as pets for the noncommercial production of eggs may be kept in a backyard of a property on less than one acre, subject to the provisions of this chapter, except § 49-10A above, subject to the following regulations:
Roosters (male chickens) are prohibited.
Perceptible noise from chickens at the property boundary must conform with Article III, Noise Nuisance.
Odors from chickens, chicken manure, or other chicken-related substances shall not be perceptible at the property boundaries.
Waste and bedding shall not be composted in accordance Chapter 138, Property Maintenance, Article IV, On-Lot Compost Piles, and must be sealed in a rodentproof and flyproof container for collection.
Regular cleaning of the coop is required as needed to prevent odor.
The coop and attached pen may not be placed or constructed within a required front or side yard and must be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any dwelling or property line.
Chicken feed left over from feeding may not remain past dusk in an area accessible to rodents or other pests.
All eggs need to be removed on a daily basis.
No chicken may be slaughtered on a residential property.
If a chicken dies, it must be disposed of promptly in a sanitary manner in accordance with Chapter 138, Property Maintenance, Article II, Control of Rodents.
The coop must be posted with copy of the safe handling guidelines poster prepared by the Center for Disease Control and published at https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/150452.
Tenants of a property must obtain the written consent of the property owner to permit the maintenance of chickens thereon.
The owner of every such animal shall confine the same in an enclosure sufficient to prevent such animal from running at large, and such enclosure shall be of a size and construction conducive to the animal's health, and adequate sanitary drainage facilities shall be provided.
The owner of any animal shall cause the litter and droppings therefrom to be collected daily in a container or receptacle that when closed shall be ratproof and flytight, and after every such collection shall cause such container or receptacle to be kept closed. At least twice a week, every such keeper shall cause all litter and droppings so collected to be disposed of in such manner as not to permit the presence of fly larvae.
The owner of any animal shall cause all feed provided therefor to be stored and kept in a ratproof and flytight building, box, container, or receptacle.
The Director of Code Enforcement shall inspect any such structure, shelter, pen, corral or coop or yard on any premises against which a complaint has been made and issue any such order as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
No owner or person shall feed, harbor or shelter feral cats and/or wild animals.
No owner or person shall place any type of food or water unattended on their property which may attract feral cats or wild animals, with the exception of people attempting to comply with Chapter 95, Article IV, § 95-19 (Requirements for trash containers).
Bird baths, feeders and houses are permitted.
License required.
[Amended 1-8-2018 by Ord. No. 2830]
Any person owning, keeping, harboring or having custody of any canine (male or female) over six months of age within the Township of Haverford must obtain a Pennsylvania state dog license for the current year from the proper licensing authority.
Any person owning or keeping chickens pursuant to § 49-10C of this chapter must obtain a license for the current year from the Township of Haverford. No license shall be issued unless the applicant has demonstrated compliance with the maintenance requirements of § 49-10C. Every license issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire at the end of the calendar year.
Owners or persons who fail to obtain a license as required within the time period specified in this section will be subject to the penalty provided in this chapter.
It is not permitted to transfer a license or license tag issued for one canine (male or female) to another canine (male or female).
[Amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 2805]
Owners shall at all times keep their canine, whether licensed or not, from running at large, molesting passersby or passing vehicles, or attacking other animals.
A canine on the owner's premises, which is neither tied nor secured within an enclosure, is hereby defined as one which runs at large.
If a canine is tied on the owner's property by a lead, the lead cannot extend on to walkways, pedestrians' right-of-way or onto neighboring property.
Any canine off the property of the person having custody shall be on a lead not exceeding six feet in length and of sufficient strength to restrain the canine. Such lead shall be held by a person of sufficient strength and maturity so as to be capable of controlling the canine. The owner shall exercise proper care and control of the canine to prevent it from becoming a public nuisance.
For purposes of this section, "confinement of a canine" shall mean:
Confined inside the residential structure of the owner or keeper;
Physically restrained by a chain or leash on the residential property of the owner or keeper;
Within a suitable fence or enclosure from which the animal may not escape or endanger public safety outside of the area of confinement.
If the canine is on the residential property of the owner or keeper, in the presence of its owner or keeper and has demonstrated direct and immediate voice control by its owner or keeper, it shall be deemed to be properly controlled.
An "electronic fence" or "electronic collar" is defined as a fence or a collar that controls the movement of a canine by emitting an electrical shock when the animal wearing the collar nears a boundary of the owner's or keeper's property. Canines may be confined to the premises of the residential property of its owner or keeper by an electronic fence or an electronic collar subject to the following:
The collar may be controlled manually by a person or automatically in a predetermined manner.
Canines confined to residential property of the owner or keeper by an electronic fence or an electronic collar shall not be permitted to be nearer than five feet away from any public sidewalk or right-of-way, whichever is greater.
Canines that have been found to be dangerous animals by the Animal Control Officer are prohibited from being confined by an electronic fence or an electronic collar in the front yard of their owners' or keepers' property.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any canine to permit said canine (male or female) to injure any human being by biting, jumping on, knocking down or by attacking said human being.
Animals running at large may be taken by police, an animal control officer or designated officials to a local veterinarian for a short term, no more than four days before being transported to the Chester County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or any other similar facility for confinement if the owner cannot be located or contacted.
If an animal is claimed, the owner shall be subject to a penalty as provided in this chapter.
If the owner may be determined by a license tag or other means of identification, the animal control officer shall return the animal to its owner only upon the payment to the Township of Haverford of a reasonable recovery fee and reimbursement to the Township for the maintenance, care and medical services supplied to such animal while in the custody of the Township.
The animal control officer, police or designated officials witnessing animals running at large may issue to the known owner a penalty as provided in this chapter.