[Adopted 1-6-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
The Board of Trustees hereby determines that the Town of Geneseo Board of Trustees has reviewed and considered the petition to annex adjoining territory, and the Town Board, by a concurring vote of a majority of its members, has consented to the annexation of the parcel to the territory of the Village of Geneseo.
The subject territory is described as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Geneseo, County of Livingston, State of New York, beginning at a point in the westerly line of Riverside Drive being the westerly line of the former Avon, Geneseo & Mount Morris Railroad, at its intersection with the division line between the Town of Geneseo on the north and the Village of Geneseo on the south, said point also marking the northeast corner of lands conveyed to the Village of Geneseo, as described in Liber 350 of Deeds at page 28; thence
N 59° 30' 00" W along said division line between the Town of Geneseo to the north and the village of Geneseo the south for a distance of 677.12 feet to a point in the easterly top of bank of the Genesee River; thence the following three courses along said top of bank
N 13° 35' 01" E for a distance of 122.34 feet to a point; thence
N 16° 51' 45" E for a distance of 133.06 feet to a point; thence
N 25° 19' 57" E for a distance of 274.84 feet to a point; thence
S 80° 15' 00" E along the southerly line of lands now or formerly belonging to Seven Nations Stakes, Inc., for a distance to 425.81 feet to a point; thence
S 04° 47 52" W along the westerly line of lands now or formerly belonging to Samuel L. and Mary J. Orlando, for a distance of 355.44 feet to a point;
S 30° 30' 00" W along the westerly line of lands now or formerly belonging to G.V.E., Inc., for a distance of 160.00 feet to an iron pin; thence
S 59° 30' 00" E along the southerly line of said G.V.E., Inc., for a distance of 200.00 feet to a point; thence the following three courses along the westerly line of Riverside Drive, being the former westerly line of the Avon, Geneseo & Mount Morris Railroad
S 30° 30' 00" W for a distance of 31.39 feet to a point; thence
S 21° 07' 50" W for a distance of 101.35 feet to a point; thence
S 30° 30' 00" W for a distance of 59.28 feet to the point of beginning, containing 7.772 acres.
Such territory is contiguous to the Village of Geneseo and not embraced within the limits of said Village, and is within the area described in the petition to which the Town of Geneseo has consented, and that therefore the Board of Trustees of the Village of Geneseo has jurisdiction to annex the above-described territory to the Village of Geneseo.
The corporate limits of the Village of Geneseo are hereby extended and increased so as to include and embrace within the corporate limits of the Village of Geneseo the territory described in § A134-18B, and such territory is hereby annexed and declared to be a part of the Village of Geneseo.
The map attached to this local law[1] is an accurate map of the territory annexed, and the same is hereby adopted as the official map and plat of the territory hereby annexed, which map shows the legal boundaries thereof, and the same are hereby dedicated to public use.
Editor's Note: Said map is on file in the Village offices.
The Mayor of the Village of Geneseo is hereby authorized and directed to certify that the map is an accurate map of the territory annexed under the provisions of this local law.
This local law, with a certified copy of the official map attached hereto, shall be recorded in the office of the Geneseo Village Clerk, Livingston County Clerk, and New York State Secretary of State.
On the filing and recording of the copy of this local law, together with the attached official map, in the office of the Livingston County Clerk, the fee shown on the map shall vest in the Village of Geneseo.
If any provision of this local law shall be held invalid, its invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this local law that can be given effect without the invalid provision, and for this purpose the provisions of this local law are hereby declared to be severable.
This local law shall take effect immediately.