[Added 3-22-2006 by Ord. No. 1740]
The intent of the Borough in permitting development pursuant to this article is as follows:
To recognize that senior citizens have different housing needs that responds to changes in lifestyle for active adults.
To provide for a greater variety of housing and to serve the needs of senior citizens who prefer an independent residential environment and do not require intensive individual care.
To encourage redevelopment of obsolete or under-utilized properties whose prior or present uses adversely impair the property or surrounding properties.
To promote development in areas of the Borough that have convenient pedestrian access to goods and services.
To encourage the creation of a pedestrian environment for exercise and health of senior citizens.
All terms shall be interpreted as provided in Article II of this chapter, unless such term is defined herein, in which case such term shall be interpreted as follows:
A not-for-profit facility maintained principally as a multiple-purpose gathering place for members of the general public, or a limited portion thereof. The community center may include a management office, kitchen and dining facilities, card room, billiard room, exercise and recreation facilities.
An accessory use which may include tailor, barber, beauty salon, shoe repair, dressmaking, newspaper sales, travel agency or similar personal service business intended only for the use of the residents.
A community consisting of the development and/or redevelopment of existing buildings and properties for age-restricted independent living residential units and ancillary retail and personal service uses provided for the residents and not open to the general public.
A retirement village development shall be permitted on those sites designated on the Borough Zoning Map as RVOD Overlay District and when authorized as a conditional use by the governing body in accordance with § 405-3403. The following uses are permitted within a retirement village development:
Multifamily units.
Professional offices.
Community centers.
Accessory uses or buildings on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the permitted uses.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Borough Council may authorize a retirement village development as a conditional use, provided it complies with § 405-2206 of this Code, all the requirements of this article and the following specific standards:
Lot area. The minimum gross area of the tract shall be eight acres. The maximum gross area of the tract shall be 20 acres.
Tract width. The minimum tract width shall be 400 feet.
The tract shall have frontage on a major street, as determined by Borough Council. The development shall not take access solely from a local residential street.
The tract shall have close proximity to rail transportation and shall be located no more than 4,000 feet in walking distance from a train station.
The tract shall have close proximity to convenient shopping for goods and services and shall be located no more than 2,000 feet in walking distance from a major shopping area, located in the Borough, of no less than 40,000 square feet.
The applicant shall submit the following information with the conditional use application:
A hard-lined sketch plan, drawn to scale, of the proposed development indicating the proposed general layout, including building locations, parking areas, vehicular circulation, pedestrian circulation, open spaces, recreational areas and general dimensions.
Architectural elevation sketches of all sides of the building that indicate the form, mass, rooflines and materials of the proposed buildings. The proposed architectural style shall be compatible with the surrounding buildings and shall conform to the following general guidelines:
Roofs shall be a pitched or mansard-style to hide all rooftop-mounted equipment from view.
Flat roofs visible from the street shall be prohibited.
Building elevations shall be composed of at least two different building materials, one of which shall be masonry.
Building facades shall contain offsets periodically and shall not have any continuous plane longer than 60 feet.
All external mechanical systems and service areas shall be identified and screened.
A signage package for major signs, including sign location(s), style, size, quantity, materials and colors and lighting.
An aerial photograph or plan of the existing features of the site and surrounding area.
A fiscal impact study demonstrating the economic impact of the proposed development.
A traffic study demonstrating the traffic impact of the proposed development.
In the case of conflicts with other sections in this Chapter 405, Zoning, or the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance,[1] the provisions of this article shall apply.
Editor's Note: The Borough's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance is on file and available for inspection or sale at Borough offices.
The tract to be developed shall be in one ownership or shall be the subject of an application filed jointly by the owners of the entire tract under consideration.
Water and sewer. All retirement village developments shall be served by public water and sewer.
Utilities. All utilities located within a retirement village community shall be located underground.
Land uses. No more than 1/3 of the total building area shall be used for nonresidential uses. The balance of the site shall be used for residential uses and residential accessory uses. More than one residential building may be permitted on a lot.
Density. The maximum density permitted in a retirement village community shall not be more than 18 dwelling units per gross acre measured over the entire site, except as provided for below.
The maximum density may be increased to 24 dwelling units per gross acre, provided that at least 1/3 of the required residential parking is located under the building or in garages.
The minimum size of a residential unit shall be 1,000 square feet.
Building cover. The total building cover shall not exceed 35% of the net site area.
Impervious cover. The total impervious cover shall not exceed 75% of the net site area.
Open space. A minimum of 10% of the net site area shall be open space for recreation. A portion of the recreation area shall be reserved for active recreational uses such as bocce, shuffleboard, fitness circuits or other appropriate activities. The development shall contain a central green. The green shall count toward the open space requirement. If the site is located adjacent to an existing Borough trail, the developer shall provide pedestrian access to the trail and, where feasible, provide an extension of the trail system. At the discretion of Borough Council, a fee in lieu of for all or part of the open space shall be permitted.
All buildings shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from the street line. A sidewalk shall be installed along all road frontages with a minimum width of 60 inches, which may be reduced by Borough Council to match the width equal to the prevailing sidewalk width on adjacent properties, but in no case shall such sidewalk be less than 48 inches in width.
Primary buildings shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from all property lines. Accessory buildings shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from all property lines.
All parking areas shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the street line. Parking areas or parking lots that abut a street shall include a thirty-inch- to thirty-six-inch-high architectural wall or similar landscape buffer abutting the sidewalk along the street frontage.
All parking areas shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from all property lines.
Building spacing.
The minimum distance between two principal buildings less than 35 feet in height shall be 30 feet. The minimum distance between two principal buildings greater than 35 feet in height shall be 50 feet.
The minimum distance between two accessory buildings shall be 20 feet.
Building height.
The maximum height for a principal building shall be 65 feet and five stories.
The maximum height for an accessory building shall be 15 feet.
Parking areas established for professional offices and community center uses shall be equally available to all patrons and customers.
Parking shall be provided off street and on lot on the following basis:
Age-restricted residential. Parking shall be provided on the basis of 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit.
Professional office. Parking shall be provided pursuant to § 405-1703, Article XVII, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
Other uses shall provide parking as determined pursuant to § 405-1703, provided that, if applicant can demonstrate efficiencies due to shared parking and joint usage as well as complementary land uses, then the parking requirements of § 405-1703 and this section may be reduced up to a maximum of 25%.
Special conveyancing (mortgage subdivision). When the development of a tract and the uses therein are in accordance with an approved master plan, a conveyance of a lot or parcel within the development shall be permitted upon compliance with the following conditions:
The creation and recording of irrevocable cross-easements or the creation and recording of a condominium or planned community declaration in a form satisfactory to the Borough in favor of and duly binding on all title owners, their successor and assigns, within the area of the development with respect to use, control and maintenance of the common areas, access, green space and parking.
Application of zoning regulations, including, but not limited to, building coverage, floor area ratio, impervious surface coverage, required open space, parking, loading, landscaping and signage, as well as required area, width and yard regulations, shall apply to the overall tract approved for development as a single master plan. Individual lots or parcels conveyed pursuant to this article need not comply with these zoning requirements.
Sign regulations. The master plan shall include a master sign plan indicating the height, size and location of all signs, except for those signs normally associated with and permitted by § 405-1605, Banners and temporary signs, and § 405-1607, Special signs, which shall be permitted in addition to the following.
Monument signs: one sign per street frontage for each land use permitted in § 405-3402A through C. Total area per face equals maximum 50 square feet, having a maximum height of eight feet measured from mean ground elevation. Corner lots may have one of the permitted signs located at the intersection.
Residential building: one wall sign per main entrance. Total area per face not greater than 50 square feet, having a maximum height of 25 feet measured from mean ground elevation.
Professional office in a group: one wall sign not greater than 35 square feet per establishment per front or side facade and one wall sign not greater than 15 square feet per establishment on the rear facade.
Illumination of signs shall be permitted subject to § 405-1611, Illumination regulations.
The sign face of monument and freestanding signs shall be set back not less than four feet from the rear edge of a sidewalk.
Street trees shall be provided in accordance with § 420.3 of the Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[2]
Editor's Note: The Borough's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance is on file and available for inspection or sale at Borough offices.
Buffers shall be provided along property lines in accordance with § 420.4 of the Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, unless an alternative number, location or buffer type is mandated by Borough Council.
Parking lot landscaping shall be provided in accordance with § 420.5 of the Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
Lighting. Appropriate period-style lighting of pedestrian and vehicular circulation areas shall be provided to create a safe and secure environment for the residents.
Declaration of age restriction. At the time of subdivision and land development, as a prerequisite to any final plan approved, the developer shall record a declaration against the entire tract, in a form acceptable to the Borough Solicitor, binding all residential properties and owners to the restriction which shall require that all units be restricted as to the age of the occupants in conformance with the regulations of the Federal Fair Housing Act, as amended, and that individuals under the age of 18 years of age shall not reside in that unit for more than three months in any calendar year.
Council may modify or waive specific requirements if it determines an improved development plan or better traffic circulation will result.