[Adopted 2-13-1967 by Ord. No. 93B (§§ 19-10 to 19-14 of the 1976 Code)]
No person shall excavate trenches alongside Town roads, within the paved surfaces of Town roads, or cause crossing cuts on Town roads without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the Town Public Works Director.
The person must set forth on the form supplied by the Director of Public Works the location and purpose of the work, the length of time the work will be in progress, and any other information that may be required by the Town.
All work shall be performed in such manner that damage to existing construction is avoided. Should damage occur, work in the area shall be halted immediately. All damage shall be repaired forthwith. The local authority's approval of repairs must be obtained before resuming excavation of allied work.
Any person seeking an excavation permit as provided herein shall pay to the Town a fee of $5. Said sum shall be collected by the Public Works Director or his designee.
[Added 10-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-10-15]
Every person making application for an excavation permit shall also be required to file in the office of the Public Works Director a performance bond in the sum of $2,000 conditioned upon the applicant's doing the work for which he/she has applied in a first-class and workmanlike manner and restoring the sidewalk, curb or pavement in accordance with the specifications prescribed by this article and with the understanding that if, in the opinion of the Public Works Director, the work or restoration is not in strict accordance with said specifications, then the Town may do the work or restore the sidewalk, curb or pavement and charge to such person the cost thereof.
[Added 10-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-10-15]
Public utilities shall be exempt from the requirements of this article to the extent that such exemption is required by state law.
[Added 10-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-10-15]
Any person making an excavation shall first notify the Chief of the Fire and Police Departments of the location of the work and dates when the work shall be performed.
[Added 10-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-10-15]
The Public Works Director may withhold a permit from any person who has not complied with this article or who has failed to restore prior excavations in accordance with the standards contained in this article.
[Added 10-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-10-15]
Backfilling shall be of selected material free from large lumps, clods or rocks. Should the excavated materials prove unsatisfactory for backfilling, the contractor shall provide other suitable materials as may be required.
Each layer should not exceed six inches in depth and should be compacted by tamping with mechanical rammers or by hand tamping with heavy iron tamper having a tamping face not exceeding 144 square inches in area. This method of filling and compacting shall be continued to a depth of 12 inches below road surface.
The remainder shall be of 10 inches of bank gravel. It shall contain not less than 40% stone (no stone shall exceed two inches in any dimension), by volume, with a temporary surface consisting of cold patch not less than two inches thick. This temporary surface shall be maintained in conditions satisfactory until permanent pavement repairs are completed. No trench should be left open.
Compact fills and backfills shall conform to the following minimum densities, expressed as percentages of maximum densities as determined by either ASTM D698, Method D, or AASHO T-99, Method D:
Fills or backfills under surfaced areas, gutters, curbs, parking areas, etc.: 95%.
Top two feet of fills or backfills under roadways: 100%; remainder of such fills or backfills: 95%.
Fills or backfills under lawns and plated areas: 85%.
The contractor shall provide and pay for all testing as deemed necessary by the local authority. All tests will be made by a recognized and approved laboratory or professional engineer.
"Excavation" shall consist of the removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials taken from within the limits of the work. It shall also include the shaping and cleaning of all slopes and shoulders.
The trenches may be excavated by hand or by approved machinery. The width of a trench shall not be greater than is necessary to permit satisfactory working conditions. Cross-trenches shall be cut or sawed.
[Amended 4-13-1992 by Ord. No. 92-4-13]
Permanent pavement consists of removal of cold patch and dressing with crushed gravel, rolling and compacting pavement. Patch shall consist of bituminous concrete Type I. Asphalted concrete shall be laid on the prepared gravel base in one surface course layer three inches thick after compaction or, at the option of the contractor, may be laid in a one-and-one-half-inch-thick binder course and a one-and-one-half-inch surface course.
In any case in which the Public Works Director determines that it will not be detrimental to the public interest to do so, the permanent pavement may be installed by leaving the existing patch in place, placing a leveling coat of bituminous concrete over the patch and the remaining portion of the road to be resurfaced and placing the one-and-one-half-inch surface coat over the leveling coat. Loose patches or recently placed patches (less than one year old) shall be removed and replaced with bituminous patches compatible with the overlayment material. Prior to placement of the leveling course, a bituminous tack coat shall be placed over existing pavement and/or patches.
The contractor shall conduct the work at all times in such a manner as to insure the least possible obstruction to traffic. The convenience of the general public and of the residents along and adjacent to the work shall be provided for in an adequate and satisfactory manner. No section of road shall be closed to traffic except at the direction of the Public Works Department.
The contractor shall place and maintain as directed any barricades or warning signs required by the Director of Public Works. These signs or barricades shall be placed where work is being done on or adjacent to any public road.