The ED Environmental Resources Overlay District enables the adoption of special performance standards in combination with site development regulations of a base district for areas of special environmental significance or sensitivity. These areas include hill environments; wetlands; forested areas; areas with unique soil or drainage characteristics; lake, river or creek districts; and other areas with special environmental characteristics.
Proposal. The creation of an ED Environmental Resources Overlay District may be initiated by the Planning Commission or the City Council.
Requirements for application. An application for the creation of an ED Overlay District must include:
A statement describing the proposed district's special environmental characteristics and stating the reasons for proposal of the district.
A map indicating the boundaries of the proposed ED Overlay District, specifying the base district(s) included within these boundaries.
Supplemental site development regulations and performance standards that apply to the proposed district.
Adoption of district.
The Planning Commission and City Council shall review and evaluate each ED Overlay District application.
The Planning Commission, after proper notice, shall hold a public hearing and act upon each application.
The Planning Commission may recommend amendments to ED District applications.
The recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be transmitted to the City Council for final action.
The City Council, after proper notice, shall hold a public hearing and act upon any ordinance establishing an ED Environmental Resources Overlay District.
The ordinance adopting the ED District shall include a statement of purpose, a description of district boundaries and a list of supplemental site development regulations and performance standards.
An ordinance adopting an ED Overlay District shall require a favorable vote of a simple majority of the City Council for approval.
Upon approval by the City Council, each ED Overlay District shall be shown on the Zoning Map, identified sequentially by order of enactment and referenced to the enacting ordinance.
Any protest against an ED Overlay District shall be made and filed as provided by Neb. R.R.S. § 14-405 and amendments thereto.
Building or other development permits issued by the City in an ED District shall be consistent with the adopted ED District ordinance.