[Amended 12-13-2010 by Ord. No. 490]
It is and it shall be the duty of each and every
owner, trustee, lessee, agent, occupant, and possessor of each and
every house, building, or other structure located in Tobyhanna Township,
whether on a public or private roadway, to cause the house, building
or other structure to be numbered with its official building number
assigned by Tobyhanna Township. The building number sign shall be
affixed to the structure and also installed on an approved post and/or
mount at the intersection of the driveway and the roadway right-of-way
when required by this chapter. The number shall be permanently posted
and affixed as set forth herein. All persons required to number existing
houses, buildings, or other structures shall contact Tobyhanna Township
and secure an assigned building number.
[Amended 12-13-2010 by Ord. No. 490]
A. The building number shall be placed at the following locations on
the subject property:
(1) For all houses, buildings or other structures, the building number
shall be conspicuously placed on the house, building or structure
on or over the front door, the front transom bar, the front transom
glass, or on the front show window, and/or over or on either side
of the entrance, in accordance with the requisite building codes;
(2) For all houses, buildings or other structures, the building number
shall also be placed, in addition to the aforementioned house, building
or structure location, on a clearly visible and approved post, mount,
or other similar approved structure located on the subject property
where the driveway intersects the Township and/or state and/or private
roadway right-of-way. For houses, buildings and/or other structures
within 30 feet of a roadway, and for townhouses, condominiums and/or
apartments, the building number sign post mount may be placed in an
alternate location and/or form if approved and deemed appropriate
by the Township and/or the authorized Township enforcement officer.
B. The building number sign shall be of paint, metal, enamel, or vinyl
acceptable to the Township. The color of the building number sign
numerals shall be reflective white. The building number shall be of
sufficient size and in full view, so as to be identifiable and readable
from the opposite side of the street or road adjacent to the subject
property. Building numbers shall be positioned such that snow, leaves,
tree branches, or other such impediments shall not impair the visibility
required by this chapter. The building number sign identifying the
building or other structure shall also comply with the following regulations:
(1) The numerals shall be at least four inches in height and spaced in
a manner so that the reader can easily read the numbers.
(2) The numbers may be displayed either horizontally or vertically as
set forth below.
Horizontal display. The numbers may be positioned horizontally
and shall correctly read from left to right.
Vertical display. The numbers may be positioned vertically and
shall correctly read from top to bottom.
(3) The numbers shall be in reflective white numerals, unless otherwise
required and/or approved by the Township for purposes of visibility,
and shall be visible from both directions on the roadway.
(4) Background.
The background of the building number sign located on the house,
building or other structure shall contrast with the reflective white
The background of the building number sign placed on a post,
mount or other similar approved structure shall be reflective green
in color so that the reflective white numbers are visible. The shade
of green shall be acceptable to the Township and shall be uniform
throughout the Township, unless otherwise approved by the Township.
(5) Affixing and installation; location.
For every house, building or other structure, the building number
sign shall be affixed at an approved location on the house, building
or structure in accordance with this chapter.
The building number sign shall also be installed on an approved
post or mount at a location where the driveway intersects the private
and/or township and/or state roadway right-of-way in a manner acceptable
to the Township, unless otherwise approved by the Township as set
forth herein.
(6) The building number sign shall be easily visible by emergency responders
as they approach the subject property and from either direction on
the roadway.
(7) The height of the building number sign installed on an approved post
or mount shall be at least four feet but no greater than six feet
from the ground surface. The bottom of the sign shall not be lower
than four feet from the existing grade level.
(8) Unless otherwise approved by the Township, the building number sign
installed on an approved post or mount shall be mounted on one of
the following configurations:
Mounted on a stand-alone post or pole in a manner approved by
the Township.
Mounted on any other type or kind of approved mounting device
and/or structure in a manner approved by the Township.
(9) If the building number sign post and/or mount is knocked down and/or
removed and/or otherwise covered by an unforeseen occurrence, the
owner of the subject property shall repair and/or reinstall the building
number sign within five days of the occurrence.
It shall be unlawful to cover any building number
sign with any other sign, drapery or other obstruction tending to
conceal such building number, and all inaccurate, obsolete or nonconforming
building numbers shall be removed from any property, house, building
or other structure when a new number has been assigned or when so
directed by the Tobyhanna Township Zoning Officer or other designated
Township representative.
[Amended 5-11-2009 by Ord. No. 479]
All persons required to number buildings, as
set forth herein, shall install the requisite building number signs
for existing houses, buildings, or structures on or before 180 days
from the date Monroe County completes its countywide 911 public safety
plan, said date to be determined by the Township by way of a resolution.
The owners of new structures, those structures constructed after the
date this Ordinance No. 479 is executed by the Board of Supervisors,
shall procure a building number sign as part of the normal building
permit process. New structures shall be numbered within 30 days after
completion of the structure.
All roadways within Tobyhanna Township, both
public and private, shall be properly marked with roadway signs in
a manner and form acceptable to the Township, and said signs shall
comply with the following specifications:
A. The sign and pole on which the sign is mounted shall
be made of a material and installed in a manner approved by the Township
and shall meet the approved current Township and/or Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation standards and specifications for street and/or road
signs as set forth within the current edition of the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices, as amended (MUTCD).
B. The text of the sign shall be six inches in height,
with letters complying with the applicable MUTCD standards adopted
by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and spaced in a manner
so it is identifiable and readable from both sides of the roadway.
The sign face shall be eight inches in height exclusive of the border,
if any.
[Amended 12-13-2010 by Ord. No. 490]
C. The text shall be in reflective white letters and/or
numbers in accordance with the minimum retroreflectivity requirements
of MUTCD, as amended.
D. The sign shall be located on a ten-foot tall pole.
E. The background of the sign shall contrast in color
from the reflective white text so that the text of the sign is more
visible in accordance with MUTCD, as amended.
F. The signs shall be mounted at each roadway intersection
in accordance with MUTCD, as amended.
G. Signs naming the roadways at the intersection shall
be installed with their faces parallel to the roadways they name.
H. The sign shall be retroreflective or illuminated to
show the same shape and color both day and night.
If a private roadway sign is knocked down and/or
removed and/or otherwise covered by an unforeseen occurrence, the
owner and/or maintainer of the private roadway shall repair and/or
reinstall the roadway sign within five days of the occurrence.
[Amended 5-11-2009 by Ord. No. 479]
All persons required to install roadway signs,
as set forth herein, shall install said signs for existing roadways,
both public and private, on or before 180 days from the date Monroe
County completes its countywide 911 public safety plan, said date
to be determined by the Township by way of a resolution. The owners
of any roadway to be constructed in the future, after the date this
Ordinance No. 479 is executed by the Board of Supervisors, shall procure
the official roadway name assignment and complete the requisite sign
installation as part of the normal building permit process. New roadways
shall be assigned a name and the requisite sign shall be installed
within 30 days after completion of the roadway.
Any persons, firm or corporation who shall number
or attempt to number any house, building or structure contrary to
this chapter or who shall, within 30 days of notification by the Tobyhanna
Township Zoning Officer or other designated representative, fail or
neglect to number his or her house, building or structure in accordance
herewith, or who shall fail to change the number thereof or fail to
remove the old number in cases of a number change, or who shall violate
any of the provisions of this chapter, and any person or persons who
shall alter, deface, remove or destroy any number or sign required
to be displayed by this chapter, or any person or persons, firm or
corporation who fails to install the requisite street or road signs
required herein and/or attempts to deface and/or remove any such street
or road sign shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a
fine of not less than $100 and not more than $600, the costs of prosecution
and reasonable attorneys' fees and, in default of payment thereof,
to imprisonment of not more than 30 days. Each day's violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a separate