For the stated purposes of this chapter, the Town of Brownville is hereby divided into the following districts:
Agricultural and Residential-1
Agricultural and Residential-2
Agricultural and Residential-3
Residential Neighborhoods
Residential Shoreline
Residential Shoreline-2
[Added 3-5-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
[Amended 3-5-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
The boundaries of the above-named districts are delineated as shown on a map entitled "Official Zoning Map - Town of Brownville, dated 1991, as amended ______________, and filed in the Town Clerk's Office." Said Zoning Map and explanatory notes thereon are hereby incorporated into and made part of this chapter by reference. When a subsequent local law has been enacted to amend the Zoning Map, the enactment date of such local law shall be noted on said map, along with the amended boundaries and district boundaries. The Zoning Map thus amended shall likewise be incorporated into and made part of this chapter by reference.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is on file in the Town Clerk's office.
Whenever a district boundary appears to follow a road, highway or stream, the center line of such road, highway or stream shall be considered the district boundary.
Whenever a district borders on the Lake Ontario shoreline, the mean high-water level shall be considered the waterward boundary of such district.
Whenever a district boundary appears to follow an individual property line or a municipal boundary line, such line shall be considered the district boundary.
Whenever a district boundary appears to parallel one of the features in Subsections A through C above, such boundary shall be considered as parallel to such feature.
Whenever a district boundary cannot be determined according to Subsections A through D above, such boundary shall be determined by using any specific dimensions provided therefor or by approximation with the scale provided on the zoning map.[1]
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is on file in the Town Clerk's office.
Whenever the exact boundary of a district is uncertain, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall make such determination in general accordance with the rules of this section.
Where, on the effective date of this chapter, a district boundary line divides a lot of record so that portions thereof lie within two districts, the requirements of the district encompassing the greater portion of the lot shall apply to the entire lot, except where each portion has sufficient area to conform to its respective district requirements.
If the plat of a residential subdivision containing one or more streets has been duly filed in the Jefferson County Clerk's office prior to the effective date of this chapter, the lots of such subdivision may be developed in accordance with the filed plat, and any provisions of this chapter requiring larger lot area, yards or setbacks shall not apply to such lots for a period of three years from the date the plat was filed.