[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Brownville 2-5-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Article 2, Statement of findings and purpose, of this local law states: "The Town Board of the Town of Brownville hereby finds that it [has] responsibility for 12 cemeteries in the Town of Brownville. Of these 12 cemeteries, only two are active, the Village of Brownville and the Village of Dexter Cemeteries. For the other 10 cemeteries, the Town has inadequate information to be able to determine plot layout, plot ownership or where burials have occurred. It is the purpose of this local law to restrict further burials in the 10 cemeteries for which the Town does not have adequate records."
No further burials will be allowed in cemeteries for which the Town Board has inadequate records to determine the layout of plots, plot ownership or where burials have already occurred. The Town Board reserves the right to make exceptions for individuals who are can prove to the satisfaction of the Town Board lot ownership, location and that there has been no prior burial in the plot. It shall include the following cemeteries:
Ferry Cemetery
Freeman Cemetery
Ingalls-Ingerson Cemetery
Limerick Cemetery
Luther Hill Cemetery
Perch River Cemetery
Pettit Cemetery
Sherwins Bay Cemetery
Stone Cemetery
Taylor Cemetery