[Adopted 6-7-1993 ATM, Art. 5 (Article V of the 1993 General Bylaws)]
There shall be a Town Treasurer, elected, whose term of office shall be three years. (Charter § C-2.04A)
The Town Treasurer shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon the office by the Charter, the Town bylaws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth. (Charter § C-2.04B)
The Town Treasurer shall appoint an Assistant Town Treasurer, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Treasurer. In the absence or incapacity of the Town Treasurer, the Assistant Town Treasurer shall exercise all of the powers and duties of that office. (Charter § C-2.04C)
The Town Treasurer shall furnish such information respecting the accounts, finances, and payments to the Town as the Board of Selectmen or Finance Committee may from time to time require.
The Town Treasurer shall pay no money from the treasury except upon a warrant or order therefor signed by a majority of the Selectmen. Such warrant or order shall be sufficient authority to the Treasurer to pay money in accordance therewith, and such payment shall discharge him from all liability on account of the money so paid.
All sums now held by the Town and all monies received by the Town Treasurer for perpetual and other care of Cemetery lots shall be deposited in some savings bank or banks in this Commonwealth, in such manner as to show the name of the person from whom and the lot for which the same was received.