[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of East Williston as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Commercial handbills — See Ch. 63.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 103.
[Adopted 5-9-1988 by L.L. No. 2-1988 as Ch. 16 of the 1988 Code]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Auction and Sale of Household Goods Law of the Village of East Williston."
This article shall apply to the selling or offering for sale of all goods, wares and merchandise at public auction, and shall apply also to sales, either by auction or otherwise, of household goods and furnishings in residences if such sale is carried on by someone other than the bona fide owner of said household goods and furnishings. It shall not apply to the sale of household goods or furnishings by a bona fide householder on his or her own residential premises, to rummage sales, nor to legal and judicial sales under and by virtue of the Lien Law or Personal Property Law relative to the enforcement of liens and the clearance of title, sales under the Bankruptcy Act, police auctions, nor to sales by insurance carriers for or on behalf of their insureds, nor to goods sold by virtue of judicial decree, to sales by personal representatives of deceased or incompetent persons or the guardians of minors, nor to the sale of or on behalf of licensed pawnbrokers of unredeemed pledges in the manner prescribed by law, nor to sales licensed under the provisions of the Agriculture and Markets Law.
No person shall offer or expose for sale at auction or other method of sale as described in § 11-2 within the village any personal property, household goods, wares or merchandise without first having applied for and obtained a license for such purpose from the licensing officer.[1]
Note: The Mayor is the licensing officer unless he designates in writing another village officer, which designation is filed in the Village Clerk's office. The Mayor has so designated the Village Clerk as the licensing officer. Village Law § 4-400(1)(m).
Each application for a license hereunder shall set forth the following information:
Name and residence address of the applicant.
The period for which the license is desired.
In the case of sale of household goods and furnishings in a residence, the name and address of the owner thereof.
Such other information as may reasonably be required by the licensing officer.
Applications for licenses hereunder shall be accompanied by a bond in favor of the people of the village approved as to form and manner by the Village Attorney, in the penal sum of $2,000, conditioned that the applicant will faithfully perform his or her duties as required by this article and laws now in effect or hereafter enacted and will render such accounts and pay such duties as may be required of him or her by law.
The fee for a license hereunder is hereby fixed at $50 per sale.
Every license issued pursuant to this article shall be posted in a conspicuous place where any auction or sale is being conducted.
No public auction or similar type of sale for which a license is required under this article shall continue for more than five days, Sundays and legal holidays excluded, from the date of beginning of such sale, and no such sale shall be held before 10:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m.
No auctioneer or seller of property shall:
Make any false representations as to the character, quality, condition, value or ownership of any property offered for sale.
Substitute any other article for the article sold to the bidder.
Bid on any property offered for sale by himself or herself or employ or hire a person to act as an accomplice for the purpose of making mock bids or bidding up the price at any sale.
Use any means of attracting the attention of passersby.
Sell any goods or items subject to the provisions of this article in an "as is" condition, unless there shall be posted in plain view of the public during said auction or sale at least two signs stating that such goods or items are sold "as is" and no representations as to the character, quality, condition, are made, and in which case no such representations shall be made by the auctioneer or seller of such property or his or her agents.
Every licensee hereunder shall be required to comply with the provisions of §§ 25 and 26 of the General Business Law, as amended, relative to records to be kept. Failure to comply with such provisions shall constitute a violation of this article and may result in the revocation of the license hereunder, in addition to any other penalties that may be imposed for violation of this article.
A violation of any provision of this article shall be deemed a violation pursuant to the Penal Law, but in no event shall the fine imposed exceed $250 or 15 days in jail, or both such fine and imprisonment.
[Adopted 5-9-1988 by L.L. No. 2-1988 as Ch. 15 of the 1988 Code]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Garage Sales Law of the Village of East Williston, New York."
As used in this article, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The sale on residential premises of personal property, including but not limited to furniture, appliances, furnishings, clothing, bric-a-brac, antiques, toys, tools and similar items used about a household or person, other than by auction or the sale of the entire contents of a household.
No homeowner shall conduct a garage sale, tag sale, yard sale or other similar-type sale in any residential premises of the village without first obtaining a permit therefor from the licensing officer,[1] and only when the person is moving from his or her residence.
Note: The Mayor is the licensing officer unless he designates in writing another village officer, which designation is filed in the Village Clerk's office. The Mayor has so designated the Village Clerk as the licensing officer. Village Law § 4-400(1)(m).
Permit fee. A fee of $10 shall be paid at the time application is made to the Village Clerk.
Term. A permit issued under this article shall be valid for no more than three consecutive days in any calendar year.
Renewal. Permission for a renewal must be obtained from the licensing officer.
Any person moving from the village and desiring to procure a permit as herein provided shall file with the Village Clerk a written application upon a form furnished by the Village Clerk. Such application shall provide the following information:
The name and address of the applicant.
The address where the garage sale is to take place.
The dates on which the garage sale is to be conducted.
The last date on which a garage sale was conducted on the premises.
General description of contents and such other information as may be required by the licensing officer to determine the veracity or to clarify any of the prior statements required in this section, including a general description of contents.
Grant; refusal; appeal. Upon the filing of the application, as provided in § 11-16, the licensing officer shall issue to the applicant a permit as provided in § 11-14 hereof. A permit may be refused if the applicant shall have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony which in the judgment of the licensing officer renders the applicant unfit or undesirable to carry on or conduct a garage sale. The licensing officer may also refuse a permit to any person who in his or her judgment shall be an undesirable person or incapable of properly conducting such a garage sale. Any applicant who has been refused a permit by the licensing officer may apply to the Board of Trustees therefor, and the same may be granted or refused by the Board of Trustees after a public hearing at which the applicant shall be given the opportunity to be heard and to be represented by counsel.
Use. A permit shall not be assignable. Any holder of such permit who permits it to be used by any other person, and any person who uses such permit granted to any other person, shall each be guilty of a violation of this article.
Contents. A copy of all permits shall be filed in the Village Clerk's office and shall state clearly the kind of goods, wares or merchandise to be sold or service to be rendered, the dates of issuance and expiration of the permit, the fee paid and the name and address of the permittee.
Display. Every permit shall be displayed prominently at the place of sale during the conduct of such garage sale.
Hours. Hours for sale shall be 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Signs. A small sign advertising the garage sale will be permitted. The sign must be removed immediately following the sale. The sign shall not exceed three square feet in size and shall not be posted earlier than one week before the sale commences and must be removed immediately after the sale ceases. A fifty-dollar bond shall be posted with the Village Clerk's office and shall be returned by the Village Clerk only upon proof that this subsection has been complied with. Failure to comply with this subsection shall constitute forfeiture of the bond to the village.
Ownership of merchandise. Merchandise offered for sale may be only merchandise that the permittee or a member of his or her household has owned for a period of not less than six months.
A violation of any provisions of this article is hereby declared to be a violation of the Penal Law and shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 or imprisonment of not more than 15 days, or both.