Land partition is a simplified procedure for the limited subdivision of land when no new street is to be constructed and there are no more than four lots in the plat.
It is recommended that all applicants for a land partition confer with the Planning Board prior to submitting any application or taking any other related action.
The partitioning owner or his agent shall present at the office of the Village Clerk the land partition submission consisting of the application for the consideration of a land partition in duplicate, upon forms provided by the Planning Board, with the approval of the Nassau County Department of Health and, where necessary, the approval of the Nassau County Department of Public Works endorsed thereon, such other documentation as the Planning Board may require, and accompanied by a deposit of $300. The applicant will be charged the actual out-of-pocket expenses pertaining to the processing of the application and any hearing required so that expenses in excess of the deposit will be assessed against the applicant. Should the cost of out-of-pocket expenses be less than the deposit, the amount between the deposit and the out-of-pocket expenses shall be refunded to the applicant.
[Amended 2-12-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
The Village Clerk will distribute copies of the submission to the Village Attorney, the Village Engineer, the Village Building Inspector and such other village officials that may be concerned for recommendations to the Planning Board. Such recommendations shall be transmitted to the Board within 30 days of transmittal to the officials. If no recommendation is transmitted within such time period, the official shall be deemed to approve the proposed land partition.
The Planning Board shall take formal action on a land partition plat, without a public hearing, within 60 days of its submission at a regular Board meeting.
Prior to the approval of the Planning Board being endorsed on the land partition plat, together with the date thereof, over the signature of the Chairman of the Planning Board or an alternate designated by resolution of the Board, the land partitioning owner or his agent shall cause all required corrections to be made to the satisfaction of the Board and submit eight prints and the original and two duplicate tracings of the final plat for such endorsement.
Within 90 days following the endorsement of final approval by the Planning Board, the final land partition plat, together with one duplicate tracing, shall be filed with the County Clerk. One duplicate tracing of the plat together with eight prints shall be presented at the office of the Village Clerk.
If an approved land partition plat is not filed in the office of the County Clerk, Planning Board approval shall expire 90 days after its Chairman has signed the approval endorsement. Any further action will require a new fee as well as a review of all previous findings.
The land partition plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor.
In general, the design standards for a land subdivision plat set forth in this regulation shall also apply to a land partition.