Purpose and intent. The Agricultural District is intended to conserve rural portions of the Town that are characterized by farms and agricultural operations, including residential development that is ancillary to farming and compatible with low-density residential development. The preferred land use in this district is agriculture and agricultural infrastructure. Properties within this district rely on individual on-site systems for the essential provision of water supply and septic disposal. Therefore, in order to ensure adequate separation of these essential systems to eliminate their potential for contamination and to prevent any undue burden upon the natural environment and landowners, the required minimum residential lot size is the largest within the Town and is "farm-based" in nature, meaning that the size of residential structures may require a larger lot size. The large lot is intended to promote separation of farms and unrelated residential uses to protect both activities from the potential adverse effects each has upon the other while, at the same time, allowing for affordable housing within portions of the district that are not necessarily viable for farming. The overall level of development within this district is encouraged to be maintained at a low intensity so that the cumulative effects of development are able to be absorbed within the existing unimproved environmental conditions of the area.
Uses permitted by right with building permit as required shall be as follows:
Wildlife management areas.
Agriculture, forestry or farm as defined in § 139-2, Definitions, of this chapter, with the following restrictions:
No retail or commercial activity shall take place other than the storage, processing, and sale of farm products predominantly produced by the farmer.
The storage of manure shall not take place within 100 feet of the nearest lot line.
No farm stock, horses or other animals other than household pets shall be kept in a building, any part of which is closer to the nearest residential lot line than 100 feet. Manure, garbage, or refuse shall not be stored within 100 feet of a property line and must be a minimum of 100 feet from any approved potable water supply. No garbage, refuse, or practice not endorsed by Agriculture and Markets for feed shall be used for feed other than that which is actually produced on the farm property or properties.
Farms are exempt from the requirements of obtaining zoning or site plan approvals in agricultural zoning districts.
Single-family dwelling on a permanent foundation and its accessory uses and structures.
Uses permitted upon site plan review (See Article XXI) are as follows:
Two-family dwellings.
Utility substations, telecommunications facilities, or wind generators.
Public schools.
Farm stands with greater than 3,000 square feet of retail floor area.
Natural production uses (see § 139-2, Definitions).
Home occupations.
Regulation golf courses.
Gun clubs and private recreation facilities.
Home occupations.
Outdoor wood-fired boilers. [Note: Outdoor wood-fired boilers (OWBs) are only permitted in the Agricultural (A) Zoning District.]
Banquet facility.
[Added 4-11-2016 by L.L. No. 1-2016]
Uses permitted upon issuance of special permit are as follows (See § 139-96C):
Child day-care facilities, excluding such facilities described in Social Services Law [See § 390, Subdivision 12(b), of the Social Services Law].
Private schools (nursery through college).
Parks, playgrounds and other similar recreational facilities which are privately operated but not for profit.
Regulation golf courses.
Country stores of 3,000 square feet or less.
Private recreational campsites.
Tourist homes or hostels.
Farm supply and/or equipment sales or service.
Small businesses.
Commercial excavation.
Temporary dwellings.
Outdoor wood-fired boilers.
Supplemental regulations shall apply as follows:
Height, yard and corner lot exceptions.
Compliance with Highway and Conservation Overlay Districts.
Off-street parking and loading.
Screening and landscaping.
Accessory uses and structures.
The following dimensional requirements apply:
Farm, forestry or wildlife management areas.
Area, minimum (square feet): five acres. (Note: A farm may be less than five acres if it is situated adjacent to an existing agricultural parcel or is deemed to be economically viable agriculture by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.)
Residential structures and uses.
Lots shall meet the following form-based lot size requirements:
Area, minimum (square feet)
For structures up to 2,000 square feet
For structures between 2,000 square feet and 3,000 square feet
For structures 3,000 square feet or greater
Width, minimum (feet)
Lot coverage (maximum percentage)
1 All other regulations apply regardless of building size.
Principal structure and accessory structures shall meet the following requirements:
Front yard setback (feet)
*(Measured from the center line of the street unless the highway overlay applies; see § 139-25.)
Side yard setback
One side (feet)
Total both sides (feet)
Rear yard setback
Principal structure (feet)
Accessory structure (feet)
Maximum height (feet)
Nonresidential uses and structures.
Lots shall meet the following requirements:
Area, minimum: 80,000 square feet.
Width, minimum: 200 feet.
Coverage, maximum: 25%.
Principal structures and accessory structures shall meet the following requirements:
Front yard setback: 110 feet (measured from the center line of the street unless the highway overlay applies; see § 139-25).
Side yard setback:
One side: 15 feet.
Total of both sides: 50 feet.
Rear yard setback for principal structure: 35 feet.
Rear yard setback for accessory structures: 15 feet.
Maximum height: 50 feet.