Location of an individual mobile home may be permitted in the A Agricultural District upon authorization of a permit by the Board of Appeals when the Board determines that one of the following criteria has been met:
Temporary mobile home: family member.
The location of the mobile home is temporary and shall exist only for the purpose of serving as a dwelling unit for a person or persons of the immediate family occupying a permanent residence on the same parcel. For the purpose of this article, "immediate family" is limited to mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law or grandparent(s). The Board of Appeals, in considering an application for such a temporary mobile home permit, shall determine that:
The applicant is a member of the immediate family of the person or persons occupying a permanent residence on the same parcel.
No other viable housing alternatives exist for the person or persons who would occupy the mobile home (criteria to be considered include income, illness or disability, etc.).
The area requirements, including front, side and rear yard setbacks, shall be adequate.
Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities are provided in accordance with the Oneida County Sanitary Code and any amendments thereof.
A temporary mobile home shall be located within 100 feet of the principal dwelling on a six-inch reinforced concrete pad and septic system approved by a licensed professional engineer or architect.
If the Zoning Board of Appeals determines that the above criteria have been met, it may issue a two-year temporary permit. Said temporary permit may be renewed for additional two-year periods upon a determination by the Enforcement Officer that the applicant is complying with all conditions under which the permit was originally issued.
No permanent addition, other than an enclosed entryway or storage building, shall be permitted for a temporary mobile home for a family member.
Within 30 days of such time as the mobile home is no longer used for the immediate family member for whom the original temporary permit was granted, the owner of the parcel on which the mobile home is located shall notify the Enforcement Officer that such condition exists.
Within a reasonable time period, not to exceed 60 days (unless an additional sixty-day extension is granted by the CEO/ZEO) from when the temporary mobile home is no longer used for the purpose for which the permit was granted, the owner of the parcel on which the mobile home is located shall remove or cause to be removed the temporary mobile home from the parcel.
Temporary mobile home: farm-related.
The location of the mobile home is temporary and in conjunction with an operating farm and shall exist only for the purpose of serving as a dwelling unit for a person or persons principally employed in the operation of the farm. The Board of Appeals, in considering an application for such farm-related mobile home, shall determine that:
The occupant of the mobile home is principally employed in the operation of the farm.
There shall be no transfer of land on which to place such mobile home. The ownership of the land on which the mobile home is to be placed shall be maintained by the owner of the farm unit.
The area requirements, including front, side and rear yard setbacks, shall be no less than that required for the principal structure.
Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities are provided in accordance with the Oneida County Sanitary Code and any amendments thereof.
A temporary mobile home shall be located within 100 feet of the principal dwelling on a six-inch reinforced concrete pad and septic system approved by a licensed professional engineer or architect.
If the Zoning Board of Appeals determines that the above criteria have been met, it may issue a one-year temporary permit.
No permanent addition, other than an enclosed entryway or storage building, shall be permitted for a farm-related mobile home.
Within 30 days of such time as the mobile home is no longer used as a dwelling unit for a person or persons principally employed in the operation of the farm on which the mobile home is located, the owner of the farm shall notify the Enforcement Officer that such condition exists.
Within a reasonable time period, not to exceed 60 days (unless an additional sixty-day extension is granted by the CEO/ZEO) from when the farm-related mobile home is no longer used for the purpose for which the permit was granted, the owner of the farm on which the mobile home is located shall remove or cause to be removed the mobile home from the parcel.
Temporary mobile home: new construction/reconstruction.
The location of the mobile home is temporary and shall exist only for the purpose of serving as a dwelling unit during the construction or reconstruction of a permanent dwelling unit. The Board of Appeals, in considering an application for such a temporary mobile home permit, shall determine that:
An application for a building/use permit for a permanent residence has been applied for and granted to the applicant who is requesting the temporary mobile home permit, and the foundation of the permanent home has been approved.
The area requirements, including front, side and rear yard setbacks, shall be adequate.
Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities are provided in accordance with the Town of Vernon Sanitary Code and any amendments thereof.
If the Zoning Board of Appeals determines that the above criteria have been met, it may issue a one-year temporary permit. Said temporary permit may be renewed for not more than four additional one-year periods upon due cause shown by the applicant.
No permanent addition, other than an enclosed entry or storage building, shall be permitted for a temporary mobile home.
Within 30 days of such time as a certificate of occupancy is issued for the permanent dwelling or the expiration of the temporary mobile home permit or any extension thereof, whichever shall occur first, the owner of the parcel on which the mobile home is located shall remove or cause to be removed the temporary mobile home from the parcel.
A mobile home park shall be located and maintained only in those districts as permitted in this chapter and in accord with the standards herein set forth.
Any proposal for a mobile home park shall be required to comply with Article XXI and § 139-105.
Any proposal for a mobile home park shall be required to comply with Part 7 of the New York State Sanitary Code, together with any revisions thereof.
All mobile home parks shall obtain an annual operating permit from the Enforcement Officer. All operating permits shall be effective until December 31 of the calendar year of their issuance. An application for a renewable operating permit shall be made to the Enforcement Officer 60 days prior to the expiration date of the previous permit. The Enforcement Officer shall issue or deny such permit in accord with the requirements set forth in this chapter and the established fee schedule.
All existing mobile home parks of record shall comply with these regulations, including the obtaining of an annual operating permit, except that as long as no addition, expansion or alteration of the use or operation is proposed, they shall not be subject to Subsection B of this section. If, however, any addition, expansion or alteration of the existing mobile home park of record is proposed, said addition, expansion or alteration shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter, including Subsection B of this section and the area requirements of Part 2 of this chapter. All existing mobile home parks shall be limited to the number and size of mobile homes presently accommodated at the time of adoption of this chapter, except as they shall meet the minimum requirements set forth herein. In addition, existing parks shall comply in every regard with all applicable building codes and minimum standards for health, sanitation and cleanliness.
In addition to any requirements found elsewhere in this chapter, all mobile homes, including double-wide mobile homes, in the Town of Vernon, whether existing, temporary or in a mobile home park, shall be subject to the following conditions:
The mobile home shall be provided with an approved skirting.
The mobile home stand shall provide a six-inch reinforced concrete slab and septic system approved by a licensed professional engineer or architect and approved mobile home tie-downs of the mobile home. The stand shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration, wind or other forces acting on the structure.
All mobile homes shall conform to the requirements of Part 1220 et seq. of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. The New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code requirement shall apply to existing mobile homes only to the extent that said code mandates retroactive application.
The Town of Vernon has the right to inspect all mobile home units that are used for rental purposes or occupied by renting tenants.