Unless otherwise expressly provided, for the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings herein indicated:
Any incident or occurrence in which one or more vehicles come into contact with each other or other objects thereby causing personal injury or property damage.
Any person driving a tow car within the enforcement jurisdiction of the Village of Williston Park for hire.
Any incident where a fee, charge or other consideration is directly or indirectly imposed for towing, carrying or removing any vehicle and shall be inclusive of repairs made on a towed vehicle for a consideration although no charge is expressly imposed for the towing of such a vehicle.
The control and direction of the use of a vehicle for towing from places within the enforcement jurisdiction of the Village of Williston Park for hire.
A person owning, leasing or controlling one or more tow cars and driving, operating or causing any such vehicle to be operated for hire.
An individual, partnership, unincorporated association, corporation or other entity.
That license issued to the owners of towing cars authorizing the holder thereof to engage in all tow car operations, except that the holder thereof may not respond to the scene of an accident or remove a disabled vehicle from the scene of an accident except upon the owner's request, nor may the holder solicit any person involved in an accident, at the scene of such accident, for the towing of such vehicle, whether directly or indirectly, on his or her behalf or on behalf of any other person, firm or corporation, nor may the holder, at the scene of an accident where towing is required, make an estimate of the cost of repairs or offer to make such an estimate or offer to make such repairs although no charge is imposed for towing. No such solicitation shall be made at the scene of the accident or from private property in the vicinity of the scene of the accident.
Any area of a street or private property where a vehicular accident has occurred or to which a vehicle is removed to prevent obstruction of traffic and will remain so until the vehicle or vehicles are removed either under their own power or by a properly licensed tow car.
To entreat, to approach with a request or plea, to strongly urge, to accost or to try to obtain by asking.
Any place of business maintaining twenty-four-hour service where the licensee maintains a licensed tow car to respond to calls regarding motor vehicles. Said terminal must be equipped to properly store and safeguard the towed vehicle.
The moving or removing of a disabled or abandoned motor vehicle by another vehicle for hire.
A vehicle which either is towing or is equipped with a crane, winch or similar device designed to raise, remove, push, pull or carry a motor vehicle or the front or rear end thereof. For the purpose of this chapter, the following shall not be considered towing cars:
Vehicles of a governmental agency.
Vehicles used exclusively for towing motor vehicles which are owned, leased or operated by the owner or lessee of the towing vehicle or by a person, firm or corporation who or which is affiliated with the owner or lessee of the towing vehicle and which vehicles have legibly inscribed on each side in letters not less than three inches high the legend "not for public hire."
That license which is issued to the owners of towing cars authorizing the holder thereof to engage in all tow car operations, including responding to the scene of an accident as hereinafter provided. The Village Clerk shall have authority to limit the number of unrestricted towing car licenses to be issued hereunder to any one licensee in accordance with such reasonable standards as the Clerk may establish.
The incorporated area of the Village of Williston Park, either on private property or on the highways in the Village of Williston Park.