[Adopted as Art. 5 of the General Bylaws]
The Town Clerk shall keep in a record book a complete record of all action taken at all Town Meetings and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Selectmen for inclusion in the Annual Town Report.
The Town Clerk shall promptly after each session of a Town Meeting furnish the Assessors, Finance Commission, Town Accountant and Town Treasurer with a statement of all monies appropriated by the Town at each session and the purpose for which said monies are respectively appropriated.
The Town Clerk, as soon as possible after a vote of the Town has been passed which relates particularly to or affects the duties of any board, commission, committee or other officer of the Town, shall furnish a copy of such vote to such board or officer.
The Town Clerk shall provide for use at each Town Meeting a sufficient number of ballots which shall be divided into two sections by a perforation and shall have the word "Yes" printed on one section and the word "No" on the other, each in letters no less than 1/4 inch high.
The Town Clerk shall promptly cause to be notified in writing each person appointed by the Moderator.
In accordance with general law, no resignation of a Town or district officer shall be deemed effective unless and until such resignation is filed with the Town Clerk or such later time certain as may be specified in such resignation. Upon receipt of a resignation the Clerk shall notify the remaining members, if the resignation is received from a board of two or more members, and shall notify the executive officers of the Town, and such notice shall include the effective date of the resignation.
In the event of resignation of an officer appointed by the Moderator, the Town Clerk shall notify promptly in writing the Moderator of such fact.
The Town Clerk shall keep a record, which shall be printed together with the General Bylaws of the Town, of all acts of the General Court accepted by the Town. The list or table shall be in such form as the Town Clerk may determine, except that the list shall be numbered for purposes of reference and shall be in chronological order.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. A500, General Laws and Special Acts.