An application for a zoning permit for a new or enlarged building, structure, or use, shall include therewith a plot plan drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, showing off-street parking and loading facilities to be provided in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
At the time of the erection of any main building or structure, or when any such building or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity, or when any private or public facility use permitted under this chapter is established, permanent off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided as specified herein.
Required parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use for which it is provided. An adjacent lot that is guaranteed for the use of off-street parking during the life of the use for which the parking is provided may be permitted provided that guarantees in legal form are acceptable to the Township Supervisors on the advice of the Township Solicitor.
Where more than one use occupies a given lot, building or structure, off-street parking equal to the sum of that required for each use shall be required.
No parking area, space or lot shall be located within a public right-of-way.
Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in the various zoning districts as specified herewith:
For each dwelling unit there shall be provided a minimum of two parking spaces. This requirement shall apply to all housing categories including single, duplex, multi and conversion units.
Home occupations shall provide three off-street parking spaces. In no instance shall on-street parking be authorized in conjunction with a home occupation. Parking requirements for home occupations shall be in addition to the requirement specified above for dwelling units.
Education and religious uses shall provide off-street parking as follows:
Educational. Primary, elementary or middle school: 1.5 spaces for each classroom; High school, institution of higher learning or private school: one space for each five students, based on design capacity of the facility.
Stadium or similar places of assembly: one space for each four seats.
Churches: one off-street parking space for each four seats in the sanctuary or other main assembly area of the church, whichever is greater in size.
Funeral homes shall provide parking at the rate of one parking space for each 80 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for each employee at maximum work levels and one space for each vehicle utilized at the site for business purposes.
Group residential facilities shall provide parking at the rate of one parking space for each two clients in addition to the requirements specified in Subsection A(1), above.
Hospitals, institutional facilities and related uses shall provide parking at the rate of one parking space for every three beds plus one space for every two employees.
Manufacturing and industrial functions, shops for custom and repair work, building material sales, contractors plant and supply yards, warehousing and storage, transportation terminals and related heavy commercial activities shall provide parking on the basis of one parking space for each employee. In computing the number of employees, those on maximum shift shall be counted. A miniwarehouse shall provide three spaces plus one space for each multiple of 10 storage cubicles.
Bed-and-breakfast and tourist homes shall provide parking at the rate of one parking space for each separate sleeping unit in addition to the requirements specified in Subsection A(1) above.
Offices, banks and similar businesses shall provide parking at the rate of one space for every 250 square feet of net floor area.
Medical, dental and related personal care offices and clinics shall provide parking at the rate of one space for each two employees plus four spaces for each doctor or practitioner.
Public, private, noncommercial and commercial recreation and all municipal facilities shall provide off-street parking on the basis of one parking space fore each three occupants or clients as determined by the maximum lawful capacity of any such facility, or if not applicable, by the estimated maximum capacity of the facility.
Automotive service stations and facilities shall provide parking at the rate of one space for each 200 square feet of floor or site area devoted to repair or service facilities in addition to area required for normal vehicle storage.
Retail and service business, sales and similar commercial land uses shall provide parking at the rate of one space for each 100 square feet of net floor area plus one space for each employee.
Restaurants shall provide parking at the rate of one space for every three seats.
Drive-in facilities, refreshment stands and similar uses shall provide parking at the rate of one space for each 100 square feet of floor area.
Adult businesses shall provide off-street parking at the rate of one space for every two patrons, based on maximum occupancy, plus one space for every employee, based on maximum shift.
For any use not specified above, the Township Supervisors, after recommendation by the Planning Commission, shall determine the parking requirement for the proposed use, and the amount of parking thus determined shall be the off-street parking requirement.
In any district, in connection with a building, or building group or part thereof, that is to be occupied by commercial, public, industrial or other uses that rely on delivery or distribution of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the same lot with such buildings, off-street loading berths in accordance with the following standards:
Floor Area
(total square feet)
Minimum Required Off-Street Loading Berths
Retail and service Commercial
Under 3,500
Over 3,500
Wholesale Commercial
Under 10,000
Over 10,000
Warehousing or storage
Under 10,000
For each additional 20,000
or fraction thereof
1 additional
General standards.
When determination of the required number of off-street spaces for parking or loading results in a fractional space, any fraction of 1/2 or more shall be interpreted as a whole space.
In no case shall the public right-of-way be used for loading or unloading of material or for meeting a required parking facility.
Loading and unloading facilities and parking lots shall be designed so that vehicles are not required to back onto the street right-of-way.
Nonresidential parking areas, parking accessways, driveways and loading areas shall be sited at a minimum distance of 10 feet from all property lines. Where commercial or industrial land uses abut residential districts, no such vehicular areas shall be closer than 25 feet to an adjacent residential parcel.
All lighting used to illuminate off-street loading and parking areas shall be designed so that light is reflected away from adjoining premises and public rights-of-way.
Off-street parking standards.
A required off-street parking space for an individual auto shall be a minimum dimension of nine feet wide by 20 feet long. Maneuvering and cross aisles shall be 20 feet wide for 90 degree parking. Aisle width for angle parking may be decreased in proportion to the parking angle, but no aisle may be less than 12 feet in width.
Driveways may be included as meeting the requirement for parking spaces for single-family and two-family dwellings.
Whenever possible, parking areas and lots shall be level, except for necessary drainage purposes. If parking spaces are provided in areas which exceed 5% slope, all such spaces shall be parallel to the contour lines of the area.
All off-street parking areas shall be graded for proper drainage; and, except for single-family use, if for five vehicles or more, shall be surfaced so as to provide a durable and dustless surface. Areas intended for less than five vehicles shall be covered with gravel, cinders, or other appropriate material in commercial and industrial districts.
Parking spaces for other than single-family use shall be clearly delineated by painted lines or markers for lots accommodating five or more spaces.
Stalls shall be provided with bumper guards or wheel stops when necessary for safety or protection to adjacent structures or landscaped areas.
Surface drainage shall be connected to the existing or proposed storm drainage system.
Off-street loading standards.
Off-street loading and unloading space(s) with driveway access from a street or highway, in conformance with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Standards for Driveways, shall be provided on each lot as required in § 185-48.
Each loading and unloading space:
Shall be at least 14 feet wide, 60 feet long and shall have at least a 15 foot vertical clearance;
Shall have off-street maneuvering area sufficient for the intended use.